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Lion Head Mesa How I’m gettin on - Printable Version

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How I’m gettin on - Kynareth Deagon - August 14, 2021

Forward dated a day and a half later!

Setting: Evening — 19:30
Weather: 76F — Slightly windy, partially cloudy
Tags: @Ramesses @Satsu @Jawahir any welcome to come greet big boi!

Kyn decided he would like to visit the Mesa not long after Ramesses checked in with him. The Grandmaster would inform @Nyra and @Simmik of his departure. Going further into detail, he explains that he would only be staying a day or so at the Pharaoh’s hideout. 

When he arrives, he wouldn’t howl for them. Deciding only to mosey on into the unofficially claimed territory. The scent of the Saints does exist here, but it is faint. With that in mind he would also steak claim to these sandy lands as well. Lifting a leg every once in a while as he moves. 

Ramesses idea has interested him and he wishes to meet this jewel he speaks of so nicely. He sure hopes they’re what the golden tipped male spoke of. So, with his massive head head level with broad shoulders, the brute would walk until he happens to run into one of them.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Maggie - August 14, 2021

fresh off her victory against the virgin, maggie was in a good temper. she did not even mind the bawd's order that she stroll their red roads. and so she did.
the man was immense! he was like a tiger, and somehow he blended well against the terrain.
she would be like a gnat to him, and that was what tipped maggie directly into his path.
"they'll be waiting for yew at the front," the beauty said breathlessly up toward him. "oi'm maggie. i can take yew there now, if yew like, me lord?"
her iceweave eyes sought the scars that tore across his massive face.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Kynareth Deagon - August 14, 2021

They’ll be waiting for you at the front.

Kyn’s almost startled by the sudden, not so sudden, appearance of the small, ghostly coyote. The brindled brute looks down to her from the line of his nose and instantly a smile blooms on a handsome but scarred face. A soft, deep, but lazy laugh slinks from his maw as he inches towards her with an interested but predatory gaze. Nothing malicious shows in his eyes, but perhaps it’s a different type of predatory instinct that drives him closer to the petit woman. 

“You must be the coy that Ramesses speaks of.” He intentionally ignores her offer to ‘take him to them’ for the moment. “Such a gem indeed.” He purrs.

Even her accent, which is strange one, attracts him. She’s just his type; small, pale, easy to break. But Kynareth’s much to generous — he has too many ‘types’.

He ceases his movement towards her and lifts his head some, all confident and powerful. “I’m Kynareth. Ramesses’ alpha. The leader of the one who leads you.” He hums easily. “You wouldn’t happen to be a part of their little group would you, Maggie?” 

RE: How I’m gettin on - Maggie - August 14, 2021

well lookit that. phayrow had a lord of his own.
maggie was loyal to at least her place here, however, in that it had fed her, and this massive man had not.
but she burned with curiosity, and gave a nod. "was brung 'ere by another o' me kind. given room an' board, so's long as oi'm out on me feet bringin' in culls."
a wave of her tail. "or me back, if yew please."
indolent flash of her little teeth. "'ave you come to look in on akashingo then, lord?"

RE: How I’m gettin on - Kynareth Deagon - August 14, 2021

The icy gazed ‘yote offers him some insight on just how she’d gotten there. It becomes clear that there’s more of them. This sparks even more interest from the tiger striped, bull of a wolf. 

He grins when it seems he’s captivated some, if not most of her attention. The madman is greedy for it after all. No matter who, he finds himself always attempting to gather the attention of whoever is present. And with a wave of the plume of her tail and a snarky, yet suggestive, comeback Kyn chuckles at her antics. He even has to admit that she’s quite cute, especially as she flashes her teeth to him. 

When her next question hits his auds he tilts his head, moving to step in beside her as if to tell her to lead the way.

“So that’s what you all call this little organization of yours.” He comments lazily. “And sure, why don’t you show me around, love.” It’s a purr paired with wandering eyes and mischievous smile. Kyn’s always been so transparent, but then again, why would he hide clear intentions of possibly getting into the snow furred coyote’s pants?

RE: How I’m gettin on - Maggie - August 15, 2021

maggie had snared the tiger lord, but it was like hooking a shark on a tiny point. she trotted alongside him, marvelling at the largesse of his paws, then darted across his path, showing the bonny cant of her slim pale hips.
the first bit of custom they'd had, and they'd be entertaining for free! maggie was more than a little put out by this predicament. phayrow would have to set this right for her.
"what sorta sights would you have enjoyment in seein' first, lord?" maggie purled back in return, eyes filled with a lascivious glee.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Kynareth Deagon - August 27, 2021

Snared him she did. He follows dutifully behind her as she moves, definitely not being a dirty pervert and inappropriately checking her out or anything. But he can’t help but think she’s tempting him on purpose. It causes his lips to tilt up teasingly in a relaxed, close mouthed smile.

what sorta sights would you have enjoyment in seein' first, lord?

