Wolf RPG
Northstar Vale Puppet on a lonely string - Printable Version

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Puppet on a lonely string - Runt - September 27, 2014

"Come on. Hurry up." Jupiter told the youngest slave as she hurried along behind them. He sighed. She was getting Orange's blood all over the trail. He would have to drip water on it so it could fade away. The second in their line was being careful. Spruce placed his paws lightly and had already licked the victim's blood of the bottom his paws as to not spread it. The smallest ran and caught up to the boys. The scene changed and she was in the slave camp. She could see Coal march up to Jupiter, about to tear his ears off like he did months ago. She tried to close her eyes but she couldn't in this nightmare. Coal ran forward and began to tear off the prince's ears...

She woke from the nightmare with a jolt, panting. This one had ran again and again in the past month. Following Jupiter to this stream and watching him be hurt in front of the pack. She sighed sleepily and yawned. This might be a long day.

RE: Puppet on a lonely string - Meldresi - September 28, 2014

The dark priestess was scouting the mountains for herbs. While prey was important for a growing pack so was medicine. If a pack got sick it could be more devastating than starvation even could be. And she was already harboring a sick wolf, both in mind and body. The mountain contained some of the herbs she needed and she had found some of them, though she needed a few hours to find the last few specimens.

She was sniffing the ground, searching for a species of fungi that inhabited the high mountains when she heard a gasp. Surprised by it, the priestess' head swiveled to the sound. The priestess walked towards it, wondering what might be going on. She was disappointed to see just a small wolf curled up on the ground. "Is something wrong?"

RE: Puppet on a lonely string - Runt - September 28, 2014

She was surprised, no, shocked, to see the black wolf moments after she had woken. "No Miss, Everything is o.k. " She said looking up at the obsidian lady. She had never seen a wolf so dark, even Coal had only been a smoky gray color. Robert had been very close, not this black though. It reminded her of the night sky, which brought a little comfort. She liked the night.

RE: Puppet on a lonely string - Meldresi - September 28, 2014

She studied the little creature curiously. She was small, but the age was ambiguous, somewhere between five months and a year, that was for sure. That was what worried her, why was a child doing alone like this? "Are you alone? Is there anyone with you?"

RE: Puppet on a lonely string - Runt - October 04, 2014

She smiled a little. "Nope. Just me." She like not having anyone to boss her around, to tell her do this or that. She made her own decisions. The girl decided when to hunt, wake up, and go to sleep. Or that she had to do any slave tasks for them, the slavemasters. Now I'm free!