Wolf RPG
it's safe now - Printable Version

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it's safe now - Cuan - September 28, 2014

For any SS members!

Cuan had tried his best to play his part in the machine that was a wolf pack- hunting, patrolling, participating. The lanky male had returned from the eastern recesses of the pack territory, padding along one of the many-used trails that criss-crossed between the landmarks of the realm. But he hadn't returned empty handed. The canine had successfully scavenged an old kill, and was carrying a sizable chunk of meat that swung limply from his jaws. It was his responsibility now to replenish any supplies he had taken from the pack's caches. No doubt the pack would be hunting more soon with the onset of winter, but they needed some lay-in for any young charges who would be coming out to explore the seasons.

He stopped at a base of a lone pine tree that stood high above the valley of Sunspire. Up here the wind was constant, flattening the short tough grasses and pushing cold air into Cuan's face. He bent down to the scraggly base of the tree and dropped the meat as his paws began to scoop away dirt. It was a well used cache, so the earth was already tilled by previous claws. He filled the empty hole with the clump of meat before returning the dirt on top of it. Proud of his work, he stepped back to admire the bluish haze of the pack territory in the distance.

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - September 29, 2014

Summer walked quietly in his haze through the packlands. He was beginning to get the hang of his drug consumption in terms of limiting the amount he took to get the desired effect. It was just enough to put his anxiety at ease, but not enough to leave him drowning in the fog, unaware of how strange were his antics and unnatural wonderment of everything around him. It was a good balance once the initial high wore off, but again he had learned to keep himself away in his den before venturing out and allowing himself to be around packmates. The effects of the fog still lingered, slowing him slightly as though the whole world moved at a pace just a few seconds short of what it should. But all in all, he felt more normal and comfortable than he had since he had been a pup at his mother's side.

The young wolf was debating on what activities to do for the day, whether to hunt and try to stockpile a few caches or patrol the borders for any sign of Ferdie returning to them. His decision was made for him as he caught the scent of a newer packmate and for once, his severe social anxieties did not prevent him from approaching.

"I wonder," the youth said as he stepped up to russett wolf's side, "...if we'll have a harsh Winter this year." Summer often spoke with the words of a much older wolf than his ten months of life, but in truth, the boy had never really been a boy at all.


RE: it's safe now - Cuan - October 01, 2014

The wind had been blowing upwind, and Cuan did not notice the approach of the young black male until he began to spoke. The agouti creature glanced over his shoulder as the adolescent, known as Summer, began to speak in a pendulant tone.

Clouds had begun to roll across the empty sky, and from their high vantage point in the upper valley, the fluffy white cotton balls seemed closer than ever. It was almost as if they could leap from the rugged slope and not plummet, but sail into a vast sea of eternal blue. It was hard to believe that gray clouds, full of snow, would soon be storming in.

The subordinate's thin tail waved once as he turned back to the coal-hued creature, and a warm smile spread across his gums with Cuan's characteristic relaxed exuberance. He had caught Summer's name at the pup's arrival meeting, but never had a chance to speak to him directly.

You're right, Cuan nodded in dissent. Though it is hard to think that when it's such a fine autumn's day could be ruined. Cuan would hate to see the soft whoosh of wind across yellowing fall grass turn into the blank stillnesss that descended into winter, where not a single thing stirred under the heavy cloak of snow. Even if it would be his third witness to the cold season, he could never quite shake the feeling of death that stalked the landscape.

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - October 04, 2014

Summer allowed the words of his packmate roll around in his brain for a while before he decided to respond. His "medication" often slowed his responses, but it at least made it possible for him to respond at all. For someone who had spent much of his time thus far at Sunspire avoiding everyone, this was a step larger than the mountain itself.

"Agreed," he said finally with a smile, "My dad tried to teach me how to read the signs nature leaves that suggest what type of weather to expect. It's different hearing of them with words than actually seeing them, though." He dug his claws into the earth beneath his paws, trying to test the firmness of the soil like his dad had taught him. It did seem like there was a bit of a difference, though he wasn't completely positive that that wasn't his mind playing tricks on him.


RE: it's safe now - Cuan - October 06, 2014

Summer seemed a little too relaxed for a young wolf, who would normally be bounding about in exuberance. Perhaps it was the lazy feel of the autumn afternoon, with it's constant sunshine and breeze. But there was a mellow glow to the charcoal male's eyes, something that made Cuan's lips curl with amusement.

So, you can tell me what the leaves are trying to say? he questioned curiously, lifting his nose to the forests that rolled below their vantage point. The tops were yellowing, as if someone had set a lighter to their tips and smoldered the leaves.

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - October 12, 2014

Summer began to kickstart his brain when his packmate asked him to prove his knowledge. He bit his lip thoughtfully, studying the land that stretched out before them and trying to remember what it all meant. This being his first experience with Winter, he wasn't too certain of himself as the predictions began to come to him. But, he had to start somewhere.

"Well, the leaves are turning, though I don't think this is any earlier than is typical of them, so I think Winter will come as it usually does, in the next few moons," Summer said slowly, "There are a lot of acorns already, though. And the squirrels are hoarding them at an almost feverish pace. So I think it's going to be a hard winter when it does come."

"I haven't really looked, but you're also supposed to be able to tell based on the movements of insects--they walk in straight lines instead of meandering. And also muskrats make their dens higher on riverbanks when it's going to be a bad winter," Summer added, looking over at Cuan to see if he had any input to add.

