Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine You think that I don't know what this is really all about - Printable Version

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You think that I don't know what this is really all about - Ptarmigan - September 21, 2014

The quarry of choice for the day was Ochotona princeps, the American pika. Ptarmigan had been fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the rare mountain rodent below the tree line, and now she stalked it relentlessly as it foraged. Its small, round ears worked furiously as it hop-ran along the valley floor, weaving expertly between pines and giving the wolf a run for her money.

But the Endore was undeterred in her chase, and only when the pika's typical zigzagging stopped did she launch an assault. She blew her cover quietly, as most wolves did, by moving from her crouch into a headlong run. The pika noticed her and made to flee, but it was just marginally too slow, and she managed to catch it with a slap of a narrow paw. It stumbled, and that was enough time for the bitch to slam her chest down on top of it and pin it.

It was small, and so she killed it by grasping it firmly by the neck and shaking vigorously. The snapping of several bones along the length of its neck and spine proved it had a quick and sudden death, though its pre-mortem squeaks could have been heard for miles. Ignoring the potential attention her kill could attract, the Alpha dropped the pika to the ground and placed a paw possessively on its small side, breathing heavily as she decided what to do with it.

In Your Pocket — Maroon 5