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Ouroboros Spine Are blowing through my room - Printable Version

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Are blowing through my room - Alduin - August 10, 2021

Welcome for whoever wants to come meet Alduin! <3

Setting: Evening — 17:30
Weather: 80F — Cloudy
Location: Amauttuck Grove

The midnight prince had finally decided to adventure into this new place he’s been brought to. Might as well, he has no idea how long he’s going to be here anyway. So, with a hardly there ache in his bones, he sets out. Moving his legs unconsciously gets him to Amauttuk Grove, but he knows he’s mesmerized by this interesting bit of paradise he’s found himself in. The canyon is beautiful in a different type of way, as is this place. 

So as bored as he is, he steps over to a berry bush. He closes in on them to inspect them further, determining their edibility. He remembers these ones, his grand and oh so beautiful mother beast taught him of this fruit. So he munches away, purple tongue lapping at his dark, berry stained lips and humming quietly in content.

RE: Are blowing through my room - Lótë - August 11, 2021

Lótë just happened to be passing through the area when she spotted the brindled pup — munching on the berries that dominated the area. Curiously, she padded closer, wondering who he belonged to but found no smell on him save for the scents of Kukutux and Aiolos. She chuffed softly as she settled on her haunches a few paces away, shooting the boy a friendly smile whenever he happened to turn in her direction.

I greet you, young one,” the two-year murmured in standard greeting, “I am called Lótë. Who might you be?”

RE: Are blowing through my room - Alduin - August 12, 2021

Alduin is caught with cheek fills of berries and he looks at her almost guiltily even though there’s no reason to be anything of the such. He swallows as she introduces herself. Yeah, he remembers her from when the moon woman had her pups. She was very nice to him earlier. 

He doesn’t offer her a smile, neither does he move towards her, but his deep red hues light up some. The sadness, hurt, and fear that came with the river incident has faded, leaving him fairly numb. Now, he’s just pissed at himself. He put himself through that. And for what? It did less good than he had thought it would. 

A few moments of silence pass between them. His expression shows that he is much too tired for a boy his age and his eyes are aged — dark even. 

Finally midnight lips part to reveal a purple tongue as he speaks. “Alduin. I’m Alduin. From the — uh- the Saints.” It’s not as if he didn’t know what his pack was called, it’s just that he was hesitant to tell her. His father told him not to give out much information when speaking of the pack. 

He gathers enough energy to dip his head softly as blood red eyes meet her own. “N-nice to meet you.” He tries to be polite but he can’t find it in himself to put forth much more energy, mentally or physically.

RE: Are blowing through my room - Lótë - August 25, 2021

Lótë allowed her own fawn crown to dip, catching the downcast youth’s garnet gaze if possible as she murmurs, ”It’s nice to meet you too — and it’s alright. The berries are very tasty as I understand.” She tried not to let him see how her hormonal heart melted at his timid politeness — nor how it shattered for the fear in his own.  The herbologist deliberated for a brief moment before offering, ”I know a few things about other plants too if you ever want to learn. I’m a botanist here in the village; that’s someone who grows plants.”

”If you plan on staying?” the two-year asked timorously, heart rate picking up slightly as she wondered if anyone had bothered to ask the young boy if he wished to go home. Lótë was trying not to jump to conclusions but Moonglow already held one young man captive and she couldn’t imagine the sweet child before her could have done anything to warrant keeping him here. 

Perhaps some ill fortune had befallen the Saint’s parents and pack, or he’d gotten lost and couldn’t find his way home. She had to ask, filled with concern for the wayward shadow. ”Do you want to go back to the Saints? Would you know how to find where your home is?” She tried to be gentle, hoping her questions wouldn’t upset Alduin.