He hums in contemplation at first before giving a sure answer. “I’d like to see where you carry out your business. I also want to meet the others that work with you.” He offers in a tone that isn’t teasing or flirty for once. “If you’re all to be working alongside by pack, I must be acquainted.” He sounds a bit more serious, the smile falling from his lips as he relaxes his face. In matters regarding his pack, he’s all too serious. Well, sometimes he’s not.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Maggie - August 27, 2021

maggie listened. 
she'd gotten very good at listening, at batting her icy blues while a man talked. and she did just that for kynareth, simpering at his shoulder.
"it will be my pleasure to show yew, lord." the beauty glimmered with a mischievous grin. his seriousness, the shift of his heavy features, it was all noted by the courtesan.
ahead, the shadow cast by the mesa began to drink them in. she could see ramesses' pale figure shimmering there, and alongside him, her bawd.
"we're still small. 'ope to 'ave that sorted quickly."
just before they reached the incline of redrock, a path that would bring them to phayrow's platform, maggie darted a smouldering look toward kynareth, wetting her lips with pink tonguetip slowly.
she bowed low before the bawd and her lord, falling silent and standing aside.
but the icewater eyes continued to dance and spark.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Ramesses - August 27, 2021

pharaoh had wondered idly when kynareth and nyra would make good their threatening promise to visit akashingo. as the land was so very flat, he had seen the figure approach. but it was not until the shape of kynareth grew larger that ramesses realized today was such a day.
the white ribbon of maggie was with the leader of the saints, not the snowstorm of nyra.
it proved a pleasant development for ramesses, who had not looked forward to entertaining the overseer.
"divine one," pharaoh murmured, bending low his head as kynareth was led to him. "allow me to welcome you to akashingo."
it was at this moment @Satsu arrived. ramesses turned his head toward her. "look who graces us."
the lapis eyes were attentive upon kynareth once more. "look upon the jewel of our eye," and here he indicated jawahir and the honeydusk heat carried upon the pristine pelt always.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Jawahir - August 27, 2021

the jewel stood beside pharaoh. in their eyes, maggie's skill at entertainment had showed itself. when the man of lines and fire was before them, their lover bowed. jawahir followed with a smooth dip of their head and a smile.
satsu came then, late as ever. the jewel hoped that this man would not be disturbed by her misstep.
how powerful you are, kynareth deagon of the saints, jawahir said softly to when pharaoh had made their introduction. i hope you find our tribute pleasing.
their eyes met that of the massive saint for only a second as they stepped forward to brush silkenly against kynareth, moving to his side.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Satsu (Ghost) - August 29, 2021

late to arrive, satsu hastens as she draws towards the gathered bodies. it is hard not to see kynareth towering above the others; and as a result she feels all the smaller.
welcome, kyn-dono. satsu murmurs with a bow.
she does not want to appear small alongside the coyote, and so takes up a position beside pharaoh, where she proudly stands. her emulation of confidence is shaky at best, and the chill of her gaze unintentionally adds a harsh quality to her face.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Kynareth Deagon - September 03, 2021

Maggie agrees to his terms and leads him onward. He merely answers with a curt “Thank you.”

When they arrive, Kynareth’s met with the all powerful pharaoh. The blue eyed woman of ice offers him a look before stepping to the side and observing. He only watches her for a moment before he’s being lured in by Ramesses smooth voice. Kyn smiles, one that shows he could be impressed and most definitely pleased.

Another coyote stands beside him, also granting the king with a bow. Complementing him subtly before they slip towards him speaking of a tribute. He eyes them down, smirk still in place as they press themself against him. A low, pleasured hum falls from his lips, eyes appreciative and shameless as he eyes them down. 

Only he sees the little dancer as well: Satsu. She greets him the same as the others and he offers his eyes to her in greetings.

Unable to ignore the beautifully quaint coy brushing along him he chuckles slowly as he looks up to Ramesses. “A tribute? And what would that be, my friend?” He purrs, lowering his head to nip the coy softly on the rump if they allow it. “What gift do you plan on giving me?” He continues in question. His voice sly and his eyes playful when they meet the golden tipped man once more.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Maggie - September 04, 2021

all this bowing and scraping, and for what? they all knew what was going to happen once these fanciful words had stopped flowing? 
she intended to be that tribute. the pale beauty glared at jawahir as the bawd sought to wrap wily coils around the mountain-man. but she would not be caught by phayrow with such guile on her face, and soon fetched her gaze downward, pretty as you please.
that fawnin' queen's a virgin! she wanted to shout. 
no man could resist that, and then they'd all see what sort of noble the haughty maiden was.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Ramesses - September 04, 2021

everyone fell admirably into their roles. pharaoh was pleased to take the center of their meeting. "first, we will show you the vision of akashingo."
he led the small group into the adjacent antechamber, a cool wide room of arched red stone. golden-yellow petals, tracked upon paws from the deeper caves, formed the path they would take downward. 
"there are sandfruits and pika to eat. a place of warm water where you might wash the travel from your paws."
his turned to face them at the trail's beginning, that same lustful smile still upon his mouth.
"and then after," and here he leered toward kynareth like he would any other man, "you will confer with our gemstones for whatever else you wish."
no choice to be made by the leader of the saints. ramesses meant to devote the budding sum of akashingo's power to the grandmaster, for only then would both their aims be achieved.
"you and satsu and i, we will speak when you have tasted what your trust has built."
a bow, and pharaoh was turning.
already the heady fragrance of fluting desert flowers surrounded them, beckoning.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Jawahir - September 04, 2021

their lover was in his element. jawahir allowed their guest's rush of warm breath to brush over their hips, but tucked their hindquarters out of reach after. the jewel would be used as tribute, but meant to first titillate.
pharaoh's voice tempted. maggie followed. satsu's voice was soft.
they pressed themselves lithely, temptingly, against kynareth's brawny arm. the drop of snow might pleasure the flesh. but only jawahir could hold a man's mind.

RE: How I’m gettin on - Satsu (Ghost) - September 08, 2021

so the fellahin would be offerings to please the warlord. satsu was not shocked by this. it had been their purpose.
jawahir looked most pleased; no doubt the harlot would find a way to leverage the situation.
absent-minded. feeling very small before kyn-dono and lacking any sense of peace while in the company of these garish women, bashful, cold, satsu deferred to pharaoh.