Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Let Me Make it Up to You - Printable Version

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Let Me Make it Up to You - Koda - September 30, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: set a day after the events of Fishing. Also, I hope you don't mind me assuming a little bit about what happened, seeing as the thread's not done yet.[/size]

He knew what happened yesterday had been an accident, but Koda couldn't stop feeling like it was his fault somehow. The scenario played itself out over and over in his head, forcing him to relive his guilt as he thought about all the things he should have done. If only he hadn't told Kesuk to go after the fish. If only he'd been able to act more quickly when he realized she was in danger. The possible outcomes seemed limitless. In the end, he knew the only thing that really mattered was she'd made it out alive. He was just thankful Vector had been there. He didn't even want to think about what might of happened otherwise.

A rabbit dangled limply from his jaws. He'd caught it for @Kesuk. He'd been powerless to help her at the creek, so he had taken upon himself to make sure the she-wolf recovered well from the ordeal. He'd helped her back to the plateau once she'd regained enough strength to walk, and he hadn't seen her since. He knew she was probably getting some much needed rest. Koda hadn't been able to get any sleep himself, his guilty nagging conscience made sure of it.

He set his catch down and howled for Kesuk.

RE: sorry you almost died, here have a bunny - Kesuk - September 30, 2014

OOC: Its fine! :3 Also I don't know if a wolf can tell what another wolf is howling about but oh well, Kesuk can, cuz she's magic lol

Kesuk had just woken up from a deep sleep in den. It was a dip that had a rock overhang, creating a sort of burrow like environment. Some of the soft moss that lined her bed was still clinging to her deep brown pelt.

She was sniffing around outside, hoping to find a small snack so she would have some energy for the rest of the day. Kesuk was scraping at the entrance to a mouse hole when she heard a howl. It sounded like Koda, and it sounded like he was calling to her. She hoped he wasn't in trouble.

Trotting along through the thick undergrowth she thought about yesterdays events. She had just met Koda, then almost died. She let out a breath, hoping he wasn't blaming himself. She was just to stupid to learn to swim when she moved to a place full of water.

She finally came across the tan and grey male in a grassy clearing, a rabbit on the ground in front of his paws.

RE: sorry you almost died, here have a bunny - Koda - September 30, 2014

Kesuk soon emerged into the clearing where Koda had been waiting anxiously. He greeted the she-wolf with a smile and a wagging tail. She approached him, but said nothing. The male began to worry that maybe she was angry with him, after all. His tail stopped wagging, and he swallowed hard. "Hey, just wanted to see how you are feeling today," he said.

"And I brought you something to eat," he said, nudging the rabbit toward Kesuk. "Just in case you're hungry."

RE: sorry you almost died, here have a bunny - Kesuk - September 30, 2014

When Kesuk first walked into the clearing Koda was smiling and wagging his tail but the closer she got the more nervous he seemed. 'Ugh, he does think that its his fault' thought Kesuk. She would have to convince him other wise.

She offered a friendly smile and wagged her tail playfully. "Thank you so much! You really didn't have to." she said, lowering her head, a little bashful about the blush that tinged her cheeks(OOC: If woves can blush lol). "Its really sweet of you" she said and carefully reached her head up and licked his cheek.

RE: Let Me Kiss It Better - Koda - October 01, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: Koda's never had a gf or been kissed, so he's a little freaked out, lol. Also I changed the title to something a little better.[/size]

Koda's yellow eyes grew slightly wider as Kesuk drew close to him and brushed her soft tongue across his cheek. He never could have anticipated such a positive response from her, not that he was going to complain. His cheek felt all warm and tingly where she'd kissed it, even after she'd pulled away. It was the most amazing, most unusual sensation all at once. Unusual in a good way, if that makes any sense.

'What do I do now,' Koda's thoughts began to race. 'Do I lick her back? Would that be okay? What if I'm a bad kisser? Oh god.'

"It's no big deal," he said, trying to pretend like he wasn't phased at all by what just happened. "I'm glad you're feeling better."

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Kesuk - October 01, 2014

Presenting my new table! from Kierkegaard :P

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Kesuk let out a giggle when Koda’s eyes widened at her kiss. He was simply adorable and was bringing out a side in her she never even knew exsisted.

She could tell he was panicking at what he should do next. His words were a good cover up. She batted her big blue eyes at him.

”You can kiss me back if you want” she offered quietly.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Koda - October 01, 2014

OOC: sexy!

"Sure," he said casually, as if girls asked him for kisses all the time. He wondered if Kesuk was actually buying his macho facade, because he certainly wasn't convincing himself. His heart was beating so fast from the exhilaration of the moment he feared it might give out and he would die before he ever even got to kiss a girl.

Koda took a deep breath then made his move, gazing into Kesuk's entrancing blue eyes as he drew closer to her. He touched her cheek with his muzzle, her velvety black fur tickling his nose in the most pleasant way. She even smelled beautiful. 'Almost there,' he urged himself.

His lips parted and he ran his tongue over Kesuk's smooth fur. And just like that, it was over. He'd kissed a girl, and he'd managed not to drool all over her. Great success!

