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Redsand Canyon I don't know where - Printable Version

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I don't know where - Arlette - August 09, 2021

Arlette had not agreed with the move. She had wanted to stay safely in the strath with the children and others who wouldn't fight. However, there was no discussion about it. It was something for her to be so outspoken about it, she was proud of herself for at least saying so. However, her opinion wasn't going to move mountains. Especially not if she stayed so polite about it.

She and her children had made the trip with others of the pack. It was probably quite a big deal for them, especially since this territory was so different. Thyme seemed to be excited when they were moving, but ever since Alduin went missing... he seemed to be off. They were close friends after all. She just hoped he wouldn't do anything foolish.

However, now something else was on her mind. She had little seen of her mate, which was rather unlike him. She went to find Kyna, and didn't take too long to find him. "Kyna," she greeted. "Have you seen Derg? I haven't seen him and it is so unlike him. I'm worried. Did you send him on a mission?," she asked, because that would soothe her nerves a little.

RE: I don't know where - Kynareth Deagon - August 09, 2021

It had only been recently that Alduin had gone missing, but Kyn is tearing his fur out stressing about it — as any good father would. @Simmik is as well of course and Kyn has doubled his efforts the second she voiced her worry as well. He actually almost cried about it the other night. 

Today is a new day though and he plans to look for him just as he’s done the last few days. Right now though he has another pressing matter. Arlette has found him and he tentatively watches her beautiful form approach him. He probably looks a big haggard, but he offers her one of his usual sly looking smiles. 

“Arlette, darling, nice to see you.” He greets after she says her own nickname for him in greetings. 

Quickly she gets down to business though. Speaking of Derg and his sudden disappearance. Something that also concerns him. His general — her husband — lost. Just before the war too. So at her question his expression becomes soft, but pensive. 

“No, I haven’t. Ive noticed his absence as well.” He sidles easily over to her. “Are you doing okay?” He asks in that deep voice of his, but the usually flirty slyness isn’t there, only soft concern.

RE: I don't know where - Arlette - August 09, 2021

Arlette offered him a quick smile. She was still a little mad at the male for hauling them across Teen, away from their safety and warm homes to this barren cavern. The female look at him a little coolly, though knowing his pup was missing made her a little more compassionate. She gave a nod in greeting back to him. A frown fell onto her face when the other said he had noticed him missing too. She looked worried now. "I was hoping you send him on a mission," she commented quietly.

"Well, I was doing alright. But I was hoping you told him to do something," she admitted. "I am a little more worried now," she sighed and looked to her paws. She had been uneasy since knowing about this war. Not wanting to lose another mate due to violence. She also didn't want to have Dreg just go missing, like her own father. God. She hadn't thought about him in a long time.

"Any news on Alduin? Thyme is inconsolable since I told him," she spoke and bit her lip. She hoped that they might found a trail of him somewhere to track.

RE: I don't know where - Kynareth Deagon - August 09, 2021

Her face falls and he almost feels bad for unintentionally delivering her bad news. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I will look for him while I look for my son.” He promises to her. “Don’t worry, he always comes back.” He tries to comfort her, but he’s not sure how far his words will go. 

As for Alduin he sighs hanging his head a bit more than he was previously. “I-“ A soft pause ensues. “I’ve found nothing yet.” His eyes blink and anyone with eyes could tell he’s tired. What with a war looming, his son going missing, searching for information on Ursus, and just the general duties of being a leader, yes, he’s very tired. 

He does feel bad for Thyme. The two have been practically inseparable since they met some time ago. He likes to know Alduin has a friend beside his brothers. 

So he looks to Arlette with sincere determination. “Tell Thyme not to worry. We will find him.” It’s a promise, but even Kyn is afraid to make such a promise. What if he comes up empty handed? His own son missing. Simmik and he would be absolutely fucking devastated. He will find him.

RE: I don't know where - Arlette - August 10, 2021

Arlette nodded quietly. "I appreciate you being honest with me," she commented. She rather had that, then that the male would lie about his whereabouts. And perhaps she was too naive to believe Kynareth, but the look on her face made her believe he was sincere. There was no teasing and honest concern.

"I will help you find him, or go look for him," she spoke with a nod. "Perhaps it is good for Thyme as well to help look. We can go together." Arlette rather wanted to be with her son when he went out of the territory than him being alone and would also get lost. "We will," she spoke in agreement. She could say something nasty about if they hand't moved he probably wouldn't gotten lost. But she didn't.

"I assume you aren't going great either with him missing," she reasoned, knowing that the other male was probably sick with worry. He looked tough and mean, he could be, but now he was a father she really saw a different side to Kynareth she liked.

RE: I don't know where - Kynareth Deagon - August 12, 2021

I appreciate you being honest with me. Kyn nods easily. There’s no reason not to be he concludes.

Next, Arlette graciously offers to look for his son as well and for some reason Kynareth’s hesitant to let her. What if there’s some sick bastard out there nabbing younglings and women alike? Arlette has three children of her own (not including his ‘cause she watches them so often). So as she says that a look of hesitant worry would show in coingold orbs. She even mentions to bring little Thyme with her — which only worries him more. 

Kyn goes to say something but nothing comes out as Arlette continues to assume that the brindled brute isn’t doing as well as everyone thinks either. He nods to that, looking down briefly and sighing. He meets her eyes before speaking again.

