Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon I sit on a throne made of carnage - Printable Version

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I sit on a throne made of carnage - RIP Fury - August 12, 2021

@Alduin! Backdated to before he goes missing <3

Nyra knows well, now, the needs of those made for battle. And she senses a need in Alduin, the need to become as strong as her, and as his father. 
To surpass, if he can.

And she knows one day that time will come. 

So, to try and speed up the process, the Overseer seeks out the dark prince, letting out a howl to summon the boy to her. 
"Spar?" Nyra will suggest, smiling almost knowingly when Alduin would come. 
He was not hers by blood, yet she was almost convinced he was hers in a different manner. 
Adoptive, perhaps, or maybe in his adult years, something much different?

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - Alduin - August 12, 2021

Alduin’s dark, spotted auds would perk up from his spot just outside of his mother’s den. His paws hang off the ledge as he finds himself relaxing. His body tensed with the howl that calls his name and he stands, too eager to find the Overseer and find out why shes called upon him. 

When he could finally be seen to her, he would trot up and the barest hint of a smile would appear in his maw as he nods. 

He would act quick, jumping up at Nyra and attempting to bite her face and neck. More half as a joke and half as a real way to attack her.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - RIP Fury - August 12, 2021

When he jumps at her face, Nyra curls her lip at the pinch to her neck from his teeth in his effort. In turn, she aims her muzzle for his shoulder, aiming to knock him over. 

Teasing glint blazes in hellfire hues.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - Alduin - August 12, 2021

The midnight wolfdog is knocked over and he clumsily stumbles before rolling onto his back. Dirtying his dark fur, he rolls to his paws and growls. Scarlet orbs have that dark look of determination in them as he moves in for another attack. Running around her, he moves to bite sharp teeth into her Achilles’ tendon.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - RIP Fury - August 12, 2021

Success, but short lived. 
Nyra notices his dark determination and is about to just let him land the blow, until she notes the ferocity in his aim for her Achilles tendon.

Swiftly, she whirls, jaws aimed with a sharp growl for his scruff. She'd aim to just toss him lightly away, but the sudden streak of the feeling ''i want to be able to walk after this'' took over briefly enough it might be a bit more rough than intended.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - Alduin - August 12, 2021

Alduin doesn’t expect the retaliation he gets. Nyra is never blatantly rude to him or inconsiderate while they fight, but she goes at him with a different type of vigor this time. He’s not sure what he did wrong, but he just knows that his father told him to go for that spot when he was fighting someone. 

So when Nyra bites at his scruff with a sharp growl he falls to his back as a sign of quick and fearful submission. His scarlet eyes are slightly wide, but they’re more confused than in pain. Even though he allows himself to let out a surprised yip at her aggressiveness. He would only lie there and stare up at her like a deer in headlights.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - RIP Fury - August 12, 2021

He falls with a startled yip and wide eyes.

Nyra immediately stops, face softening with regret and guilt as she lowers herself slowly to the ground with slanted ears.
"I'm sorry, Alduin. I didn't mean to scare you like that. Are you okay?" She asks softly, wagging her tail some to try and show she genuinely meant no harm.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - Alduin - August 12, 2021

After Alduin shows his distress through a wimpy little whine and rolling onto his back, Nyra expresses immediate concern. Quickly, the prince untucks his curled tail from his legs and nods as he stands. 

“I know. I’m okay, Nyra.” He confirms. A huff of a laugh coming from him as he timidly smiles up at her. “You’re scary when you fight.” He hums as candy apple eyes gaze up lovingly to her. 

Then his face brightens up. “My dad taught me that one. Was it good?” 

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - RIP Fury - August 13, 2021

He relaxes, she notes. Good. 
Once he's back on his paws, Nyra chuckles softly as he comments on her ferocity. 
"Being scary in a fight took me much training." She replies, and smiles as Alduin explains the move he made. 
"It was very good. That move will cripple a wolf if you bite hard enough." Nyra says, nosing Alduin's cheek affectionately.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - Alduin - August 13, 2021

Alduin grins, something he hasn’t done since he got attacked by Sasha. “I’ll be scary one day too.” He confirms. He wants everyone to be terrified of him. He wants power. He wants everyone to bow down to him one day too. 

Yet, despite his dark thoughts, Alduin nuzzles back into Nyra as she congratulates him. The prince would smile then. “Let’s go hunt now, Nyra.” He suggests.

RE: I sit on a throne made of carnage - RIP Fury - August 13, 2021

closing!! <3

Nyra licks him softly, rising to her paws at his suggestion. 
With that, they're off to hunt, with Nyra the ever dutiful guardian.