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cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Printable Version

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cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Jinx - September 22, 2013

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait on this post, bear with me while I flounder around and try to figure things out!

This is Bon Dye's official pack claiming thread! This will be a single round, 1-post-per-person thread where your wolf simply has to howl their support as allegiance. Please reply to this thread if you want your wolf to be a ranked member of Bon Dye! This thread will be archived on September 29th, giving you guys a week to get a post in for your official joining!

Everybody but the three pre-creation founders will begin in the Sigma rank, but will be shifted around in the named ranks according to their behaviour/ambition/IC contributions during the week. Any wolf that posts in this thread will be considered a founder of Bon Dye and will go on record for founding the pack when we have an info station, and I thiiiink there might be some XP rewards or something for being a founder, can't promise that yet though!

There will be a pack meeting (likely once I've gotten the ranks all sort of sorted out) where Jinx will explain more in-depth the Loa and the Spirit Bears, so don't worry if your character is really confused right off the bat! If you do have an idea already for what co-rank tier your character fits in, simply put that name as an OOC note in your post and I'll make a note of it! We wanna keep these sort of balanced so while there isn't a limit, if there are 5 Ogoun and no Loco'en, maybe consider having your wolf be a Loco'en for pack balance.
Ogoun: Sentries, hunters, fighters. Element is fire, and Ogoun is a "dark" Loa.
Agwe'en: Clerics, sitters, teachers, fishers. Element is water and Agwe is a "light" Loa.
Bade'un: Scouts, spies, headhunters, trackers. Element is wind and Bade is a "dark" Loa.
Loco'en: Strategists, advisors, quartermasters. Element is earth and Loco is a "light" Loa.

When dawn crept through the veil of leaves that hid sleeping Blackfoot Forest and its haunting denizens from the prying eyes of those in the mountains, Jinx rose from her hollow under a tree, her temporary lodgings for the night, and stretched. She winced as pain pulsed through her bruised and smashed side, but refused to allow it to show on her face beyond that; she affixed a steely expression to it, with her heart full of intent and promise. She had abandoned Neverwinter in the dead of night, following on the coattails of a Dream, and she was now here, and knew what had to be done.

Her paws had carried her for some time through the forest until she found what she had been looking for: a hillock overlooking a tangled, overgrown clearing, where logs had fallen and been reclaimed by nature. There were a myriad high points and treacherous climbs here, and Jinx found her swift and surefooted way to the top of her favourite: a fallen whitebark pine, draped perilously over another log that was propped against a nearby hemlock. Prowling her way to the point where it crossed over the unidentifiable log holding it off the floor, the pale Kesuk seated herself with a smile of contentment and satisfaction.

This is where they would rebuild, and begin anew. This was where Sos and Atka would again reign, although it was to Sos alone that she pledged her allegiance, and it was Sos' eagle, Bade the Second, that had confirmed her ties to Him.

Her head threw back into the morning air and from it was loosed a powerful howl, so strong it could only be aided, she believed, by the Gods themselves. It rang out over the forest and sent the foxes into silence and the birds fluttering nervously, and rippled out from its origin, reaching all wolves in vicinity, and likely even those quite far away. Its message was simple, straightforward, and direct: rise now, wolves of Bon Dye, to glory and honour!

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Ylvex - September 22, 2013

[size=x-small](I think Ogoun, Loa of Fire would suit Ylvex best. ^-^)[/size]
Blinding lights sifted through the stout needles of the seemly endless pine forests, outlining a dim silhouette belonging to a young she-wolf. All around her the canopy flickered with life: the rustling of squirrels burying large arrays of nuts in store for winter, the cheerful cries of birds, the buzzing and whirling of insects. The lupin's nose twitched with boredom amist all the turmoil unfolding around her, her yellow eyes jumping from object to ordinary object. Picking up a pace of leisure walking to a small sprint, the brown-coated wolf arrived at a crack in the earth: a small spring full of icy waters migrated before her paws, the crystal waves alluring.

After barely a few laps, she stopped mid-timed with her tounge hanging loosely from her muzzle. The forest itself seemed to stop moving: the buzz of bees quieted to nearly a flutter, the birds grew silent and even a hare at the edge of her vision seemed to turn to stone. Ylvex lifted her head up, auditories priked upward. A faint howl can from the west; a howl of summon and of glory. She tensed her muscles, attempting to decode the voice of another creature of her own species, who she had always been tentative to hear.

