Wolf RPG
Dawnlark Plains lvi. ‘cause all that remains - Printable Version

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lvi. ‘cause all that remains - Lótë - November 15, 2021

im officially back y’all — recovery time has passed! I’ll be getting caught up in the next few days but this particular thread is to explain what Lótë’s been up to with Wil since she disappeared from MG. :) I’m not sure what date would work best but this is set for some time between Nov. 17-19ish? Whatever works best for everybody’s timelines. @Kukutux @Aiolos @Sialuk (also any other MG members who might be traveling with the pack are welcome too: @Shikoba @Kigipigak @Foxfur @Inutsuk @Nyra (really looking forward to threading with you once again btw! <3) @Xynos @War @Kausiut @Samani. gonna be vague about her injuries since I’ve not had a chance to start that thread yet but Lótë has been attacked by a bear and will have several deep gouges on her left haunch. After being attacked in the Sunspire area, she would have fled north to make her way around the mountains back to MG’s territory.

[align=left][font=serif]aiwë had flown too far from her nest.

the loss of one child had wrent her soul into a mangled mess of infectious terror, bleeding into every thought with the inescapable grip of paralysis. the second had driven her from the embrace of ouroboros and the village, even from the nestlings that had remained in their clan’s circle. 

pale specters haunted her peripherals, ghosts that went shunned. the spiritbear was not truly there, the exhausted fragment of her mind rationalized even if to look upon the mirage directly still struck her heart with a dagger of petrifaction. they whispered of @Inkalorë