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Blacktail Deer Plateau I remember you when i was young - Printable Version

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I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - September 26, 2014


Blue stepped forth from the den and with a small whine she stretched. She shifted and shook her black pelt, the little bits of dirt, and herbs littering her floor falling out of her pelt. She smoothed the tufts of fur that lay up, back down with her muzzle and tongue, and then with one last look around she began to head towards the borders.

She started at a loping run, but she soon slowed it down as she came across a game trail. Why not do some hunting while she patrolled the borders after all, Winter was fast approaching and no one knew how it would be. Better to be prepared than not, that was how she felt about it.

RE: I remember you when i was young - Finley - October 01, 2014

Fin was hungry, and since her pack apparently sucked at bringing down large game together these days, she knew that it was up to her to feed herself. And that was exactly what she intended to do as she followed the trail of her prey. It was one she had stumbled upon by the grace of dumb luck, but luck pushed it even further in that it spun a path right into the Plateau territory. The Blackthorn followed with delight, as she knew the area well enough to know just towards where they were headed and where she'd be able to trap it in order to take it down all on her own.

It was probably because she was lost in her delusions that she failed to notice the rather moronic error she was making, and thus it was with delight that she ran into... "Blue!" ...following the same trail. Fin trotted happily up to the beta, a friendly tail waving along like a banner behind her. Her gaze drifted from the dark-pelted female to the ground, and suddenly she froze in her tracks. Blue had been coming one way, and it was along that path her eyes followed to discover that it was leading straight back the way she had came. So her packmate was hunting the same prey, but there was one difference... Blue Willow was doing it correctly.

"Oh hell, what the crap am I doing..." Her face scrunched up in frustration at her own failure of a brain. It had been a long day, only really it hadn't, Fin was merely trying to prep herself with some sort of feeble excuse for why she was following a scent that was weakening instead of growing stronger.


RE: I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - October 02, 2014

It was a rather scary thing that they had not been getting good game when they were hunting as a pack. More evidence that they were not acting as a pack, and there was discord somewhere. It made her nervous and scared and a little bit angry. Not at her packmates par say, just angry mostly because she wanted their pack to do well come winter.

Blue chuckled at the excited greeting she got and she returned the tail wag and nudged the female finley gently with her nose. It had been very kind of Finley to help her lay her father to rest and she was fast becoming one of the healer's friends. She noticed the moment that Finley realized she had been chasing the wrong trail and she chuckled again.

Do not worry about it Finley. I myself have been so lost in daydreams I failed to see reality.

RE: I remember you when i was young - Finley - October 03, 2014

Why the pack was having trouble hunting together never occurred to the silver mockingbird to wonder. She was not one to dig beneath the surface of truths to find the reason for them. She accepted things at face value. It made life easier for her for one. And secondly... it just didn't occur to her to do any different, unless she was effected directly. If they had been failing at hunting because she was at fault, then she would have noticed. But no, she was flawless, of that she was certain, so whatever the real reason was didn't matter in her particular scope of things.

Finley returned the nudge and chuckled at the beta's response. "Yeah, definitely guilty here pretty often of that," she replied, "I don't have a clue where my head was just now though..." That was a lie; she just had no desire to admit that she was daydreaming about how awesome of a hunter she was. "Let's keep going, but how about you lead since I apparently left my brain at home today?" she asked with a grin.


RE: I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - October 03, 2014

Blue wasn't sure herself why the pack as a whole was having a hard time hunting. She didn't know if it was because they were at fault. Or if it was simply that the prey was crazily wily and was quick to get away. It could be either of them or a mixture of both really. Blue had never had to worry about hunting game for an entire pack, just her own little family, so this was a new experience for the beta anyway.

Blue chuckled I will gladly lead the way. Sounds like Fairies stole your thoughts. She grew quiet then, her father used to tell her that when she couldn't remember something or she was lost in her own space. Her father would tell her the fairies wanted to play a trick so they stole thoughts.

RE: I remember you when i was young - Finley - October 03, 2014

Fairies? Fin canted her head as her paws began to trace the dark beta's steps. This was something that the Blackthorn was somewhat familiar with. Fairies, changelings, miscellaneous celtic folkloreic beings, these were things little Fin had grown up with, and it pleased her immensely to not suddenly not be a pupil to her friend.

"Could be," Fin admitted, upping her pace to bring her to Blue's side, "At least they left my other faculties." A grin slipped across her face, cause.. potty jokes. But it just as swiftly occurred to her that Blue was not the type to appreciate that sort of thing, so she cleared her throat and changed the subject. "Man, the weather today... It's like Fall is almost here," she said suddenly, blinking a couple times as she tried to figure out where she was going with it... "Your stocks are pretty high, right? With the healing things and all?" There it was. A destination.


