Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier with a shrug. - Printable Version

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with a shrug. - Imaq - September 29, 2021

The medicine woman had discovered only recently that there were certain foods one would find at the autumnal festivals like Meerkat hoped to host. Discreetly, Imaq had butchered the badger and arranged the cuts of its meat to dry on the stone terraces just outside the Caverns -- to be added to the communal caches. She had kept the hide but not for herself -- the former shaman would cure it and bring it to the celebration. Perhaps, like in the moon festivals of her homeland, there might be sparring or hunting competitions of some kind. She thought the Redhawk might use the soft, striped pelt as a prize of sorts for any winning competitors. 

On this day, she had left Sikuliak with @Tzila (some slight pp/assumption here, let me know if I need to change this!) and a few members of her growing brood -- hoping their two litters would be able to move past what had happened while reassuring the Duskfire that she did not hold the children's spat against her. The she-dog had since loped to the outer reaches of the territory where big game occasionally foraged courageously on the edges of the icewolves' claim. 

The creature she hunted after today -- a boar -- was not courageous but indifferent. They often grew to large proportions and sported razor-sharp tusks that could cut a wolf to the bone. They feared Imaq's kind only in significant numbers. 

She would need to gather a few other tribesmen to her side to take down one of the beasts but at least she had managed to find the semi-faded trail of a boar leading beyond their borders as she searched -- muzzle low to the ground and lips parted as she sniffed the tracks. There was a great wallow between the trees, a few saplings canted at diagonals where one of the wild pigs had rolled in the dirt a few days past.