Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands Falling from the stars - Printable Version

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Falling from the stars - Autumn - September 25, 2014

The mouse darted between the trees, and so did the fox. It chased the mouse down, not giving up on its prey. The mouse was scared for its life, it had not lived to adulthood to be some canine's lunch. The fox lunged toward it...

Autumn woke up with a long yawn. She stretched her legs, long for a fox, but way shorter than a wolf. That had been a satisfying dream. She got up and smoothed down some ruffled up fur on her chest. She would soon be back to her family's home. But for now, this Kintla Flatland would have to do.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - September 25, 2014

Blue Willow was out in the flatlands, doing a last comb over for herbs to be adding to her caches. As she walked she was lost in her own thoughts, only to come across a yawning fox. Remembering her fun time with the little Charlemagne, she briefly wondered if this fox was the same or different. So she offered it a smile and chuffed gently so to not startle it and have it running off on her.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - September 25, 2014

She looked up to a soft chuff. "Hey," she said with a smile. "I'm Autumn. What's yours?" She asked the black wolf. She was glad not all wolves were like that coy-wolf she'd met. That would be a disaster. Autumn would probably hate wolves if they had all been like her. She was glad to be in this area; last time around here she had met a black pup whose speech had sounded like she'd had a mouthful of blubber. But Autumn had enjoyed meeting her.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - September 27, 2014

Blue Willow offered another smile and nodded hello. I am Blue Willow. What brings you near the plateau? She grew quiet and simply looked around. The trees had not yet lost their green, but they were beginning to grow brittle and the edges brown. There was a briskness to the air, that if the wind blew right could get under the fur and make you cold.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - September 27, 2014

"Nice to meet you Blue Willow." Autumn thought that was a pretty name. "I'm just traveling. I was here before, and I met another wolf. My family's near here too so soon I'll be able to see them again." She said, with a nod in the direction of the mountain where her parents lived.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - September 29, 2014

Blue Willow listened and she did she looked around. Fall really was a beautiful season despite the cold that would follow. The leaves on the trees with their pretty colors were beautiful to behold. The brisk cool in the air, and the warm afternoons made for an interesting and welcome contrast. The grass greener than normal from all the wetness in the morning was bright next to the blue of the sky and the bright sunlight.

She turned back towards the little fox, such a tiny little thing. It is nice to have a family near you. Who did you meet? Perhaps I know them too. Then the femme grew quiet and simply waited patiently.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 04, 2014

She watched as she observed the beauty of fall, and smiled a little. "She said she was Osprey Junior I think. It was hard to tell her speech was strange. Do you know her?" She said with a small tilt of her head. She recalled the little wolf's strange eyes that she hadn't never seen anything like. She wished her eyes were beautiful.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 05, 2014

Blue chuckled and nodded Yes I know her she was probably still learning to speak when you met her. She is one of our princesses here at the plateau. Her father is the alpha. She grew quiet again and looked around, she tilted her ears forward to catch anything the other had to say.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 05, 2014

"A real princess?! Cool!" She said. Princesses in the stories wlere always pampered perfect little spirits with names like Diamond Dazzle. Junior hadn't been like the characters in the story though. "Who is the alpha currently?" She said. Last shd heard it was some guy called Pere-something. But she hadn't been around here in a while so she hadn't really heard any birds talking about this pack.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 06, 2014

Blue laughed Yes a real princess in a manner of speaking. Blue wondered if anyone had actually told Junior she was a princess, Saena seemed to fit that bill more than the dark child. Ah Saena her heart gave a painful twist at the thought of the small girl child that thought no one loved her. Junior's father is still alpha Peregrine.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 08, 2014

"Okay. So, what has your pack been up to lately?" She said with a bit on interest. Autumn was very often up to date on gossip around the Wilds. A little more knowledge wouldn't hurt.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 11, 2014

Blue thought about it and shook her head. not very much. Just getting ready for Winter as every other animal. A lot of work to be done. How about you? What are you doing as the days get cooler? Blue sat down to her haunches then and watched the tiny fox in front of her.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 11, 2014

