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Ouroboros Spine You dyed your hair blue - Printable Version

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You dyed your hair blue - Alduin - August 14, 2021

Welcome to anyone who wants to spar or hang with one (1) amgry boi ;)

Setting: Morning — 07:33
Weather: Sunny, slightly windy
Location: Three Sisters

It’s early when the dark prince wakes, his desire to hunt grows strong when the desire to eat grows stronger. He would stand, move from the moon woman’s den to go out on his own. His desire to be away from others has grown stronger and his mood sour. His young face holds hardship and the bloody pools of his cursed eyes hold a darkening desire to become stronger, bigger, more dangerous than even his father.

When he walks so far his paws are sore, but he still doesn’t stop. With keen eyesight and a hunger in his gut that makes him borderline murderous, he sets eyes upon a lone squirrel. He stares blankly at it for a few moments and softly walks towards it. Unfortunately for the small, rodent like mammal it becomes curious of the brindled pup. It’s whiskered nose seems to vibrate as it sniffs and scurries towards him. 

Alduin stops as it moves towards him, watching as it shifts onto its hind legs to reach up to sniff at a wet, black nose. For anyone watching the scene would be horribly cute, especially as Alduin lowers his snout to boop the small animal on the furry chest. The squirrel seems happy with his calmness, settling small hands onto his muzzle and sniffing him intently. One would almost say they were becoming best friends. 

But this isn’t some Disney fairy tail. 

The ruby eyed prince would react like a coiled snake, striking the squirrel with sharp teeth and a hardly audible growl in his throat. The saddening squeals from the squirrel sound throughout the area, high pitched and ear grading. The prince easily broke the squirrels trust. In what seemed like a mutual bond between the two creatures shows itself to be much more toxic on Aduin’s end. 

With one more flex of his jaws the crunch of bones would sound as the brindled pup stands and shakes his head violently. Finally putting the mammal out of its misery.

RE: You dyed your hair blue - Zane - August 16, 2021

Someone nearby had gotten lucky, sounded like. Zane smiled as he heard the telltale signs of a squirrel death cry. Fuckin things were a goddamn nuisance... just yeterday he'd woken up to one pelting the shit out of his head with a fuckin walnut. You know what wasn't a good time? Having a chucked walnut bounce off the end of your sniffer, that's what.

Nice catch. It was a kid too! Woah, hold up. When did they get another kid? If Duchess was adopting the entirety of the wilds, Zane was hitting the hills. He'd hit his babysitting quota at one.

Covering his initial surprise, Zane gave the squirrel a good look. Shit, not the right one. Tell you what, if you catch his little grey friend, you let me know. I'll owe you somethin for that. He cracked a smile, then finally gave the younger wolf a good look. Shit, he was a big one, wasn't he?