Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Printable Version

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Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 23, 2014

@Kesuk Because i promised. :P Set off pack lands.

Vector had no luck finding any sort of small game, on damned olen'! He knew he would only have a chance of taking one down if it was sick, or wounded, and so far, all were remarkably health, their breeding season already passed, and their coats beginning to thicken. And every time he saw a doe who had herself distracted, she heard the chip warning of a spying robin, revealing unseen danger, the lupine shark, as he had closed in, causing her risky trust in the bird, and hauling hide to the thicket of trees, the leaps he could not hope to match in a terrain, such as this one.

The flare coated male did not complain, however. To waste emotion on a protest, a pathetic whine, caused Vector to be unsympathetic, even to himself. No mercy. Even on his own self.

He lowered his snout back to the cooling grasses of the thick forest's floor, resuming his search for prey, the hunger pangs in his stomach the fueling fire keeping his well-abled body in continuous motion forward, his ears radars upon his head, staying alert for any sounds that may remotely pass off as something edible.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 23, 2014

[size=small]Kesuk trotted through the thick under growth at a steady pace, quite used to the terrain here. It was very similar to the thick woods in Idaho, where she was from.

She lifted her nose for one of the many times today to try and catch a wiff of prey. She scented a couple old trails left by deer and some smaller animals such as rabbits and shrews. Lowering her nose to the ground she continued walking until she scented a stronger, more recent trail. It was that of a wolf that wasn't from her pack.

Kesuk lightened her steps and started to follow the scent trail. She could tell she was getting closer when a startling crash alerted her of something up ahead.

Careful as to not be seen, she swiftly lifted her head up to see a doe bounding off in the opposite direction. Kesuk moved a couple paces forward till she could clearly see the amber outline of the wolf ahead of her.

She was taking a couple tentative steps forward when she set her paw down on a twig and a loud snap echoed through the silent woods.[/size]

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 23, 2014

In the likeness of a shark to blood, the ember toned wolf was facing her, his entire body braced, and his emerald eyes staring directly at her dark bod. Vector held no hostility to his stance, just one of a fully alert lupine, his muscles prepared to follow any order he gave them, whether it be to flee, ..or to fight.

Vector continued his calculating gaze upon the wolf, his orbs only able to make out the feminine shape of her, with dark fur, and fairly shaped icey eyes. He said nought. He moved nought. It was the stare down that would show the future. Her actions would justify his.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 23, 2014

The amber furred wolf turned to look at her with surprising speed, his shoulders squared but not hostile.

Because of her history, she was very wary of male wolves. She straightened out of her crouch slowly as to not set him off. She studied him carefully as his green eyes did the same to her.

Kesuk tilted her head up and raised her tail ever so slightly, as if daring him to speak first. She struggled to keep the curiosity off her face and replace it instead with no emotion. She felt the fur on the back of her neck twitch slightly as he studied her.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 23, 2014

The recon studied her with orbs that remained locked oh hers, though his peripheral scanned her, hair by hair, muscle by muscle. The tiny twinge of movement he saw behind her, her banner, twitched, and heightened itself...she was having the intention of him opening up to her first.
How quaint. And illusive. And non existing.

The recon took his claws, the obsidian daggers, and flexed them in the soft loam beneath his paws, his brain figuring issues for him, on a mere whim of nanoseconds.

His darker side desired to startle her. To bolt straight at her, showing off a fraction of his speed, appearing within seconds to her face, with a high chance of making her flee. Psychological terror.
He chose a nicer approach. Vector spoke.

"Privet." The foreign word slashed across the air through the release of bonds from his tongue, making its way to her tar shaded ears. He knew the female knew nothing of Russian language, it's customs having been new and unseen throughout his time in the current wilds.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 23, 2014

The word cut throught the silence like a hot knife. Kesuk's ears twitched and her eyes narrowed at the foreign word.

The flame colored male flexed his dagger sharp claws and Kesuk's eyes trained on them for a mere second before she directed her defiant stare back up at his emerald eyes.

"Excuse me?" Kesuk asked, a slight tinge of superiority in her voice.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 23, 2014

She must have assumed he spoke an english word to her. Or that he spoke something that had nothing to do with common sentences, the english word. But Vector knew he said nothing dealing with 'private', so he repeated himself, his russian accent proving his word was not of her understanding.