“Arlette, maybe you two shouldn’t look for him.” He offers tentatively. “What if there’s some asshole snatching up pups and women? I don’t want to have to look for you two as well.” He voices his, most likely unpopular, opinion almost timidly. Not at all like an order, just a soft suggestion.

RE: I don't know where - Arlette - August 13, 2021

Arlette's lips curled into a soft smile when Kynareth showed his concern for her. If you would have told her when she joined the Saints that Kynareth would be concerned for her she wouldn't have believed it. It was sweet for him to care. Arlette had noticed that shift more clearly when he had become a father. It was cute.

"Now, Kyna...," she started. "I'm pretty sure every wolf will run away when they smell the Saints on me," she reminded him. Though she wasn't stupid, she knew a few wolves that wouldn't run and would try and grab her. "I'm not defenseless anymore, Derg trained me. Plus no one touches my children when I don't want to," she reminded him.

"But thank you for your concern," she offered. It helped soothe the little anger she had left for him. "Thyme can't travel far anyhow, so I will probably just go down the mountain and back. Just so we feel like we can help in away."

RE: I don't know where - Kynareth Deagon - August 14, 2021

Arlette would smile softly at him as he mentions the idea of losing her as well and she would proceed in attempting to clear his mind of such worries. Beginning with her own nickname she has for him, as many do. He would utter a huff of a laugh at her first comment listening as she explains that she is no longer defenseless. He knows the wrath of a mother is otherworldly so he wants to trust her there.

She concludes by saying she won’t go far, especially with little Thyme. Kyn would smile back with a sigh. It’s quite easy for her to convince him of one thing when he’s feeling another. He may or may not have a soft spot for Arlette. 

So, Kyn nods. “I understand. Thank you for helping us look. I hope it puts Thyme a bit more at ease knowing he tried.” A more lively smile would grace his features then, that little spark of mischief showing in coingold orbs. “Be careful, sweetheart. And remember, if anyone gives you trouble, fuck them up.” 

RE: I don't know where - Arlette - August 15, 2021

Arlette grinned at the male when he approved of her going. It seemed she had been able to convince him. "I hope so. And otherwise we will be back quickly," she assured him, not wanting to worry. "Oh I will, or I will send you after them," she commented. She knew the violent nature of the male now. And surprisingly she had never been fearful of him after knowing that. She just felt... safe. She was on his good side. "I hope we come back with Alduin," she stated then. "I will do my best to find him. He is as dear to me as my own," she old the leader. She had watched him a lot, even nursed him.

RE: I don't know where - Kynareth Deagon - August 23, 2021

He can see her grin — the grin of a woman easily being able to convince a man to go along with her plans. Evil and conniving women are, but with Arlette, he’d let her have her fun. So he matches her with his own and chuckles as she mentions sicking him on any potential trouble makers. He approves of that and would be happy to fight for her and little Thyme if necessary. 

Only her next, much more serious, words have Kyn growing slightly somber once more. His smile loosening and his eyes dulling some. He swears he won’t cry hearing her say that. Kyn would take a step closer to her then, leaving only a few inches between the two. 

“Thank you, Arlette. You’ve been helpful with my pups and you’re an amazing mother and woman alike. I will do anything to repay you.” He says, a serious but comforting tone to his voice — one he doesn’t usually use. Hoping to convey his thanks for all that she’s done for him these last few months.

RE: I don't know where - Arlette - August 25, 2021

Arlette eyes at the bigger male as he stepped closer to her. She didn’t shy away from him though, like she had done before. She knew better now. That was for certain. The female smiled at his sweet words. “Kynareth,” she started. ”No need to repay me. Truly,” she told him. It had started with the fact that she wanted to be helpful for the leader. However, she had grown to love his children as her own.

”We will find him. I promise,” she assured him with a serious nod. ”And hopefully Derg too,” she added quietly.

RE: I don't know where - Kynareth Deagon - August 27, 2021

She smiles at him and he can’t help but melt. What a sweet woman Arlette is. Kyn finds himself amazed that she’s still here with them, but he’s ungodly thankful for it. Silently he hopes she’d never leave, no matter the evil deeds he carries through with in the future. 

As she says his name he watches her, informing him softly that he needn’t repay her at all. Oh, but he must somehow. Perhaps he’d bring her a gift one of these days. A rabbit? A flower maybe? A set of antlers? Some herbs? He knows she’s a medic and he’s sure she’d appreciate anything he’d offer. But he’s letting his mind wander, despite his eyes being completely fixed on her own. 

Promising to find Alduin — he wants to believe her, but his mind is dark as the midnight with no moon. Hoping nothing bad has befallen his first born, he nods to her. He can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness ripple through him at her comment of Derg as well so he nods at that too.

“Thank you, love.” He hums back sincerely. Only for his eyes to become a bit more determined. “When I look for Alduin, I will also search for your wayward husband as well. You have my word.” 

RE: I don't know where - Arlette - September 02, 2021

Arlette just hoped Derg would return soon. The female was just worried, because her mate did have a way of getting himself injured. The war hadn't even started and she already got to worry about him. She sighed. "Thanks Kyna," she smiled softly. "Maybe you can locate him," she spoke. "When he returns I will chain him too me," she chuckled. "Maybe you should do that with your son," she laughed.