Rise...bon-doo...to glory...and honour..., the stranger seldomly, yet with vigor, called out. A ripple showered through her veins as sharp yet as warm as the orange licking flames of fire. Suddenly, she was not thirsty nor hungry. Suddenly, she wanted to follow the voice.

She picked up speed, heading towards the howl blindly, not able to foresee what was to come; but, after all, curiousity conquers fear.


RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Hawkeye - September 22, 2013

Hawkeye woke to the haunting beauty of the sun breaking through the trees of what was known as Blackfoot Forest. The slight flow of adrenaline coursed through her veins as she heard a call that seemed to stop time itself; the midnight wolf breathed in the deep crisp air while throwing her head back and letting out a deep, excited, and respectful howl to the host. Hawkeye grinned and panted, bucking with energy as her large form galloped through the forest toward her new leader.

(ooc: I also think Ogoun would be best!)

oops! edited post... I made it from my phone and obviously it cut off my sentence :(

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Lecter - September 22, 2013

He had been gifted the presence of his daughter, full of life and vitality as she had been before. A new home was his also, and he would fly proudly the new banner Jinx had perfected: a gathering of balance, of Light and Dark together. Dawn's rosy fingers touched the canopy overhead as a resounding cry of pride rang through the woodland; Lecter lifted himself from where he had been resting, muzzle rising into the air as he found his footing.

It was decided; they would gather here, beneath the spitfire eyes of their brave young leader, and they would serve the Loa and the Gods as they had done in Shearwater, albeit with a definite balance struck this time. Lecter's eyes closed, and he met the piercing, clear cry from Jinx's throat with a lower key, a darker melody that wound its way through the silvered bell of her cry.

Sos, I am yours always.

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Cuan - September 22, 2013

OOC: Agwe'un, perhaps? :D

The snap of twigs and rustle of leaves trembled under his light, beige gait as Cuan wound his way up the hill. The forest was alive, it seemed, with nature itself. The trees sung in the wind, and the earth breathed a puff of fresh air across her face to caress the young canine's muzzle. Whatever had led him on this wild goose chase of belonging had finally brought the young male to the doorstep of the forest was now prompting him to listen. With side-turned audits, the wolf began to take in the sounds.. and the sudden cry of a wolf. Abashedly he stepped further as he heard the definite song of a pack. Whoever was leading it was calling all to hear her; and join the ranks of her new group. Immediately two voices echoed her song, strong and confident as they pushed their voice up through the branch. He lowered his eyes in a disserted stare as yet another, deeper howl joined into the chorus. And what compelled him to suddenly throw back his own skull, ears tightly flattened, was the innate nature that all should belong. Cuan's tenor followed suit, joining the sonorous harmony that rung through the trees.

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Leto - September 22, 2013

Loco'en, no question! =D

Leto had dreamed the strangest dreams. For hours on end, it seemed, she slept and her head spun with the might of a desert dust storm. The stinging, sand-filled wind subsided after what seemed like an eternity, and gave way to tranquil blue skies in which a golden eagle wheeled and turned. The eagle's screech became the ethereal wail of the foxes that called Blackfoot Forest home, and this was, perhaps, an intrusion of the real world into her dream. A glimpse of two great bears, one light and one dark, flickered into her awareness and then were gone in a flash. She dreamed of dark loamy forest soil beneath her paws, and breathed in the moist scent of lichen and moss, and she spent hours standing out in the rain as it soaked the earth.

And at length she dreamed of dappled sunlight streaming across her back, and when a howl coaxed her into true awareness she found that this, at least, had been truth and not solely surreal. Bon Dye. Jinx's voice was joined by others, and the name on their lips rang in her ears until she, too, lifted her head and proclaimed its name. Bon Dye. The melody was her vow, the symbol of her fealty. Leto's restless half-coy heart was, for the moment, at peace. Bon Dye.