His tail began to wag uncontrollably.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Kesuk - October 01, 2014

I very much agree! ;)

<style>.spac4 .ooc {font-style:italic; color:#494a43; } .spac4 p {padding: 0px 0px; margin:0px; text-indent:25px; } .spac4 b {color:#219cdc; letter-spacing:-.1px; } .spac4 {background-color:#050707; background-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/deM49H4.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; } .spac4 .float {float:left; width:190px; height:280px; } .spac4 .text {font-family:arial, serif; font-size:11px; color:#494a43; letter-spacing:.1px; word-spacing:.1px; line-height:14px; width:430px; text-align:justify; padding: 50px 50px 50px 50px; } .spac4-border {width:535px; margin:0 auto; }</style>

Kesuk’s heart beat sped up immensely as Koda agreed and leaned in. Sure, she had kissed other guys before but this was different. She actually cared about Koda and wanted him to think good things about her.

Kesuk closed her eyes as Koda’s muzzle brushed hers, his scent filling her nose. He smelled masculine and very wonderful. She felt his smooth tongue slide across her cheek and a wonderful feeling spread from that spot to the tips of her claws till her whole body was tingling with happiness and pleasure.

When Kesuk opened her eyes again Koda had a huge grin plastered to his face, his tail wagging behind him at high speeds. Kesuk’s own tail soon to follow, she felt as if everything that was bad in the world had vanished and only they remained, in their happy little bubble. She decided she didn’t want to keep her feeling cooped up inside her anymore.

”Is it just me, or did that kiss make you feel amazing” She asked in a light voice, hoping his reaction would mirror her own.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Koda - October 02, 2014

Koda didn't answer Kesuk right away. He pressed his forehead against hers, gazing straight into her blue eyes, letting the silence hang in the air a moment before he spoke. "It was amazing, and so are you," he said quietly, kissing her muzzle before he pulled away. He was a little worried about sounding corny, but his words were sincere.

He could no longer pretend like this was no big deal to him. In fact, this was the biggest deal in his young life so far. Maybe he had just found the girl who would become his mate. Maybe fate had led them both here to the plateau pack so they could find each other. Yes, it was all starting to fall into place. Soon they would fall in love, and run off to start their lives together. They'd start their own pack, just like he'd always wanted. And maybe, when spring came again, they'd have their first...

'Slow down, boy,' Koda interrupted his little fantasy before he could get too far ahead of himself. He didn't want to rush anything with Kesuk. He wanted things to progress at a natural, comfortable pace. He'd seen the kind of disasters that happened when two wolves rushed into a mateship, then found out they were incompatible when the passion died down. His mother and father's stormy relationship being the best example.

He was perfectly happy just doing this for now. But maybe, if he was lucky, it would grow into something bigger.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Kesuk - October 03, 2014

<style>.spac4 .ooc {font-style:italic; color:#494a43; } .spac4 p {padding: 0px 0px; margin:0px; text-indent:25px; } .spac4 b {color:#219cdc; letter-spacing:-.1px; } .spac4 {background-color:#050707; background-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/deM49H4.png'); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; } .spac4 .float {float:left; width:190px; height:280px; } .spac4 .text {font-family:arial, serif; font-size:11px; color:#494a43; letter-spacing:.1px; word-spacing:.1px; line-height:14px; width:430px; text-align:justify; padding: 50px 50px 50px 50px; } .spac4-border {width:535px; margin:0 auto; }</style>

Koda’s words were so sincere she let the biggest grin she had ever felt cover her face. Her tail sped up, going side to side rapidly. She wanted to leap on him and cover him with kisses even though she had just met him. She took a deep breath to steady her pounding heart.

She had totally forgotten about the rabbit at her paws when she accidentally stepped on it. Feeling it beneath her paws brought her back to the real life. She peeked down at it and an idea popped into her happiness fuddled mind.

”I have an idea! I know you just caught that rabbit for me and it’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, butttt, do you want to hunt together?” she proposed sheepishly, averting her eyes to the grassy ground where the bunny lay.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Koda - October 03, 2014

"Are you sure you're feeling well enough?" He said, concern touching his features. Kesuk certainly seemed like herself again, but after what had happened yesterday he wasn't eager to put her in another situation where she could be hurt.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Kesuk - October 03, 2014

Kesuk let a laugh at his comment, her voice light. "I mean, of course I almost drowned but I'm not a baby and a little water isn't going to actually injure me" She assured him, jumping a little to show him just how fine she was. She could already feel the excitement of hunting flow through her veins.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Koda - October 03, 2014

Koda's ears perked up and he chuckled at Kesuk's energy. "All right then, let's do it," he replied enthusiastically. He'd never been so happy to be invited to a hunt in his life. He'd be happy doing anything with Kesuk.

"So what do you feel like having for lunch?" He asked her as they started to leave the plateau.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Kesuk - October 03, 2014

Kesuk let out an uncharacteristic squeak of happiness at his answer then paused to think. She had had plenty of smaller animals, such as rabbits and voles and such but nothing really satisfying. "Ooh, how about a deer! I haven't had deer in so long, it sounds like the best thing EVER!" she said excitedly, starting off into the woods, her ears pricked and her nose in the air, ready for any signs of deer. She just assumed Koda was following her, her stomach was just to excited to wait any longer.

RE: Let Me Make it Up to You - Koda - October 05, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: I'm gonna make a new thread for us so we can use them for exp![/size]

"A-hunting we will go," Koda sang cheerfully as he trotted after Kesuk. He'd been hunting deer a lot lately, but this time it would be different. This time, he was doing it for Kesuk. At this point he would bring down any animal, even a bear, if it would make her happy.