RE: I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - October 04, 2014

If Blue had known the other knew of fairies and other such beings she would have peppered her with questions to sate her own curiosity. Blue enjoyed learning about the wee folk, well actually she enjoyed learning about anything really. She could tell stories, but it didn't mean she knew about them.

Blue could not appreciate such potty jokes as well as her friend Peregrine could. But she was slowly learning to be less horrified by them at least, that was a plus right. She felt that it was. She chuckled all the same, knowing what the girl meant and also appreciating that she didn't blurt it out, and make blue uncomfortable.

Blue chuckled at the clear change of subject. Yes they are I am very careful about that. Especially with Fox wanting to have children, I will make sure I am well stocked for all and any who need it.

RE: I remember you when i was young - Finley - October 04, 2014

*may be hi-jacking this thread for healer trade...* o:

It would have been a sight to see, Finley trying to tell the pack storyteller about the folklore of her youth. She was completely terrible at weaving tales, often skipping straight ahead to the climax at the expense of the finer details that really made the story great. She was too impatient, always wanting to make it to the exciting parts without suffering the often painful conflicts in the middle that made the endings so great.

The potty jokes really were more her thing, which probably was going to make her following statement all the more bizarre as it was coming from her mouth.

"You know, if you ever need help with that stuff, I'd totally have your back," Fin offered. She didn't practice her "skills" very often, but a wolf with as many highly risky hobbies as the Blackthorn had, she would not have gotten all too far without knowing some remedies of her own. "I mean, I've never dealt with... moms and puppies and crap. But I know my way around some pain relievers, bleeding stoppers and bone setters."


RE: I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - October 05, 2014

Perfectly fine with me Blue's always willing to share her trade and I can get my mastery faster :D

Blue would not have minded if the girl had told her of her folklore. She would have had to probably fill in the spaces, but that was okay. That was what an imagination was for after all, and Blue had always been graced with a good one. Though her friend Osprey's was better and bigger.

Blue smiled crookedly at the girls wording, but dipped her head in thanks. Thank you and if you ever want to let me know what you know I am always eager to learn more, and I can share my own information. For instance Ginger root, helps a mother with nausea while she's pregnant.

RE: I remember you when i was young - Finley - October 06, 2014

Fin canted her head slightly as Blue began telling her of some of the remedies she often used. "Huh.. I've only ever used ginger for relieving muscle pain," she said thoughtfully. It wouldn't surprise her to realize how many other uses there were for the medications she often employed, even less so if what she used them for was the opposite of the norm.

"I've always used peppermint for nausea, actually. I wonder how well it would work if you combined the two?" Fin wondered aloud, looking to Blue to see her opinion on it. It was probably overkill to medicate with both herbs, but the Blackthorn wasn't so good at limits. Unless you wanted them tested--that she was fabulous at.


RE: I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - October 06, 2014

Blue nodded her head Most herbal remedies that you find relieve more than one thing. For example Raspberries, if you eat them while in heat they will relieve any cramping and lessen blood loss. She nodded her head and bent it down to sniff at the game trail again. Though now she was so excited to be sharing her craft, the game trail was not her first interest.

Blue frowned in thought I'm not sure I try not to mix anything if I can help it. It's not an exact science and you have to be careful what you mix. She grew quiet again and tilted her head as she thought about it Though i don't think they would really do anything, neither one have many side effects, so they maybe just fine.

RE: I remember you when i was young - Finley - October 10, 2014

Wanna wrap this puppy up? :)

Blue Willow responded in her typical tactful way, politely knocking sense into the Blackthorn's head in the midst of it spiralling off on a tangent, inventing a super drug that would incorporate every medicinal herb there was so that everything would be cured all at once. "Yeah, mixing medications.. Probably not the best idea in the world," she admitted with a sheepish grin. "Good tip about the raspberries, though. I'll have to keep that in mind."

Fin rolled her shoulders a bit before casting a glance at Blue to offer a change of subject. "You wanna go hunt down some meats?" she asked as the scent of prey had been antagonizing her since they'd ran into each other. If the woman agreed, Fin would happily be off with her to spend the afternoon tracking down some tasties to much upon.


RE: I remember you when i was young - Blue Willow - October 11, 2014

Last post for me <3

Blue chuckled at the girl and nodded her head Yes probably not. She enjoyed Finley imensely and found her humor and outgoing personalty refreshing. It was a unusual time to find someone who was as optimistic and fun loving as the femme in front of her, and she adored that about her. Yes they are nice raspberries for pregnancy too.

Blue shifted her weight and nodded Yes that works for me. Would you like to lead the way then Finley? Then she motioned and waited for the other girl to take the lead, they would find some meat at the most and have fun at the least. So it would be a good day regardless.