Wolf RPG
Otter Creek Fishing - Printable Version

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Fishing - Kesuk - September 23, 2014

[size=small]Kesuk trotted along the creek, her wide eyes darting around, looking for something interesting to do.

Finally getting bored she plopped down on the damp moss along the bank of the stream. She lifted a paw to look at an irritated spot on the bottom. Finding a thorn there she licked it gently and tried to grasp it in her teeth. Successful, she began to gently tug at the thorn before it came loose, releasing a small trickle of blood onto her pad.

After lapping the blood off she stood up and walked over to the fast flowing creek. Kesuk gingerly set her sore paw on the sand submerged in a couple inches of water.

The cool water felt amazing on the wound and Kesuk closed her eyes in appreciation. Her eyes snapped back open when she heard a splash. She looked around but to her surprise, there was no one else there. She looked behind her in confusion when another splash sounded, this time very close in front of her.

Quickly turning her head, she caught a glimpse of something sparkling in the water a few feet from her. She stretched her neck out to get a better look. To her utter confusion she saw something swimming in the water.

Kesuk had never seen a fish before and couldn't place what it was. It looked odd shaped, sort of like a rock with a tail and fins. It moved gracefully through the water, the sun lighting it with splashes of green and blue.

Hypnotized, Kesuk stared at the swimming rock for a good 2 minutes before an idea flashed in her head. Could she eat it?

Letting her curiosity get the better of her, she lowered herself into a crouch, focusing on the rock thing. She sprung out of the water but her back paw slipped on a loose rock and she ended up landing head first in a pool of water about a foot deep.

Sitting up, she rubbed her nose with her paw. She growled at the swimming rock while trying to shake the water out of her ears.

"I will get you, rock." Kesuk threatened.[/size]

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 29, 2014

[size=x-small]Moar fishing![/size]

Eager to impress his new leaders and climb the ranks in his new pack, Koda had come to the creek that day to see if he could find some good fishing spots. So far, the search hadn't been very productive. Most of the fish that lived in the winding stream were too small to bother catching. Even a pup could eat them in one bite. Koda made a mental note to never come down to the creek looking for a good meal.

He smelled the other wolf before he saw her, and decided to go see if she was having better luck. He didn't have to go far before he spotted her, a member of his pack he hadn't yet encountered. And she had managed to find a decently sized fish.

He hung back and quietly observed the events unfolding before him. The she-wolf made a grab for the fish, but she lost her footing and fell into the water with a loud splash. Koda had to bite his tongue to keep himself from erupting with laughter. Were all the girls in this pack so klutzy?

Koda waded out into the cool water to the fallen wolf's side. "Hey, let me help you up," he said, offering his shoulder to the girl for support.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 29, 2014

The sudden presence of the other wolf startled her and she jumped a little. A blush tinged her cheeks when she realized the male had seen everything that had just happened.

From his smell she could tell he was a new member to the pack, just like her. He only had a slight bit of pack smell on him though.

Kesuk took his offer of help and stood up. She was a good 2 inches shorter and a sopping wet mess. He seemed like a very nice wolf but this made her wary. She studied him with her icy eyes before replying.

"Thanks" she said slowly, as if he was going to do something that would change her opinion of him any second.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 29, 2014

"My pleasure," he replied, offering the girl a friendly smile. "My name's Koda, pleased to meet you."

"This your first time?" He asked her, already knowing the answer to his question. "I can give you some pointers, if you'd like. I'm very experienced." He winked playfully at the girl.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 29, 2014

Kesuk smirked at his comment, her witty side starting to show.

"I would love that. And you are going to have to prove just how experienced you are" she purred playfully, emphasizing experienced. She wondered what @Vector would think of their little interaction.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 29, 2014

"I don't mean to brag, but a lot of girls tell me I'm the best ever," he said. He had to laugh at himself. Carrying on and joking like this was really out of character for him. Maybe he was just trying to show off for her.

Koda waded out a bit further into the water, glancing back at the girl over his shoulder. "Watch this," he said.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 29, 2014

Kesuk let out a small giggle at his comment. A giggle. What the hell was happening to her?! The male waded out into the stream and instructed her to watch what he was about to do.

