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Big Salmon Lake Moon rocks - Printable Version

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Moon rocks - Rye - November 25, 2021

ucky short Thanksgiving phone post, mi apologize

The suns and moons bled into one, the phases of the moon mocked him, never relented to show mercy. Rye could have sworn each pad of his foot had been rubbed raw from the constant of the wet of snow. Traveling in winter was not easy. Thankfully the lake offered some protection against the howling wind and burdensome snow, the secluded trees would Rye perch himself under. As he laid, Rye withdrew leaves from his medical pouch and began to chew them into a poultice. His belly growled, the taste of the leaves not particularly sweet or meaty but nevertheless the temptation to swallow the poultice was strong. Eating wasn't always an option for the distraught father, worry fed him but its calories left him wanting. Still, it would have to wait. The poultice finished being mashed, so Rye began to lick his wounds.

RE: Moon rocks - Alyx - December 04, 2021

Time away from the Redhawks had eventually soothed the pain of her mother's passing. She felt guilty about it — her dad probably needed her, and Towhee was pretty haggard looking last Alyx saw her, too — but they just weren't what she needed right now. Everyone knew she was a touch selfish, and this was no different. Their sadness only amplified hers, and on top of that, she didn't want to be around their kids.

Alyx could never have guessed that she would dislike children. Growing up, she had pined for her older siblings to spend time with her, but now it made sense why they might not have wanted to. Now that she was a bit older, she found kids really annoying. Towhee's crybaby son was the start of it, but having met several pups on her travels, she'd concluded that it wasn't just him. Between that and the thought of bridging an impossible gap with her actual little siblings, Alyx simply wanted nothing to do with any of them.

Knowing she could not pretend, she hadn't returned home. Unbeknownst to her, there was no longer a home to return to. She wandered here and there throughout the Teekons, and today she just happened to be wandering closer to the Caldera than she had been in a long time.

Alyx smelled greenery on the wind and, curious about its source in winter, found her way to Rye as he was cleaning his wounds. She felt a little weird about walking up to some stranger without a reason — she couldn't just say she was lonely and wanted some company — so when she spotted his medicinal pouch, she decided to improvise. Hey, that's pretty cool. What is it?

RE: Moon rocks - Rye - December 05, 2021

The wind was not in his favor, he couldn't smell the stranger as she approached, it also didn't help he was more concerned with easing the throbbing pain in his feet. Thankfully peripheral vision was a thing and he caught sight of her. At first he thought about readying himself to leave, or rather preparing to be run off but as his legs attempted to lift him Rye realized he couldn't spare the strength. Setting himself back down the hotah waited for the woman to speak first and to his surprise it was a question. 
Rye stared at his paws for a moment then stared back at her, thinking she was asking about the mash. "It's a poultice, used for healing wounds and managing pain, depending on what herbs you use." He flatly explained, expressionless. "Have you come to run me off your land? You'll have to excuse me, I can't leave just yet." A bitter tone was used, still somewhat convinced she was not good news. The past month had been full of trials, why would she be any different? "If I must be gone then you have one option." That option didn't have to be said aloud to be known.

RE: Moon rocks - Alyx - December 14, 2021

Alyx smiled when Rye responded. That wasn't really what she meant, but she was just happy to be able to have an enlightening conversation with someone. She prepared herself to take a seat and be more specific with her questions until things took a rather severe turn.

Woah, hold up, what? asked Alyx, drawing back a step. Should she be worried for her safety around this guy? Such a bitter tone, and such a dreary expression! Alyx thought she knew what it was like to be miserable with both her brother and mother having passed away while she was so young, but any woes she had couldn't hold a candle to Rye. He sounded downright suicidal.

Did someone else try to make you leave? Do you need help, dude? Someone to walk you home or something? There were alarm bells ringing in her head telling her he might very well be insane. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to spend anymore time in his company. But Rye seemed so downtrodden and sad, it was hard to think of leaving him here to wallow like this.

RE: Moon rocks - Rye - December 21, 2021

The females reaction threw Rye off-guard, his eyes squinted and scrutinized the alarmed girl. Her small series of questions made him feel elderly, which in fact he felt elderly. He sighed, a small rise of steam emitting from his nostrils. Shaking his head Rye spoke up blearily, "No, I'm fine. I don't need help, I'm simply exhausted from weeks of travel." Rye spit the remaining mash away from the girl, nosing snow over it to cover the gooey, unsightly mess. "You've got a lot of hospitality for a stranger, offering help to some deranged cretin like myself. I take it you're from the Caldera? They are always a welcoming bunch. If you're not hear to run me off, then please I ask you let no one know I am here." For both his sanity and safety. He's had enough visitors, she being the only one was still far too many.

RE: Moon rocks - Alyx - December 25, 2021

Now things were just getting downright creepy. Alyx was no longer a member of the Caldera pack, but it frightened her how easily he pegged her for one of their ilk. She was lucky he thought well of them — too well, thought Alyx. Being a Redhawk, she of course was quite welcome at the Caldera, but she wouldn't necessarily use that word to describe the pack overall. The Redhawks could be a little … exclusive.

She stepped primly away from the place where Rye spat the mash, torn between wanting to help some guy with an obvious death wish and wanting to run as far from him as wolvenly possible. Not here to run you off, she confirmed, and she was curious what his connection to the Caldera was, but she didn't feel safe offering to walk him home again or even staying here much longer. He was giving her the heebie-jeebies. Won't tell a soul. Uh, see ya later I guess.

Alyx waited a beat to be polite, shot Rye a quick smile, then skedaddled away at a brisk pace. Only when she was sure he could not see did she permit herself to shudder. What a creep!

RE: Moon rocks - Rye - December 28, 2021

Rye said nothing in return, she didn't appear all that comfortable around him anywah. He only watched her with a blank expression as she walked away, blissfully unaware just how much he creeped her out. Such is life.