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Those hunger pains - Printable Version

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Those hunger pains - Oracle - September 22, 2013

Returning from a long scout along the forest, the tan brute neared the heart of Neverwinter territory at press-paw speed. Amist the luscious scent wolf, a depressing - rather, empty - stale scent of caribou bones drifted through the autumn air and hit him like a spear. He had lost several pounds throughout the month, a dreary result from being preoccupied inside of his own head as his body silently screamed for nourishment. If the pack was to take on a long winter, they could not afford to lounge about in the crucial months of fall and not make yields to the abundance of food.

The year he had lived on his own, his body adjusted to the unsatisfying, undernutritious tastes of smaller animals; mainly a diet of fish, but ever so lucky a catch for a wolf his towering size would hold mouthfuls of rabbit. Of all his hunting experience, he had never actually been able to take down a caribou, but the juicy meat he had stolen from scavenging coyotes or a immature grizzly sufficed nicely. If he had managed to fetch twenty fish, the time and effort spent would be in vain.

Orcale situated his large cranium towards the sky and took in a deep, crisp breath of air to let out a low-pitched rally howl. He called a good five minutes, seeing who all would show up. On his long treks he had seen a small herd of caribou move through the outermost spots of the territory, a rare and early spectacle for caribou; nevertheless, a prime opportunity for the pack. He planned to take a small group out to find and track these big creatures and bring back a nice caché by nightfall.


RE: Those hunger pains - Turquoise - September 23, 2013

Hey there! Don't mind Turq, she's a bit of a butthole. :)

Much had happened in the last few weeks of summer. Turquoise now held the Epsilon rank, making her the highest member of the pack outside of the leadership. Not long after this announcement, other packs began to spring up out of the woodwork around them, depleting Neverwinter of some of its members. Keeping both these developments in mind, Turq began to take more seriously her role as Gunner. She did more patrols than usual, making sure to keep would-be intruders away from the borders.

On one such circuit, she caught herself contemplating her relationship with Rivet. In the weeks since their emotional blowout, Turq had often considered the new dimension of their open relationship. At first, it had seemed exciting, even freeing, yet once Turquoise had realized that Rivet might also want to pursue other lovers, everything about the arrangement had lost its appeal entirely. She had stopped thinking about potential extramarital affairs. Presently, Rivet's face drifted around in her mind and she smiled wanly.

"Maybe it's not that you're polyamorous," she thought out loud, "but the exact opposite: you're not cut out for relationships at all." She swung around a copse of trees in her path. "Maybe you're a career woman." She pondered that in silence for a few beats, then nodded her tawny head. "Yeah, that's it! You don't have time for petty nonsense like love. It's all about hard work and moving up the chain." Turq didn't actually know if there was any truth to this declaration, yet when did she ever really know what she wanted out of life?

A deep-throated howl cut through the cool, crisp air suddenly, scattering the Epsilon's thoughts and causing her black paws to come to a grinding halt. She tipped her smudged muzzle into the air and flicked her tail thoughtfully. The voice was not familiar. Yet, just as they'd lost some members recently, they had gained others. "Must be a newbie trying to prove himself," she said with a little smirk. She planned to ignore his summons—she really didn't have the time for some strange male today—but then Turquoise thought of two things which compelled her to change her mind: firstly, she was trying to show her worth and, secondly, this would be a good opportunity to lord it over a subordinate.

"You rang?" she said when she tracked him down through the wood and made her approach. Turquoise walked with her neck curved upward, her tail arched stiffly over her back and her entire demeanor screaming, I'm your superior! Her eyes flashed as she scrutinized the unfamiliar and decidedly large Sigma. "Planning on arranging a hunt, huh? How ambitious of you." A lopsided smirk appeared on her muzzle and she paused a few feet from him, licking her lips and maintaining her haughty posture.

RE: Those hunger pains - Oracle - October 03, 2013

It's great! Turq really spices things up haha :) Anyways, I appologise for a late reply! The past weeks and next week are very busy for me!

Oracle saw a female wolf approach him after his call had been sent out. A rising notion of excitement boiled up im his heart and his tag wagged slightly. As the wolf came into closer proximity, he noted that she carried a high stature - arched tail, confident air, and when she spoke she did it with not so subtle authority. She has to be of importance.

Lowering his head in respect (well, he would have done so anyways to look down at her) he spoke timidly and nodded. He ignored her comment on his 'ambition'. If he had ambition he would have stayed in his home pack. "Yes, I rang...would you like to go on a group hunt? You're the first to arrive, but...but the caribou are making an early swing through the edge of our territory. I thought we could take that advantage," he finsihed with a swish of his tail. He flickered his eyes to look at her; she was ever-pressing and he didn't want trouble, but wasn't about to sprawl his large frame on the ground or go to some ridiculous proportions of submission. He patiently waited a respomse with a twitch of his brown ears.

