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Duskfire Glacier With a little bit of luck - Printable Version

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With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - September 26, 2014

Just a fun little thread, open to everyone!

The golden woman was hunkered down, blazing eyes focused on the expanse of dark shapes that covered the ground a ways in front of her. Every muscle was tensed, rigid with contained energy. With a sudden motion she sprang forward, paws thudding as she sprinted towards the mass.

Suddenly wings filled the air as the birds took off, feathers whirring in a desperate attempt to flee the demon with snapping teeth that now darted amongst them. Full of glee, Danica leapt with wild abandon, her attempts to bring down the small creatures more out of fun than hunger. One of them wouldn't make much of a meal, and while she could use a snack, she was garnering far more enjoyment out of trying to catch the quick little blighters.

She wondered briefly if perhaps some of her associates might enjoy the game as much as she was and sent up a quick call, light and inviting, a call for fun. It was a rare gesture of comraderie from her, but she was feeling magnanimous today. Might as well share the good mood. Then her focus once more returned to the flock, which had lighted down once more a ways away. Slowly she crept forward, then paused, ready to make another pass at it.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - September 28, 2014

I apologize if I don't make very fast replies. This thread was just too good to pass up :D

The frantic sound of bird squawks broke the stillness of the morning, and Malachi, perched upon one of the outcropping rocks at the mountain's base, felt all his senses rise. The sudden commotion snapped his thoughts to the lynx and he leapt to his paws, ready to dash in the direction of the sound. But then he heard the inviting howl of his packmate sounding from the direction of the screeching birds and he felt his fur lie flat, though the thought of the cat still troubled his mind.

The lighthearted nature of his packmate's voice stood in stark contrast to the tension he'd felt since encountering the lynx on the far side of the territory earlier that moon, and he found her offer hard to pass up. He'd spent more time looking for the wild cat than he had with his packmates, and he could not deny that the search had taken a toll on him. He felt exhaused and drained, and her invitation tempted him with a momentary escape he couldn't resist.

It did not take Malachi long to find her, or at least the flock of birds that fell prey to her games. The lean male hunkered down and searched for her with his senses. At first he could find nothing over the heavy avian odor, but then his eyes fell upon a golden shape moving slowly toward the flock's rear. A sideways smile crossed his mouth and he followed suit, approaching the birds from their opposite side and pausing as she paused, waiting for her ambush. They'd lead a double attack, one from each side. The smile grew across his face and he lowered his brows as he calculated his path of attack. With both their charges, the birds wouldn't know what hit them.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - September 28, 2014

Yay! btw, love the new avatar! Though I loved the old one also :D
No worries about speed

Anyone else is still free to jump in whenever! Figured this could be a bit of pack fun/bonding
gonna roll to see if she actually snags one, 5+ she does: 6

Danica caught motion as she stalked, golden eyes flicking to where a male had joined her, mirroring her actions on the opposite side. A smirk lifted her lips; this would be a good time, catching the featherbrains between the two of them and having a field day with them. The poor stupid things wouldn't have time to process anything.

She did not know the other wolf but recalled his name to be Malachi. He was one of the ones they had met on the way to the glacier, so the trip had allowed her to at least become familiar with that much.

Suddenly she sprang once more, sprinting into their midst and leaping as they took flight once more, jaws snapping in an attempt to catch one. She felt a wing beneath her teeth and the vice closed with a click and the crack of bones snapping. The bird shrieked and battered her face with it's other wing in an attempt to get away, but she snuffed it out quickly, grinning with her triumph. Her eyes followed the movement of the main body of birds. One was barely enough for a light snack... she was totally game to go a few rounds more if her partner was in.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - October 02, 2014

Thank you! :D Stevie did a beautiful job on it <3
Imagine if the whole pack got involved - those poor birds! xD

Malachi let his attention return to the golden woman, whom he quickly paired with a name: Danica. That was all he had time to think: in an instant she became a golden smear, and Malachi lost her in the swell of birds. Startled by the suddenness of her attack, he lingered a moment before plunging toward the fray himself. At first his legs felt stiff beneath him, but he felt them loosen as he sprinted at the birds Danica pressed his way. Whipping wings met him, the movement of birds beating frantically at the space around them in a startled attempt to change course. Their black bodies blocked the sun as took light, some flying left, some flying right, some flying up, and others just turning in stunned and flustered circles as if unable to process the double attack.

Malachi moved in a curving motion around the birds. Unlike his packmate, the thought of catching one was the last thing on his mind. He took pleasure in the speed of the chase, and he focused his attention on starling the more sluggish ones to action. But soon those birds lighted too and the sky cleared as the stragglers settled themselves in safer pasture further down the field.