He got a bit of amusement at watching her reaction, so why not do it again?


The word bounced off of the trees, the echo of the unknown swirling around the two lupines.
Vector wanted to continue toying with her, using what she didnt know, to keep her wondering, to keep her guessing, and to keep her questioning.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

That word, that unknown confusing word that he said, ripped through the air again, an unfamiliar accent clinging to his voice.

Kesuk's patience was already running thin from the lack of prey she could find earlier and when she saw a flash of amusement cross into his glimmering eyes for half a second, it ran out.

She took a threatening step forward.
"In English" She whispered lowly, her hackles raising even more.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

The wolfess who took a step closer, had shown she had a massive amount of non existing patience. He had infinite. Oh such possibilities. She had expected a retort from him. So the multi careered wolf gave her one.

"How do you know I speak your English, girl?" questioned the man, his vibrant leafy eyes glimmering with deception.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

Kesuk's ears perked as the words she could understand slipped out if his mouth. The fact that he called her girl bothered her emensly. As if she was a mere child.

She would show him, she was not to be treated as a pup. Kesuk let her hackles lie flat and she took slow steps toward him until she was a little more then half a foot away from the flare furred wolf.

"Because you just did." She purred smoothly.

OOC: I had to switch to my phone so I'm sorry for typos ;)

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Quote: its chill. Im on mine too. Beforehand, im sorry for short posts, in school at the moment. :(

Vector watched her facial expressions, the gems never leaving her own frozen topaz irises.He watched the fury buried within them, but she held it in.

The dark femmora walked up to him, while he stood there, awaiting her arrival. His plan had worked. He simply wanted her closer, so he could analyze the information in her scent.
As she stood before him, speaking her words of sly mannered tempo, his nares went to work. In less than 3 seconds, he was finished.
Female. Less than 2 years. New adult. Barely. Unwed. Belongs to nearby pack. Not high rank.

The man smirked a bit at his success, his pale ivories gleaming in her face. Again, not an aggressive move. Just another expression.

"I know I did."

He decided to swap his russian acent for the one the english held, their clipped tones, exadurarated pronunciations. Vector now spoke as if he spoken english his entire life.

"Does it matter whether I speak your english? I may be in your english land, but I was doing you the courtesy of speaking you language. "

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

OOC: Since I'm a stupid, I did really understand what he ment in his last sentence so I'm sorry if her reaction is way wrong. Also the posts r fine because the only reason I'm not in school is because I'm sick :3 also I will write longer posts when. I get my computer working

Kesuk straightened up to her full night, her long legs helping her to be a couple inches shorter than the older male.

"It does matter because then I can understand if you're threatening me or not. Are you threatening me?" Kesuk challenged.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Quote: In truth, I didnt understand it for a couple of seconds, after I reread it. xD good call. Nah, he was just saying he was being nice by not babbling off to her in russian. I guess I worded it stupidly. You're not a stupid. W_^V

She must have thought he had no brain. Why the hell would he even remotely ave the idea of having a confrontation with a pack wolf? To have the entire pack on his trail? The russian scoffed at her words, cold as his home, as the girl was snout to snout, or at least trying to be. She was a few inches short of her goal.

He gazed down at her, his stare colliding with hers, grass to frost.

"If I wanted to hide something, I would not have done it in russian. Nor english. I would've just said nothing at all. Threats, included. And to threaten is an action that hasn't been completed. I always complete mine. So threatening you is a waste of time, girl."

He looked as though he remained immobile, but in truth, his muscles motors stayed prepared, the man still remaining alert.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

OOC: Haha ok, that makes me feel better :P

Kesuk felt a chill run from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail when the breath from his almost frightening words fanned against her face. During the short conversation she was trying to figure out his scent. She could piece things together such as how old he was and that he was not born around here, but she couldn't figure out the pack smell. She knew it as a pack from around here but since she was still fairly new to the area, she did not know which one.

She raised her tail high to show she was not afraid of him and locked her icy gaze with his once again.

"Where are you from wolf?" she said silkily, she attempting to deepen her voice and sound older than she actually was.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Quote: good! I don't want you to feel bad,..it'll make me feel worse.

