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Wapun Meadow Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Printable Version

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Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Jace - September 25, 2014


Jace strode down the mountain side. It had been weeks since he had been on the lower ground. He had no reason to come down here. Leaf was gone she disappeared from the wilds, that and he was or had been hurt. He still bore a limp, and he probably always would. Today he had a reason for hunting in the lower lands, and he wasn't hunting for game par say, no he was hunting for Ferdie.

His paws hit soft meadow and with ears erect and body rigid he began his search. He did not want to get anywhere near the borders of the Creek, but he needed to search around. This was the way the female told him Ferdie had went, and so here is where he would search. He tilted his head and then seeing no one, he lowered his nose to the ground, hoping to catch a inkling of where Ferdie was.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Scimitar - September 26, 2014

Scimitar found himself drifting along the length of the meadow – he held distaste for the open area, somehow he always felt vulnerable. But it would seem prey did not hold the same opinion as him, and so the cinnamon male had trekked outside of pack lands, his nose to the ground every so often as he attempted to track a nearby herd.

They had come this way.. but that was not what truly grasped his attention. The hulking form of a dark wolf could be mistaken for no other, and stiffening, the Beta took careful calculation of Jace. Their previous meeting had left no love lost between the two of them – Jace had once spoke to him evenly.. and Scimitar had at one point tended to his wounds. Their last interlude, however, Jace had done nothing but spit fire at he and even Bazi – and since Scimitar was never one to mince words, he had met the venom with tooth and claw.

Unreadable, Scimitar remained on the edges of the meadow, waiting for Jace to carry his stupid hide further away so he could continue with his day. No doubt Bazi would not be impressed with another brawl like last time, and now, without a healer, he did not want to damage himself so close to winter.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Jace - September 26, 2014

*by no means does he have to accept Jace's apology*

Jace found as he walked among the meadow that he would rather be up the mountain. It had been so long since, he had been in open space, that he felt extremely small and a little disorientated. It was a strange feeling, but one he did not exactly dislike. It was merely different.

Jace felt a prickling of awareness, before he lifted his head and met eyes of Scimitar. His first instinct was to snarl and growl, but he kept a tight tamper down on that certain emotion. Rather he weighed his options and realizing that there was probably a very good chance that the male and his best friend were together in more than a friend capacity. Especially based on the body language he had notice at their last meeting. He realized he owed the other an apology and it retrospect he had very seriously acted like an ass. But he had been worried and scared, and irritated and all of the above.

So realizing there was a very good chance this meeting would also end in a fight, but hoping not. He kept himself neutral and approached the hulking brute of the Creek and looking at him. He laid his ears back to his skull for a moment trying to collect his thoughts and then spoke. Alright Scimitar...I...shit....you don't have to say anything. However, I owe you an apology. I should not have attacked you on such a verbal degree, nor in a physical capacity last time we met. I was worried, and afraid for my pack, my friends on both sides, and a love interest. That does not give me an excuse, but for what it is worth I'm sorry. He grew quiet again and then stood there like a fool wondering what to do.

He figured that it would be rather badly end to a this, but his conscience would not let him not apologize. So he did.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Scimitar - October 02, 2014

He watched the wraith move closer – blinking his eyes, he realized Jace was actually daring to come closer, even after everything that had transpired during their last meeting. His eyes remained cold as they watched the approaching male, and bristling dangerously, his lips began to tremble as they threatened to pull back and flash his teeth with warning.

Yet his opponent’s stance remained neutral, and Scimitar tensed, suspicion clear upon his features. He did not speak, instead, he chose to stare at the male directly – uncaring how challenging it possibly was.

It surprised him what came next. Never once had he expected the hot-headed brute to apologize, and yet here he was – a string of words flowing from his mouth. Not only that, but it was long winded, and had the tension between them not been so great, he might have revealed his amusement with the flash of a grin.

He debated for a moment. The ball now lay in his court, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to dribble it forward and have a lil’ play date, or if he wanted to take it and smash it right in to Jace’s face. Truly, the latter was the most tempting. The apology was truly worth nothing in Scimitar’s mind, if only because neither of them meant anything to each other.

“We’ll just move forward from it and maintain the shaky peace our packs have come to.” Short words – right to the point. He would never be friends with the male. Hell, he might never even tolerate him. But the entire point was that he didn’t really have to. Jace was from a different pack, and had little impact on his day to day life, now. Whether that changed and tensions thickened between the packs once more or not had yet to be seen..

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Jace - October 02, 2014

Jace saw the tell tale signs of an impending attack, he wanted to retaliate. However, he kept himself in check. He was extremely proud of himself for that, and blinked his eyes trying hard to curb the natural instinct to return the hated look.

Clearly Scimitar had no time for manners on neutral territory, something that Jace prided himself on really. There was challenge in the other's gaze, but Jace ignored it. He could have held a grudge, but he wanted to be the bigger man so he bit back his retort and apologized.

Jace was indeed a hot headed wolf, and he was rather rash at times. However, he was also mannerly and knew when to admit he was wrong. His father had taught him that, told him that he would hurt some people because he was so quick tempered. So it was best that he learn to apologize and apologize well, and mean it.

Jace frowned in contemplation and he nodded Listen I tell you this not for your sake, but rather Bazi's. Ferdie is missing, I have no clue where he is or what his mood is, so just be watchful okay. Then he grew quiet and he shifted his weight and began to turn away, he would stay and chat about Ferdie missing if he liked, but he also had to find Ferdie before it was too late for Ferdie or someone else if Ferdie happened to be in a black mood.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Scimitar - October 03, 2014

When Scimitar had offered to move forward, he had actually meant to continue on their day as if neither existed, nor had bumped in to one another. Jace, it would seem, had one more thing to say, and the stoical wolf flicked an ear forward as he spoke, refraining from narrowing his eyes at the implications of these words – “Do you think Ferdie would seek to hurt Bazi?” He could see no other reason why Bazi would care, unless.. his disappearance meant danger for the snowy Alpha.