She studied his behind, "Hm, I don't know if you should move, I'm quite enjoying the view" she teased in a seductive voice.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 29, 2014

Koda was glad he had his back to the girl, so she couldn't see the look of utter shock on his face. 'Is she... flirting with me?!' He couldn't believe it. He'd never been on the receiving end of female attention before. Not like this anyway. The distraction cause him to momentarily blank out and lose his target. Koda blinked hard, and refocused himself on task of fishing. 'Don't screw up now,' he said to himself, yellow eyes tracking the prey's every movement. After all that bragging, he wanted make sure he caught it on the first try.

The fish drifted into range of Koda's jaws, and he struck like lightning, yanking the fish out of the stream by it's tail. It struggled to get away, but Koda clamped his jaws shut tight. He approached his companion with his head held high, hoping she hadn't noticed how nervous he had been. "For you," he said through clenched teeth, offering her his catch.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 29, 2014

Kesuk's eyes grew round as the river rocks below as she watched the male pull one of those weird swimming things out of the flowing water. It flopped around but his strong jaw held it tight. Her eyes studied it intently as he walked over to her. He offered the thing to her and she just blinked at him.

"What is it?" she asked in utter confusion. She was very impressed that he had caught it and she let it show in her icy eyes.

Kesuk leaned into him to sniff the thing. Just as she took a deep whiff of the swimming thing it squirmed and smacked her in the nose. She yelped in surprise and jumped back, tripping and tumbling onto her bum. She shook her head, she was not usually this clumsy, it had just surprised her. 'Ya, that's it' she told herself.

RE: Fishing - Vector - September 29, 2014

Quote: Hopping in to check on her. Might hop back out if spinned that way. :)

Vector was curious as to where that raccoon had left to. Unlike many wolves who did no such thing, Vector had mastered the art of climbing trees.
The grey ball of coon was not expecting that.
it had taken off after falling from the very branch he was perched on. It had lay motionless across the pine carpeted forest floor, but had regained its conscious the second the russian had been almost upon it, and darted east.

Run, little coon. Run.
His bloodlust wanted to coo to him, soothe his desire to shred the little bundle of animal, by hunting it and savaging it in a more tortuous manner.
Run, little coon.

With the silence of a spirit, the autumn pelted man flitted through the trails, keeping all other distractions at bay, until a scent had crossed pathes with the one he was on. One he knew well over what he should have.
Kesuk. The Zagadochnaya Devushka. He knew the temptress well.
what was she doing here?

The recon followed the scent, before him, across a vast line of water, he saw her. Emerald stare placed upon the dark coat of the girl. And another infornt of him.
Koda? Indeed it was. And he held something out to her. She seemed to inspect it, and fall backwards from a method of fright.
He desired to leap across the waters borders and swim to ruin the man. But he did not. Who was he to do such a thing for a female he shared nothing with?

He sat upon the line of sandy graveled dirt that lined the water's edge, and observed their rendezvous, saying nothing.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 29, 2014

"It's a fishy," Koda replied as Kesuk curiously sniffed the fish. He noticed the impressed look in her eyes, and started to feel a bit proud of himself. "It's really tasty, you should-" he was interrupted when the flapping fish hit Kesuk in the nose, startling the girl and causing her to fall on her butt again.

This time Koda couldn't hold in his laughter. She was just so darn cute, he couldn't help himself. But as he laughed, the fish jumped out of his mouth into the water.

"Oh crap," he groaned as the fish drifted past Kesuk. "Quick, grab it!" he urged the she-wolf.

He was so worried about losing his fish, he didn't notice the other wolf watching from the bank.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 29, 2014

OOC: I don't think the creek should be deep enough for this but we can pretend it was near where it joins the river :P

At his yelp Kesuk leaped to her feet and plunged after the flopping thing called fishy. Her paws hit the water with a splash. The water was about 10 times deeper then she expected. What was at first a playful game became deadly as Kesuk's head went under the icy water.

