Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier bedlamite - Printable Version

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bedlamite - Meerkat - November 17, 2021

When Caracal insisted on going off alone again this morning, Meerkat tried to argue, though not very hard. She waved him away as he headed south, though something niggled at her. Putting it out of her mind, she moved toward the Qeya to fetch a drink and sit for a bit. While she relaxed on the bank, a distant howl let her know he was headed home by himself. By the sound of it, he was already many miles away.

"Fucking dammit, Caracal!" the yearling seethed. She should've seen it coming, she supposed, but now she wasn't sure what to do. She probably couldn't catch up with him. "You idiot," she muttered, hoping he would make it back to the caldera safely. Perhaps she should go after him, not in the hopes of catching up but to make certain he made it home safe.

Feeling anxious and indecisive, Meerkat walked back toward the glacier. She didn't seek anyone in particular, though she wouldn't mind some advice. In the meantime, she sought somewhere quiet to think.