Vector's ears swiftly picked up on the vocal change to her, and the notion sent the assumption that she was trying to age before his very eyes. That merely burst forth an emense amount of laughter from the one who had typically never showed any sort of feeling. But he restrained the sounds to his eyes, which flashed from the amusement he was receiving from the girl. He remained at attention, just in case she had tricks up her hide, but Vector gae the impression that he was relaxing, sitting on his haunches. With his hind muscles more contracted, it would make it easier for him to spring up and retaliate, again, just in case.

"My birth land is Russia."

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

'Oh, well that clears things up' Kesuk thought to herself. The ginger wolf seemed to relax and sat back on his haunches. Kesuk considered letting her guard down for a mere half a second before she scolded herself.

She decided it was time to continue with her plan. Kesuk lowered her tail ever so slightly to show that she was not planning on being aggressive. Or at least to get him to think that.

"So, how long you been around 'ere for?" she coaxed, letting her voice take on its more natural sound.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Wrapping his flare bristled tassel around his forepaws, the recon studied her. The shade browned wolfette questioned him as if he would slowly but surely give her his life story. Glupo.

Speaking with a smoother tone, but instead, he flicked his russian accent back in, replacing it from the sharp and distinct sounds of English. His words felt more at ease when back in their birth dialect, even if the words were of english.

"I have stayed here for less than a moon."

Vector tilted his head, the thick brush of his mane rippling, nearly forming stripes that could resemble those of a tiger.

"What is your name, gi-" he had cut himself off, purposely giving the impression that he had rethought his words, for strategical reasons. In truth, his mind had calculated this after he had seen her first reaction to being called 'girl' previously. Vector desired to make her feel as though he was opening up to her. Such a psychological twist, it was.
"-...miss." he had finished the sentence.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

Kesuk tilted her head in satisfaction at how he had changed his words. It was good that he was seeing that she was just as powerful in this situation as he was. She contemplated sitting down but then realized it would show as softness so she stood tall.

Back in her homeland, she had often used her somewhat striking appearance to her advantage, getting wolves below and occasionally above her to act on her whims. Her 'victims' where usually male but there also the females who had looked up to her. She wasn't proud of it, but it sure was something that came in handy every once in a while.

Kesuk blinked her azure eyes, feigning innocence, "Why would I tell you? Maybe if I knew your name I would consider it." she purred silkily.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

"Why would I tell you? Maybe if I knew your name I would consider it." 

Her unsuccessful attempt of gathering information from him. Vector saw her playing around with him, trying to fool him. Her charades. His brain had recognized her tactics, simply because he had done similar methods. Except on a more subtle low. Less perceivable. Though most could give into her coy charms, this russian knew well above than to hand first, and to recieve second. That was something that had set off his mental alarms.

However, her not only not taking his bait, but to gain confidence from it, and employ her own, had sparked a bit of wariness within the male, moreso that before. It made him wonder if she knew of what he did, or whether she was clueless to his preposed action.

Vector steeled his voice, adding a breeze that was a significant comparison to that of Russia's cruel winds, within his words, as he called her bluff.

"You try to flip the table on me, and there will be nothing in your gain. I advise the answer of such a simple question."

The autumn pelted wolf considered having a bit more persuasive effect from the start of bloodshed, his darker side beckoned at the brutal lust. But he held it at bay, his face neither contorting at the feelings within, nor given any hint of what lie below the emotionless mask he had mastered so well.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

The flare-pelted wolf's response to her charm surprised her but she was quick to hide it. Kesuk studied the wolf, not wasting energy on trying to hide it. Her frosty eyes analyzed every piece of this mysterious wolf, every flame colored hair, every twitch of muscle, every emotion that passed through his now steely eyes.

Kesuk was skilled in seeing through masks. She could almost always tell what a wolf was thinking, but in this case, she was clueless. She wouldn't let it show though.

His refusal to tell her his name was a set back for sure. In fact she found it rather childish.

"Oh, so you are going to play the 'I asked you first' card are you" she chuckled darkly, hoping to embarrass him into telling her.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Her cold eyes had probbed and prodded his form, and every tuff the gaze touched, made him want to shake it off. He allowed her analysis, having only internal things to hide, not external. And that was something that required skill to understand.

This girl kept the battle between words living, when he wished to put the conversation out of its misery.

" Oh, so you are going to play the 'I asked you first' card, are you?"

The man stood, and slowly took the 3 steps it was to be chest to chest, and he lowered his large crown regally, nearly placing it on her smaller, and darker one, but keeping their furs untouching.