Having never seen a fish, she certainly didn't have the slightest idea how to swim. Kesuk flailed her paws helplessly around below as the current pulled her towards the river. Her lungs screamed and she took a breath of water. Her head broke the surface of the water at that exact moment and she sputtered, her eyes wild.

Her legs were tiring and she looked around desperately only to find nothing to grab onto. The cold was making her body freeze up, her movements slowing significantly. She managed a shrill yell for help before her head went under again.

RE: Fishing - Vector - September 29, 2014

That was his cue.
Diving into the frigid waters, immediately his brain kicked into water-borne mode. His toes widened, the webbed skin making successful contact again and again with the water.
The recon swam in a diagonal line, swiftly comming up for air, only to return down below, allowing the current to give him speed, but steering, his emeralds hid behind lids that kept the cold liquid from touching them. His ears swiveled, listening for the sounds of rapid splashing, gurgling, all that didnt sound like the natural sound of a steam. And successfully, she was pinpointed. Long strokes, he continued his swift swim until the sensitive black nose found soaked, dark lobs of fur.

Vector clamped his jaws onto the ruff, the hackles of which he could maintain a hold, and heaved up, towards the surface, and he and the stuggling erupted from the frothy depths. His body went limp only for a split second, his brain calculating what to follow through with, next.
Veering his crown to the nearest shore, the one she fell from, he swam, his piston like hind legs easily changing course. He reached out a sharp ebony taloned large paw, snagging it on the roots that held a burr so close to the damp soil, and after shifting her in his gentle yet firm jaws, he twisted, and clamped the other paw.

He pulled, yanking himself up onto the bank, before swiveling his frame to pull her up. After her entire frame was upon the soft soil, did he try and calm the anger that came upon him from the event that just happened. And his dark fury desired to be unleashed, his wrath turned to the direction of the male, Koda, though the logical part of him forced him to chill. Vector knew it was not the male's intention for such a thing like that to happen. So he relaxed, and stared at the girl before him.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 29, 2014

"Hold on!" Koda shouted, rushing forward to aid the floundering wolf. But before he could jump in after her, a russet blur caught his eye as a third wolf jumped into the fray. It took a moment for him to recognize the wolf, Vector, a male he'd gone hunting with a few days ago.

Vector grabbed Kesuk by the scruff and started swimming to shore, dragging her along with him. As they reached the bank, Koda wedged his shoulder under Kesuk's body, pushing her up out of the water as Vector pulled her up onto the bank.

Koda climbed out onto the bank, his heart pounding so hard he could barely hear over the sound. "Kesuk! Are you okay?" Koda was practically shouting as he struggled to keep his emotions under control.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 29, 2014

OOC: I don't think Kesuk ever told Koda her name, but its okay. Also, I think this should take place after Kesuk was injured but she has healed, that way her reactions to Vector are accurate. Also, she is not going blind, she just doesn't have enough air for her to see.

Kesuk had blacked out from lack of oxygen when her head went under the second time. She could faintly feel herself being dragged to the surface and then the bank. She could hear voices shouting above her but she couldn't break out of the haze she was in no matter how hard she tried. She imagined herself waking up and tried to make it true.

She could feel her body twitching with the effort. She could feel her eyes open but the blackness clouded them. There was something blocking her from oxygen and the feeling in her body was slowly leaving her. She shook with the strain of trying to breath but nothing came.

RE: Fishing - Vector - September 30, 2014

The man watched as Koda came up to her, eyes wild, fear evident upon his sharp features. Vector remained calm. He took a single paw, and flipped her over on her stomach, the weak drowning girl not protesting.
Clutching one paw to her abdomen, and one to her chest, he held her near his own stomach, and tilted them both, forward, alowing easier access for the water drainage. From behind, he did a quick and tight squeeze, then released, only to squeeze again. Over and over he repeated this, waiting for the water that was in her lungs to be set free.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 30, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: Oopsie :x Also I apologize for the shortness, I just don't have much to contribute right now.[/size]

The seconds ticked by like hours as Koda waited to see if Vector could successfully revive Kesuk. "Please wake up," he pleaded, his yellow eyes searching the girl desperately for signs of life. The gray wolf felt totally and utterly useless. Unsure how he could help the situation improve, he decided to just keep talking to Kesuk, hoping his voice would keep her calm and guide her back to consciousness.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 30, 2014

Kesuk's terrified blue eyes sprung open with a volley of coughs, the water leaving her body. She breathed in what seemed like all the air around her, happy to have it again. She shook with not only cold but fear. Her fur was clumped against her lean figure. She felt exposed and looked around, her eyes wild with terror.

