Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain finchbit, moss-pecked - Printable Version

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finchbit, moss-pecked - Merrick - September 25, 2021

merrick sought about for @Buzzard. he had asked @Surya to accompany him.
the memory of the younger man's promise titillated and pleased merrick.
"have you changed your mind about staying?" the bearwolf called to the prisoner, when they had come close to the breaking and its stones. "or shall you be persuaded?"

RE: finchbit, moss-pecked - Buzzard - September 30, 2021

IM SO SORRY I thought I already replied to this ToT

Buzzard was beginning to appreciate their alone time. Sure it was eerily quiet and felt really fucking weird, but at least then they could think of their escape plan (which hadn’t gone far past the rough draft stage) without being harassed by the priest. And today he brought his equally annoying pawn. They both got glares from them.
Oh yes, I would love to stay and frolic with my captors, they replied in a cheerfully sarcastic manner. Quick! You make the flower crowns and I’ll braid your buddy’s fur.

RE: finchbit, moss-pecked - Surya - October 03, 2021

chup, kaminey, surya snapped upon arrival, hearing the prisoner's sarcastic words. he puffed up alongside merrick, showing his fangs, fur bristling along his spine. how dare you speak to him that way?

his green eyes moved sideways, toward his leader. what should i do now?

it helped to see the other as his blood-father. as not another entity beyond that. the hatred flowed better if he injected his own worldview; without, he doubted he could harm a soul.

RE: finchbit, moss-pecked - Merrick - October 03, 2021

merrick laughed at the insult of the other.
"surya, show this one their place."
such words had always brought punishment. "they are keme. and they belong to ursus."
his lips curled, and he stood back, ready to watch the blows fall upon the prisoner.

RE: finchbit, moss-pecked - Buzzard - October 04, 2021

Buzzard found joy in making the man’s accomplice tick. They snickered when he lashed out at them. Call them stupid for poking the bears, but they hardly cared at this point.
They stood up on weak legs when the priest gave orders to his minion. Suddenly all the joy was wiped from their face and soul. Anger and frustration soon took its place.
There was no chance of Buzzard slipping away, not in this decrepit state. Even knowing this they spat, No the fuck I don’t. They wouldn’t go out without a fight.

RE: finchbit, moss-pecked - Surya - October 08, 2021

yes. . .the fuck. . .you do, surya repeated, the words clipped and accented. he took in a deep breath. buzzard became that man, in mind's eye, and all became clear. brown pelt, like his own. eyes? he did not know. he would not look at the eyes.

he lunged, seeking the throat, as he had promised merrick. if possible, his jaws would latch upon the jugular, tight enough to squeeze but not so much as to pop through flesh and let blood.

if not, well. . .he may have a fight on his paws.

RE: finchbit, moss-pecked - Merrick - October 10, 2021

merrick did not intervene. he only circled behind their prisoner, blocking any hope of escape.
surya's actions were watched with an intense and approving interest; merrick felt the deep and old hunger rising in him.
how easy it would be to descend upon this one as well, to tear them between his own teeth and that of surya;
the single eye hungered.