Malachi slowed to a stop, tongue lolling and adrenaline tingling his nerves. He watched the last bird settle among its comrades and, despite the quivering in his legs, Malachi itched to give chase again. He felt energized by the run, and he turned to search out his golden companion, hoping she'd be up for another go. He spotted her golden form easily, now that the birds had dispersed, and he moved toward her at a brisk trot. His eyes settled on her briefly before falling to the avian dangling from her jaws. His brows raised as he drew nearer. He hadn't even thought of using the chase as a hunt, and he felt a twinge of embarrassment that he'd returned from the ambush empty pawed. But he grinned nonetheless, flicked his gaze back to Danica, and let the sheepishness fall from his face. "Bet they're even faster now that they're warmed up."

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - October 10, 2014

Omg that would be great XD... though not so much for the birdies

Danica didn't judge Malachi when he ended up empty, for she had last round as well. Food was always in the front of the golden warrior's mind, her stomach leading the way in even the best of times. She couldn't help but look at the flock of featherbrains and see a bunch of little entree's flitting about waiting to be snatched up.

"Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we?" She grinned back, a bit wickedly, and flicked her tail happily. She was glad that he had joined and even gladder that he was game for a second round. She hadn't had many dealings with Malachi, but from what she could tell so far, she liked him fine.

"You wanna head the charge this time?"

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - October 19, 2014

If first impressions counted, Danica was off to a good start. Her mischief charged him, and at the suggestion he take the lead, the Kalderon bowed his head in playful jest. "It would be my pleasure." With that Malachi danced his gaze to the flock and sized them up. The birds were now scattered about more than before, which would make an ambush more difficult. But that was the fun in it.

Malachi's thoughts churned and he surveyed the birds a second longer, then turned back to Danica with a glow in his eyes. He spoke in a hushed voice, as if the birds would hear him if he didn't, and felt a tingle of excitement as the details of a fresh plan flowed through his mind. "I have a different idea." He paused at that, and waited to see if Danica would be up for an altered plan of attack. He didn't know what kind of wolf Danica was, and he hadn't a clue if his idea would work at all, but he was willing to take the risk of failure if Danica was willing to take the risk with him.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - October 24, 2014

He was right on step with her, accepting her suggestion immediately and taking point. He wasn't doing so shabbily with the impressions himself. It wasn't often that she let loose like this and did something simply for the hell of it, but whenever she did, she always had a fine time of it no matter what. Sharing it with someone else only made it better, though, especially when they were having just as good a time.

Oh, this might get interesting. "Do tell," she responded, noting the excited glow about him. This had to be good, he looked far too pleased about his idea. It wasn't as if she was actually trying to accomplish anything here.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - October 26, 2014

Oh Malachi. I don't think birds work this way.

Danica gave ear, and Malachi waved his tail in delight. He wasted no time in pitching his idea, and retained the same hushed voice as before. "I don't think the birds'll be much surprised if we tear through them again. They know we're here, so let's play to that." He turned from Danica and danced his gaze over the flock, mentally running through his proposal again. "We'll start on opposite sides, like before, but we'll move around the flock in a circle and shorten our distance between us and the birds with each rotation." Hopefully that would round the scattered birds back to the main mass. "We'll keep pressing closer until they're packed tight." His eyes lighted back on Danica. "Then - when we're still circling them - we'll attack."

Of course, there was always the possibility the birds would gain air before the two even came close to rounding them up, or that their herding would force the birds into an avian tornado instead. But Malachi knew their endeavour could prove a success, and they would only find out if they tried.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - October 27, 2014

It didn't sound like a terrible idea, so that made it completely worth a shot. It was very likely the birds would take off the instant they got near, far before they got the chance to round them into any sort of confined group, but that was the fun of it. A challenge was always more interesting.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll take right?" She looked for confirmation, excited to give it a try. She'd watch him, mirroring his movements and attempting to come in at about the same rate. If one of them moved too quickly, they could startle the flock and the whole plan would be shot.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - October 31, 2014

Danica took to his plan with equal enthusiasm - not that he'd expected less - and Malachi gave another wag of his tail. "And I take left." He nodded with a firm confirmation, then turned and moved in his chosen path with certainty she would do the same. His nerves buzzed with excitement, but he kept that within himself and made a wide and cautious circle around the mob until he stood as far left as he imagined left could be. Satisfied with his position, he settled for only a moment before turning to eye the far right field, searching for Danica through the mob. He would not move until she was ready: cooperation was the key to making this work.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - November 03, 2014

Not sure how you wanna do the success/failure hehe

Danica slunk to the right, carefully keeping her distance. When she reached the edge opposite of where she figured Malachi would be, she cast her eyes over, keeping a sharp watch on his shape as she began to slowly circle. She split her attention between her partner and their prey.