RE: Fishing - Vector - September 30, 2014

Lowering his own soaked head, he murmured to her, in the voice that blocked all other sounds, his whisper sounding to her, alone, he called to her,

"Fight through it, devushka. Net strakha. No fear. "

Vector stared into her eyes, desperately willing through his orbs connection with hers, that her heart rate slowed, and she could return to herself again.

RE: Fishing - Koda - September 30, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: Kesuk's new avatar is beautiful![/size]

Koda felt a surge of relief wash over him as Kesuk spat out the water and began to draw breath again. She was wet and cold and frightened, but she was going to be okay. Thanks, mostly, to Vector.

"I'm glad you were here," he said to the other male.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - September 30, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: Thanks! I got a table too, but I am having a hard time figuring out the code xD[/size]

Kesuk stared into Vector's calming green eyes and felt her fear fade away and her heart slow to a normal pace again. She shakily got to her paws and went to rub her cheek against Vector's in thanks but stopped herself when the past events came flooding back to her.

"I'm scared I'm going to hurt you."

She stopped her forward movement towards him and instead walked over to Koda so she could lean against him for support.

"I'm sorry I'm getting you wet" Kesuk said to him, flashing him a flirty smile, trying to make light of the situation.

RE: Fishing - Vector - September 30, 2014

Quote: Last post from me. W_^V

He watched the girl lengthen her breathes, becoming more even, and her heart slow as she calmed. At last, he could get off edge. He saw her make a move towards him, then saw a flicker in her luminous frozen eyes. Was that..hesitation?
Then the event occurred to him, which led to such an occurrence.

"I was just hoping I could find someone who would love me."

The fall pelted man couldn't get the haunting whisper out of his head.

Briskly, he stepped back, his face losing the small sharp of hope it once held, and after a split second, he turned to the lightly gray flecked male, and gave a curt nod.
He said nothing.
His heart was in too much turmoil.

After returning the emotionless mask that he wore so well, he looked between the two wolves, his eyes faintly lingering on Kesuk who showed she had rather lean on the Koda he had met a few weeks before for their hunting.
Oh, how small the world was.

Turning, without a look over his muscled shoulder, he leapt into the woods, and only did he get so far enough away enough from the pair, did Vector rear back his head, and release a howl, one filled to the brim with that of pain, betrayal, and a heartbreaking sorrow unknown ever, to the russian. In a haunting stop, the perished song lit into the sky, and faded throughout the wilds, until it too, had dispersed into an eerie and somber silence.

RE: Fishing - Koda - October 01, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: Last post from me too[/size]

Koda stood in the background, watching Kesuk stare into Vector's eyes for what felt like hours. For some reason, his heart started to beat a little faster when he saw her going in for a nuzzle. Suddenly feeling very awkward, Koda looked away.

Then he felt something wet leaning up against him and looked back to see Kesuk smiling up at him. He managed a quiet laugh at her comment, despite the fact he didn't feel much like laughing. "It's okay," he assured her with a gentle tone. "I don't mind being wet sometimes."

Koda saw Vector start to walk away in his peripheral vision. He met the other male's gaze, and saw a storm of emotions in his usually calm, unreadable eyes. He walked away in silence, and Koda let him go. He would have liked to properly thank the russet wolf, but taking care of Kesuk was his biggest concern at the moment. Night would be upon them soon, and the soaking wet she-wolf might catch her death in the cold.

"C'mon, let's get you home," he said, after Vector had disappeared again into the wild. He would let Kesuk lean on his stong body for support on the trek back to the plateau.

RE: Fishing - Kesuk - October 01, 2014

I think this is a good place to stop, don't you?