Vector's voice lowered, so that any surrounding sounds would seem unfocused to the girl, a trick he had learned from spending his years in a land where loud and constant windblowing had masked the sounds of prey. His russian lilt was tuned one in one with his words, as he spoke softly to her, gentle words.

"I would like more to know your name, than to follow the original plan of devouring the insides of an unnamed girl."

His emerald eyes found their way to her aquamarine topazes, and he desired to hold her captive, by eye contact, alone.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

OOC: Okay, could you tell me in simpler words what he thinks of her because I'm having a hard time grasping it XD Like, does he want to kill her?? Cuz idk...

Kesuk could feel something that was not quite fear, more like anticipation, creep up into her when the ginger wolf took long paces so they were chest to chest yet not touching. His voice was low so she had to focus in on it to hear it correctly.

"I would like more to know your name, than to follow the original plan of devouring the insides of an unnamed girl."

His words startled her immensely. Was he really considering eating her? The fear in her rose ever so slightly but she quickly smothered it in confidence.

Kesuk had a problem. She never knew when to stop. She just kept going and going until she got herself into trouble. Sometimes it was just scolding, but in this situation it could be very bad. She pushed the thoughts of consequences to the back of her mind and held her tail high.

"As if you were ever considering eating me. Only desperate, pathetic, starving wolves would do such a despicable thing" she scoffed in his face.

OOC: Also, I know Vector is probably fed up with her, but could he please refrain from eating her insides at the moment? :P

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Quote: Of course hes not gonna eat her insides, silly silly! Lawlz. He's just trying to scare her into giving him her name. Thats all he wanted since they saw eachother. Just a scare tactic. In the Guidelines, it states PowerPlay has to be mutual accepted, and doing such things like murdering a wolf is too brash to be not mutually accepted. All of this stuff is just assumed, not even light powerplay.If ya want something changed, I can edit, if you feel uncomfortable. :D

Vector had his bluff called. He never even planned on tasting her flesh between his canines. Eating dogs was as far as he went, the pathetic mutts. Even they didn't taste good. But with such gleam in his irises, he did not let her know she had caught his card between her paws.

"What makes you so positive I am not one of desperation? After all, I was in the middle of hunting, but you and I saw one another. Which one is it gonna be?", he murmured as if his words were not laced with venom, his dangerous game he played, and he played well.
All this, just to learn the identity of the girl. Such measures had to be taken.

When he had previously threatened her, he felt her fear instinctively. The pheromone had been released within her pelt, though her face remained stoned with sureity, confidence backing her words up.

Perhaps her maskes were as well painted as his.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Kesuk - September 24, 2014

OOC: Haha ok I was just confused, lol. I was wondering if he was going to make a move that I would have to respond to, that's all. thanks for clearing that up :P

The green eyed wolf's face never changed as he said those threatening words. His eyes never betrayed if he was bluffing or if he was being completely honest. Kesuk had a hard time believing this wolf would come to such desperation. He looked sleek and powerful, with no need to do such a thing. Kesuk could never be so sure but she trusted her gut on this one and kept her charade up.

"I can tell. From the way you hold yourself and talk you are not a wolf who would let himself slip so low as to cannibalism." she replied smugly.

"I guess you are just going to have to find another way to get me to say my name. Tell me yours perhaps" she purred, moving around him so their shoulders brushed as she circled him.

RE: Progulka bez strakha «Walk with No Fear» - Vector - September 24, 2014

Quote: Not a problem! Again, if ya dont like anything, just let me know, and ill adhere to it. W_^V

Vector watch her, as she spoke the very words that composed his wall. And she spoke them well. A bark of laughter had finally emmitted from the male, an alien sound to him, for he had so rarely used the gesture.

This mystery girl was fighting his fire with her own, him freezing her words with his, a seemingly never ending spar of wits, one joust in return for another. As much as his mind chided him for becoming addicted to this challenging girl, he almost ignored it.

She committed herself to orbiting around him, not even wide enough berth for focus, but so close as to where their hides touched on arms. His mind flared warning signals to the touch, automatically calculating ways to benifit him, and prevent him from almost falling for the temptress, the lust she beckoned just by the closeness of her form, and convincing pitch of her words.

He'd play ball.

"What is it you want, zagadochnaya devushka?", he murmured, his words sounding even more natural on his home language, the deep tones countering her soft ones.