She slowly began to close in, alert for any shift in the flock. If the birds tried to fly she was still going to have a go at them. Perhaps she'd get one or two before they managed to lift off.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - November 08, 2014

Did an offsite dice roll to see how the birds respond to being herded like sheep.
1-3: Birds fly away from flock.
4-6: Birds fly toward flock.
7-9: Birds do either or.

And I rolled a 1 xD

When he caught sight of Danica's golden fur, he gave a short nod and slowly moved in his chosen direction. He struggled at first to keep his attention equally divided between Danica and the birds, but soon he eased into a near steady rhythm as he made a drawling circle round the mob. Thankfully, Danica's fur was a shade far removed from that of the birds. He could let her shape blur to a smear and still be able to keep a decent eye on her movements on the other side while tracking the flock with fuller attention.

They made good progress and Malachi let his strides fall confident - until they actually drew near the birds they worked to round up. Malachi brushed one by and it lighted the air - and completely disregarded their plan to corral them in a giant mass. The youth glanced up in alarm at the bird, which squawked and cackled to its comrades before flapping away to find some other field with less excitement. Malachi shot his gaze back on the flock and held his breath as a wave of motion passed through the huddled mob.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - November 20, 2014

4 -> if this is higher than 5 she gets two birds :) higher than 3 one

Danica did her best to restrain her movements, keeping hunkered down and attempting to remain as inconspicuous as physically possible. All the while she carefully tracked Malachi in her peripherals, heart speeding with every movement the flock made, expecting them to lift off at any moment and disappear into the sky.

They were upon the group when a touch from Mordecai set one of the birds off. Instantly the others were alerted and a group consciousness grasped them, shifting them and, in Danica's eyes, preparing them to follow. Like hell they would. Figuring the game was up, she dove in, snapping at the flurry of wings that erupted around her. They were in a good spot at least with Malachi's plan and she did not walk away empty handed. Her teeth closed on a wing and she snapped her head down, easily breaking it with a squawk from its possessor. This was quickly silenced as well as she shook the creature a bit harder. Carrying her now-deceased prize, she turned to see how Malachi had fared.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - November 30, 2014

Used the same method of rolling for Malachi's attack (:

And just like that, the mob began to lift.

Malachi dared a fleeting glance in Danica's direction, but he did not wait to see her behind the flurry of wings. He knew she would be among them now, and without a second of hesitation he threw himself into the mob. Adrenaline pushed him forward and up, the strength in his hind legs propelling him in an arching lunge toward his avian prey.

With a sharp click he snapped his jaws shut, and found himself hurtling toward the ground again. He hit the grass with a lurch, and he staggered forward, open jaws sending his prey tumbling toward the earth.

The world spun around the youth and he shook his head to rid himself of the dizzy spell before he turned to reclaim his prey. It took him a moment before he realized he was not seeing double: two birds lay still on the ground before him, their wings a matted mess where he'd broken them in the hunt. Malachi blinked before reaching forth to gather them, a pulse of satisfaction coursing his veins at the success. The birds were not impressive on their own, but alongside Danica's kills they would make a decent contribution to the pack. He search out the golden warrior then, hopeful she'd found equal success. Her shape was not difficult to spot through the last of the fluttering birds, and Malachi waved his tail when his eyes rested on her catch.

" 'shum plan, eh?" His words came muffled and a smile stretched around the tickling feathers when he tried to speak. The tactic didn't work exactly as planned, but hey, they'd come out with food and that was all that mattered, right?

RE: With a little bit of luck - Danica RIP - December 09, 2014

Wrap this? :D I loved it!

When she caught sight of his catch, she felt a quick flash of annoyance at his better fortune than her own, but it was an idle sensation. She was glad that he had enjoyed himself at least. She too had gotten a surprising amount of fun out of it.

"Worked out well I think," she said, looking at their four birds with a satisfied smile. "Not half bad." True the birds hadn't exactly cooperated but at least they had gotten a few of the featherbrains. Having already eaten, both of hers would go straight into a cache. "Time to bury these guys someplace safe. You stashing yours?" They could put them in the same spot if so.

RE: With a little bit of luck - Malachi - December 16, 2014

Sounds good - this'll be my last post, then (: I really enjoyed the thread, too! :D

Malachi didn't try to speak around the feathers again. He found breathing a chore enough with the birds snug in his jaws, and with their plumage already tickling the roof of his mouth, he wasn't willing to risk the coughing fit that would surely transpire if he let their bodies shift. So he simply nodded his agreement and gave a raise of his brows in open question, allowing her to lead the way to the nearest cache.