RE: it's safe now - Cuan - October 15, 2014

When Summer explained how he 'read' the leaves, Cuan's own viewpoint expanded. Even though the agouti male was aware of leaf colors in the fall, he only scripted it to the coming of winter. Cuan never thought that fall could be such an adventure.

I think you're more observant of the little things than I am, he laughed as they settled under the lone pine tree that rested high above the valley.
The only thing I notice about fall, when it comes to animals, is the geese. They always fly south, he tried to contribute, referencing the long V's the birds formed as they trekked to wherever they went. It would be fun to follow them some day.

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - October 21, 2014

Summer gave a pleased smile at Cuan's comment. He had always been very aware of his surroundings with a knack for noticing the minute details, however once upon a time it had been due to paranoia. Now it was simply a habit. It was the way his mind worked; not something he could help even if he tried.

"I wonder where it is that they go," he admitted after a moment, his gaze lifting skyward as though he could see the birds sailing overhead in a V. His father had never taken him all too far South, so he had no knowledge of the sort of ecosystem they lived in during the cold weather months, nor would it ever have occurred to him to realize it likely looked any different from what they were used to in the North. He knew it was warmer wherever they went, but beyond that it didn't much matter to him as it was not likely something he would ever experience himself.


RE: it's safe now - Cuan - October 29, 2014

It wasn't to say Cuan was narrow-minded, but rather stuck in his ways. Being ground down over the course of his entire life, the slim male had been more aware of a wolf coming up from behind him than having time to ponder nature around him. This wolf, Summer, seemed to have a wondrous grasp of the workings of life. Reading leaves? A great way to inference the coming seasons. And Cuan only waited for the shock of honking geese crowding the skies.

Well, they always go south, Cuan pointed out. But they're pretty slow on land and fun to chase! His tail wagged with the memories. However, Sunspire was situated in a high mountain valley, with little marshes for the geese to enjoy. Otatso probably had better geese-watching then their pack territory held.
But they would leave, ushering in the sweeping hand of winter. His skin prickled with the thought.

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - October 30, 2014

A gentle smile trickled across his muzzle at Cuan's response. He nodded his agreement. After all, he was unable to deny the truth in the man's statement. Geese always did go South. Even though it didn't explain what there was to find South, it was honest nevertheless.

"You know, their meat keeps well too," he commented idly, "I think it would be very good of you and for the pack to hunt some down to add to our caches." He gave the man a kind glance, hoping he would take his suggestion. Winter was coming quickly, and too much of their time had been wasted already on searching for their wayward former alpha.


RE: it's safe now - Cuan - November 04, 2014

The male glanced to his left, where at the base of the lone pine tree the dirt had been disturbed. Cuan had been storing away for the coming season, having sheared some meat off the week's kill. He had chosen to cache it up on this slope due to the cooler temperature in the ground and the constant wind that would help refrigerate it.

I bet it would be better than this elk meat, Cuan said, motioning with his nose. Those darn ants always seem to find it. But going down to Otatso and finding geese? What else do you think might be lurking down there? He had seen the wetlands from far up the ridge, noting the twisted, watery ponds and the small inlets and islands that it flooded. It did not seem like a likely place for a wolf to go hunting in.

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - November 06, 2014

Wanna wrap this up? :)

As his packmate's gaze shifted, Summer followed the trail to spy upon the broken ground beneath the tree when he suspected lied a cache. At the suggestion that goose meat would be better than elk, Summer merely shrugged. That seemed more a matter of personal taste. He suspected any meat would tend to attract pests, no matter the animal it was from.

"Oh, plenty I'm sure," Summer replied, "Beavers, otter, all sorts of water fowl and fishes. Moose as well since their long legs allow them to traverse there rather easily and water and plants are abundant." He paused, gazing out across the mountain for a moment before adding, "How about on the morrow, we go take a look? I need rest now, but we can meet at Sunshadow Rock at dawn and go from there, if you're interested?"

RE: it's safe now - Cuan - November 09, 2014

sure, last post from me, then!

The male had the sense that this young black wolf was rather wise, and although he seemed slow, it wasn't by the fact that he had been hit on the head or anything. Cuan felt this wolf drew his strength from observation, keeping his energy in check and letting his golden pools soak in his environment. Cuan could take some hints from Summer, as the russet male was way too wrapped up in not trying to get himself killed in his many dim-witted adventures.

Beaves, otters, and birds, oh my... Cuan echoed as Summer rattled off a short list of swamp-dwelling creatures. He nodded in response as the male drew the conservation to a close. It was late afternoon, and Cuan would fare well with some sleep before he rose in the evening to join some of the pack on a border patrol.
I'll see you by the Rock, then. He turned away and began to pick his way down the steep hill, glancing over his shoulder to call his adieu. Sleep well!

RE: it's safe now - Summer Ostrega - November 11, 2014

Cuan's response ilicited a chuckle from the young wolf. He seemed keen on Summer's suggestion that they go on a little trip the next day, and parted shortly after agreeing to meet in the morning. Summer chuffed gently as him as his own farewell, then gazed out again across the Spire. He felt pride stirring in his chest as he looked, and again the dominant lion within him lifted its head to give a contented purr.

He stood still upon the terrain for a long while before he too turned and headed home to rest.