The day was waning to an eerie pause of diluted sunshine, its rays registering through the secluded clouds in strange notions. It fascinated him and he glanced up, stuck in the surroundings for a moment, before bringing his full attention to the she-wolf.

RE: Those hunger pains - Turquoise - October 03, 2013

The large male seemed unperturbed by Turquoise's emphatic display of dominance, greeting her gallantly and then asking, in a rather chipper voice, if she wanted to sign up for his group hunt. Her turquoise eyes narrowed, displeased by the fact that he didn't quiver submissively before her, and she said nothing for a long beat, simply letting her animosity radiate around them.

"We can't hunt caribou by ourselves," she finally said with a slight sneer. "Why isn't anybody else coming?" she demanded, her anger now directed at their evidently lackadaisical pack mates. "If you're right about the caribou, we should get our asses over there, stat. Where the hell is everyone?!" she repeated impatiently, then muttered, "Diabhal é," under her breath.

Deciding that it was highly possible nobody was replying because they didn't recognize the voice—she hadn't been compelled to respond initially, either—Turq abruptly threw back her head and howled, "Get your asses in gear, people! There's some caribou on the edge of the territory and I'm trying to get a group together to take one out!" When her head dropped, she smirked, feeling smug for taking credit for the male's efforts. But, while her motive might have seemed entirely selfish, she also figured the others might flock more readily to her.

"I'm Turq," she said after a beat. Instead of asking for a name in return, she said simply, "I'm going to call you Andre the Giant."

RE: Those hunger pains - Oracle - October 07, 2013

He shook off the female's howls for a pack rally for the call he had already sent out and was rightfully his hunt to claim and carry out like an annoyance of a buzzing insect. His irritated mindset was balanced by the female's sudden shift in attention, instead growling words of remorse and anger towards their pack-mates.

Turq. Her name must have been short for turquoise, a color her mom used to describe a serene river they had kept close to on their numerous trips of moving to safe grounds while he was growing up. The name should have been sharp as a thorn through a paw pad associating it with the female, but instead had a ring to it.

"I'm Oracle, but you can call me that if you want..." he trailed uneasily. "You're right; can't hunt without the pack. The caribou are probably gone by now. I'll go and try my luck fishing if you're the only one...prime time for that. Thanks for coming, anyways." he added shortly on the end, without emotion, beginning to turn to trek off to some nearby stream.


RE: Those hunger pains - Turquoise - October 07, 2013

Rather suddenly, Oracle seemed rather dismissive, evidently prepared to give up on the venture altogether. Turquoise quirked a brow, wondering why he gave up so abruptly. Maybe it would just take some time for their pack mates to respond and gather together. Then again, she understood his impatience at the total lack of response from Neverwinter's ranks.

"You're gonna give up, just like that?" she barked after him as he turned to go. "Hey, wait up!" she added when he continued walking away. She bounded after him. "I think you should forget the fishing. Let's go check out the herd ourselves. Maybe we'll find a calf or something. At the very least, we can get in some tracking practice. C'mon, Andre, don't give up that easily," Turq cajoled.

RE: Those hunger pains - Oracle - October 23, 2013

The male came to a stand-still and shifted his shaggy frame back around towards Turquoise, a faint sparkle in his eye that she wanted to try and hunt, or at least track the large, horned beasts. She edged him not to stray from the opportunity looming a resonable trek away, her reassuring response pushing him to accept her request. His maw furrowed up in a wolfish grin, himself finding hope and warmth embedded in her words. Giving Turquoise a sumbissive nod, he responded in a slightly brighter, faster, excited tone; his limp tail swayed back and forth slowly as if suspended in a swift jet stream.

"That's a good idea, well...the last time I saw the herd moving, they had approached the southwestern, outermost part of our forest. By now, it would be hard to tell which direction they migrated, but if you want to track then I could lead you to where I saw them grazing," Oracle offered, outstretching his paw in an inviting way. It was nice that she had supported him when the rest of the pack seemed more vacant then ever at the moment, and the way she expressed interest built his respect for the she-wolf. In a natural way, it made him want to follow and abide by her rules, for she was of high stature. He blinked, waiting for a reply on what the final word would be. [/size]

RE: Those hunger pains - Turquoise - October 28, 2013

As quickly as he'd given up, he took up the task again. Turquoise forced herself to smile in return, if that's what it took to keep him encouraged. He held out a paw and she looked at it a moment before saying gruffly, "Yes, let's start where you last saw them. If the herd's large enough, they've surely left a trail we can follow."

She began to walk even as she spoke, brushing into his paw—her way of acknowledging it, even if it could be interpreted as brushing it off—and then stopped to glance over her shoulder as if to say, Well?

"C'mon, Andre, we don't have all day," she remarked, a lightness sneaking into her tone even though she tried to look and sound impatient with him. Despite herself, he was growing on her.