The thought alone stirred the protective dragon within him to snort fire and spread its wings within his chest. He regarded the ebony male then, waiting for the answer – Ferdie meant very little to Scimitar.. as long as the Sunspire wolves and the Swiftcurrent wolves kept their original promise to stay away from one another, he would place little thought on them.

Unless, Ferdie had the complete opposite intention.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Jace - October 03, 2014

Jace frowned at the words, but not to be rude rather to think and think hard. He honestly didn't know what Ferdie would do, he would like ot think he wouldn't attack Bazi. But he didn't know the other's current mindset, and if he thought someone could be after him, he may retaliate. He opted for the truth. To be honest I do not know. I don't know whether or not Ferdie is going to be in a mood like he was the night he attacked that girl, or if he will stay calm or what. I wish I could tell you for certain, because it's terrible that I can't. Well...i wish a lot of things, but anyway. he grew quiet contemplative. What else was there to say really, nothing.

Jace shifted his gaze and then looked back up at Scimitar and he spoke the words he hated himself for, but needed to be said regardless. If Ferdie is attacking someone and someone kills him, I will make sure there is no backlash from the sunspire. He is no longer leader presently Amekaze is. He would not have his wolves going through with another war, simply because their ex leader was being foolish.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Scimitar - October 07, 2014

It amazed him, if he allowed his thoughts to truly dwell on it – Jace listed a potential scenario of unknown events that he believed Ferdie was fully capable of, and yet the ebony male had not only pledged himself to the madman, but had decided Fox had been the insane one. She had been irresponsible, yes.. but harmless in her own right. The simple fact that Ferdie had proven his lack of conscious by attacking a young pup should have been proof enough – now Jace discussed it as if the event was entirely blasé.

He did not speak his opinion of this – he above all had come to realize how hotheaded the ticking time bomb in front of him was, and while he was purely confident he could take care of Jace entirely.. one never knew when he might explode. “I’ll let Bazi know,” he replied coolly, refusing to engage in any in depth conversation. While it was intriguing to know that Amekaze now was the leader, it meant little to the Creek unless their little ‘truce’ was recalled.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Jace - October 11, 2014

Jace had not originally pledged himself to Ferdie. He had been forced into it, by Fox. Fox who threw him out because he wouldn't kill another. It was circumstance and friendship that bound him to the silver male. Jace did not find the situation blase and frankly it weighed heavy on his mind. He sighed a burdened sigh and looked around, Maybe I should have ended this all the first time around. But I couldn't with good conscience kill someone, just because i was ordered too. Someone who was a friend on top of it. Makes me a fool I guess to some, but I have to follow my own moral compass. he shook his head as if he was shaking a fly off his head.

He turned away then, because clearly the male in front of him hated his guts and didn't want a conversation. That was okay, he had made this bed and he would stick by his word. He was not a liar. He dipped his muzzle Thanks if we find him i'll find some way to let you know unless you don't want me too. he turned towards the Sunspire and shifted his weight to head home disheartened now.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Scimitar - October 27, 2014

For a wolf who had threatened to rip his face off last time they spoke, the ebony male before him was a talkative creature – the exact opposite of the dark cinnamon male. His eyes remained cool – aloof, even, and as Jace rambled on about how maybe he should have taken care of things different, and how he couldn’t kill someone.. yadda, yadda, yadda.

Clearing his throat to hopefully interrupt the flow of words, his brows lifted, about to remind the wolf that by no means were they friends, and not under any circumstance did Scimitar give a shit about anything that had to do with the Sunspire or its wolves — or Jace's morals. As long as Ferdie was not out for Bazi’s blood.

“Okay… likewise,” he responded with a bit of hesitance. After all, he wanted nothing to do with them. Still, it was only fair to give the male a warning. “If he tries to hurt Bazi in any way, Jace.. there won’t be a warning. I will do everything in my power to protect her, no matter the outcome.” In other words.. he would kill the unstable male, or die trying.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Jace - October 28, 2014

Jace did not hold the reaction he had been given against the male before him. Clearly though the other held it against him, for his savage nature. In his defense he had not called for the brute in front of him he had called for Bazi and he had stuck his nose where it didn't belong. And if he asked him Jace could tell him he was hot tempered and he couldn't help his reactions sometimes, he regretted them usually afterward. Though honestly he felt no regret for his reaction, really not this time. Fox had done did ruined that bone for most in the creek.

Jace looked at him and frowned, but not in anger more or less agreement. If that is the case by all means. And if he hurts her and you don't make it I'll finish the job myself, where Bazi is concerned. She is or well I guess was my best friend I don't know where i stand there, but I won't hold that against you. he grew quiet again and continued to turn away, now anxious to get home.

RE: Angels call me, but devils enthrall me - Scimitar - November 09, 2014

It was not thats he looked to the ebony male for his blessing on the matter -- Scimitar would go to the ends of the earth to protect Bazi, and any other member of the Creek for that matter.. But it was a relief to know they stood on the same page, even if it was a shaky truce.

With a nod to the departing male, the regal cinnamon wolf found his appetite had vanished, and rather than continue with his scouting for the herds, he turned then,is creamy paws moving him once more to the direction of the Creek. It had been unexpected news, but he was thankful they had been given a heads up.

If anything, Scimitar could comfortably say that Jace had his friends best interests at heart, no matter his loyalty.