A little sigh left Autumn. Getting ready for Winter. Did her season reqlly pass this quickly? Was the season really just a transition between the more important ones like Summer and Winter? "I have been..." She thought for a moment. "I should probably be eating and storing more food for the Winter, but I haven't..." She thought again. "I've been jumping in leaf piles as practice for jumping in snowbanks." She snickered, and grinned at the thought of leaping into the fluffy white stuff.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 13, 2014

Blue had learned young that the seasons and the years they came and went like dancers in smoke. It was quick and if you blinked sometimes you missed them. Her father had always told her one minute your a puppy playing and the next your dying and old wolf. He had been right, and she herself wasn't getting any younger herself. She shook her head and smiled. Oh you want to have fun. All work and no play makes you dull. I don't blame you leaves are fun to jump in.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 13, 2014

"Do you like jumping in leaf piles?" She said. She grinned playfully and wagged her tail once or twice. The wolf was no longer a juvenile, Autumn could tell, but few were too old to want to have fun. Fun involved jumping in leaf piles or snowbanks.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 15, 2014

Blue chuckled Yes I do. I maybe an adult, but it does not mean that I do not like to have fun too. She smiled and shifted and wagged her tail against the ground. I like snow too, and I like to wrestle and play fight. Blue really did too and her recent day playing with Osprey crossed her mind.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 15, 2014

At hearing this Autumn crouched down in a playful position, her hindquarters and tail wagging in the air. "Do you want to play fight?" She challenged with a playful crack of a grin. Her eyes sparkled with playfulness as well.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 17, 2014

Blue was a great deal larger than the fox in front of her. But she supposed if she was easy, she couldn't hurt her too badly. Shifting her weight she play bowed and she wagged her tail and with a saucy grin, she darted forward and gently tried to bonk the other on the nose. She laughed and backpedaled with a smile on her maw.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 17, 2014

Autumn was glad Blue Willow had accepted. Instinctively she reached up and rubbed the spot on her nose, before darting forward to bat at Blue Willow's tail like a leaf. Or like a kitten batting at a butterfly. She then scurried away quickly, back to where she had been before, facing the wolf. Her eyes sparkled with playfulness and mischief.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 25, 2014

Blue moved her tail out of reach but chuckled. Turning she trotted towards the little fox and passed a paw at the other's small paws. She laughed and darted backwards her front torso low to the ground her tail and back high off in a play bow and her tail waved like a flag back and forth.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - October 25, 2014

Autumn tripped, her face landing in the dust. She snorted in laughter and shook the dirt off her face. She ran up and leaped onto Blue Willow's back, clinging to her like a child in a piggyback ride. "Woo Hoo!" She giggled as she clung tightly to the wolf's fur.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - October 31, 2014

It was with surprise that blue met the girl clinging to her back. But she didn't say anything she just turned her head and smiling she bucked slightly, nothing paramount. She did not wish to make the girl fox fly off and get hurt. She would feel bad if the vixen did.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - November 02, 2014

wrap up? If so this still isn't my last post yet.

She noticed that Blue Willow wasn't being rough with her, for this Autumn was glad. She didn't want to keep bugging this wolf all day. She hopped off the wolf's back. "Thanks for the ride, Blue Willow." She said. Autumn thought Blue's name was so pretty, it was also organized the same way as a spirit fox. Spirit foxes took two names next to each other, usually their first and middle name. So Autumn would be Autumn Juniper, if she was a spirit fox.

RE: Falling from the stars - Blue Willow - November 05, 2014

Blue chuckled and dipped her muzzle You are welcome Autumn. I am sorry to cut this day short, but I must be getting back to my pack. It was wonderful to meet you. Blue stretched and began to turn back towards home. It had been a good day, she had lessened some of her stress, but now it was time to return to her responsibilities and her den.

RE: Falling from the stars - Autumn - November 05, 2014

"It's great to meet 'ya too! See you next time around!" She called after the grey wolf. Autumn had her own places to be too. She was to visit her family for the reunion soon, and she couldn't miss it. She couldn't miss out own her family. And so, Autumn begun to trot off in the direction on Silver Tip, her childhood home.