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Clarice - September 23, 2013

She follows him hungrily. Perhaps he knows, perhaps he does not. She is her fathers little guardian. But when he does see her, she lets him; and then she skitters off as he comes to her. Her control.
xxxxIt was a strange night. As Jinx dreamed, Clarice heard. Not the dream, but voices. Her voices. (Jinx. She has seen.) Her eyes open, the coolness of them downright frigid. She sees, she whispers, As I... (She has seen not as you do see, as you do hear.) She relaxes. Clarice coveted her Loa, selfishly so. But she warms to the idea quickly enough that Jinx might hear them, too; they could force others to see, to hear, to know and to fear.
xxxxTo know and to fear!
xxxxA sweet voice enters her head then, (let me i—) NO! She snarls, rising to all fours, hunched like an irate cat that had been bothered and would tolerate it no longer, LEAVE ME! Came her disrespectful holler, screeching to Atka who would attempt to imprint herself with her. Do not speak to me as though I could ever be yours— And to any listeners, it would sound as deranged as it looked. She was alone. It was not often she gave way to speaking to them audibly; she could think to them, now. But there was something in the air. Something making her snap...
xxxxClarice hears a howl in the air. But with that howl comes a strange screech, a screeching of which Clarice had never heard before. She knew what her animal was. Beside her it came into a form that ought to be tangible, and she hears its deep voice, deeper than many of her spirits. (Listen.) She bends to it, and its will; her ears cup forward as she listens so very hard, obedient to the Loa always. I cannot— her exasperation is met with physical pain as the spirit thrusts itself into her, and she lets out a despairing cry as it tears into her mind, and she hears again the screeching of some avian being, but...
xxxxChange, she murmurs darkly, unwilling. I am yours, Lynx, and I am for Sos, (Do not be ignorant, pathetic cub. His power grows.)
xxxxShe withers at his voice. The only beings that could ever reprimand her were the ones that did not exist, and how they did! (Bloom.)
xxxxHe throws himself into her again, and this time, she is possessed; it is a strangled cry that comes from her, and she wonders if the Lynx makes her sound stronger than she truly is. She was a pathetic fighter. She would poison her targets before they had half the chance to tango with her; or she would run. Sometimes she would fight until she was near-dead, hysteria induced.
xxxxBut there was no fighting them. And soon, she was willing to sing, and it was as though there had been no confrontation within her at all. Her place, here.

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Kerberos - September 23, 2013

Though Kerberos felt significantly guilty for leaving Neverwinter after the kind hospitality of both Styx and Katrina, when Jinx had begun whispering about her plans there had never been a doubt as to what Kerberos would do, where he would go…who he would follow. Jinx was still his Mambo, and she would always have his respect as his leader because simply: she had earned it. It was not something that Kerberos gave so freely, mostly due to the fact that most of his life he had lived in an anti social hermit shell that took every ounce of Kerberos’ courage and willpower to break free of. His decision to leave Neverwinter had calculated and exactly what he needed to do. Following Jinx and joining her Bon Dye felt right and the nudge of Atka onwards, the salty scent of sea brine -- so far from the physical body of the Sea -- gave Kerberos all that he needed to know.

Jinx’s howl rose first into the crisp autumn air, and then the voices of strangers lifted, too, to the heavens, only a few he recognized. Without further ado, the Beta joined his song with that of the other’s, his pearl and it’s seaweed swathe clutched tightly between his forepaws upon the chilled earthen floor - close to his body, where it would stay until he found a den.

We are Bon Dye

RE: cantlos, the first moon · claiming howl - Vires - September 25, 2013

Ogoun or Bade'un would fit best. Whatever you need more of i can be.

There had been many rumors of a new pack forming that called themselves Bon Dye. They were have said to have dreams like Vires, reoccuring and unknowing. She knew they must mean something. They were gaining in strength in the BlackFoot Forest some said. After many nights of the same dream, a red raven flying over a purple fire. Circling and cawing, finding these wolves was a necessity.

The first day was hard but not wasted soon she found herself at the edge of the Blackfoot. She slept a good sleep, dreams not awakening her. Soon after the sun had risen a howl echoed through the forest. Vires knew it was one of them. Which one she hadn't an idea, but she wanted in. In reply Vires lifted her silm head and slowly let out a long deep howl. Praying that one of them would find her and help her.