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Phoenix Maplewood Cin vhetin - Printable Version

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Cin vhetin - Simran - July 25, 2021

Cin vhetin- literally “white field”; a fresh start or clean slate

The trees were cool in the heat of the day, a thankful cover to Simran’s coat as they walked, underbrush crushed beneath their heavy paws. Twigs cracked, brush pulled and pulled before snapping back into place, and their eyes trailed upwards, to the breaks in the canopy, where they could spy the faint shape of Burc’ya, speckled underwing hiding him from their sight.

The former bounty hunter chuffed, low in their throat, rocking their weight between their toes to steady themselves, before lowering their head down again to begin plodding forward, rolling their shoulders like a plow-horse, without all the chewing at the bit. A breeze wafted hot air into their face, and Simran raised their head slightly to avoid it, snorting and shaking their great head, before plowing on through the bush.

Even if their mind was a million miles away, gears turning on the comings and goings of white hot rage and burning, choking grief, the body plodded on.

RE: Cin vhetin - RIP Eldritch - July 25, 2021

hello! :D

The demon wandered outward from the Glacier after a time. She should explore more, now that she was better healed from her worn feet. 
Status, she had not. Aside from belonging to a pack, that is. 
Still, she went, looking, watching, noting...

A man. Maybe a little smaller in height than she, but powerful. Much like a moose, she thought. A beast she had only seen once or twice in her years prior to the Teekons. 
Chuffing something unintentionally sharp, the otherling began to approach, though she stopped a respectful distance from him. 

"Hunter, or fighter?" She asked with curiousity. Her expression readable now - she wanted to learn. 
To train. 
To fight, to lend her strengths in a more physical manner. 
She wasn't sure she would miss her divine practices very much, though she missed Aerenys enough to drown the rest out.

RE: Cin vhetin - Simran - July 26, 2021


Simran drew to a halt, grinding their paws into the leaf litter. Above them, Burc’ya had found a high branch to land on and observe the interaction as they turned their head slowly, curiosity on their face for a brief moment, before falling away like water over duck feathers.

Fighter. Short and straight to the point they needed to make, before tipping their head to the other canid.

You? Was this one the hunter or the fighter? And what did they want with a bounty hunter, no matter how far Simran was from that title.

RE: Cin vhetin - RIP Eldritch - July 26, 2021

Fighter, he says.

Father never trained her or her littermate in the art of battle. It was time to learn, if this one would teach her. 

You?  He asks.

Me?  Eldritch wonders.
"Former witch. I want to learn to fight." She answered back in kind.
"Could I spar with you, sir? If you have time to spare?" Polite, still. Not yet as demanding as she may become in the future.

RE: Cin vhetin - Simran - July 26, 2021

An amused snort is their answer, first. The idea of a spar is certainly appealing, especially to the part of them that still screamed and howled to be recognized as Mandalorian once more.

But with no clan, they were no more a Beroya than the rock nearest to their foot. It probably had a higher kill count. Simran tilted their head back to the bird high above, closing their eyes briefly, before their eyes fell to the woman again.

Not a sir. Can forgive you on the misunderstanding, though. They slowly rocked their weight back, gaze focused, as any good freelancer selling their skills would be.

If we are to spar, there are some things I would like to know first. Like your current fighting ability, your name, maybe even where you’re coming from, and if anybody else would wish for the teaching. They said, tipping their head to the side briefly.

RE: Cin vhetin - RIP Eldritch - July 29, 2021

"Ah, my apologies. My name is Eldritch. I'd consider myself a beginner in combat. I come from the pack that claims that glacier, over there." She gestured with her snout in the direction of Duskfire, white eyes ever watchful.

And you?

RE: Cin vhetin - Simran - July 29, 2021

Simran hummed in response, the sound deepening as they thought, before they pressed their tongue to the back of their teeth, licking back towards their throat.

Beroya. I am accompanied by my senaar, Burc’ya. They laid out after a bit of thought, a twinge curling through their ribs like a white hot snake of grief at their old title. But, thus was what they were. Beroya. Bounty hunter.

RE: Cin vhetin - RIP Eldritch - July 30, 2021

Eldritch dipped her head in polite greeting, looking around for their...Burc'ya? She couldn't see this creature, and due to not knowing Beroya's language, she wasn't knowledgeable on that he was talking about a bird. 

"When can we start?" She asked after a time of potentially awkward silence.

RE: Cin vhetin - Simran - August 04, 2021

That got a curl of a chuckle from their throat, a small smile curving their lip, before they stood, the expression lapsing from their face as they eyed the dark woman.

Now, if you would like. I will defend, you try to slip through. They lowered their body, head curving to protect the soft bits of their neck.

Til first blood.

RE: Cin vhetin - RIP Eldritch - August 08, 2021

El nodded once, watching how Beroya covered his neck and took stance. 
Almost easily, readily, Eldritch took a similar pose, doing a quick once-over before she darted forward on swift paws, aiming her teeth for the Mandalorian's cheek, or perhaps, boldly, their face.