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Whitebark Stream mouth [m] - Printable Version

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mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

the glacier was home to many women. he had gotten the scent off the first he'd met. well, well, well. the rogue saw no reason to move on for the present. he was waiting for the men to threaten him, to posture.

for now, he lapped icy water at the edge of a pretty streambank. and when he had finished, asmodeus poured another seductive call into the atmosphere, promising great genetics and a fuck to remember.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

she moved with grace and breathless speed along the stream. snow dust kicked up behind her and for once, she seemed a bit more well groomed. no muck caked to her fur for the moment. she had the river and the snow to thank for that.

although she had no direction set in mind, she did change her direction and slowed her pace when she heard a call. one that lured her towards its source.

a man. large and pale and handsome.

she did not greet him with words. instead she dropped into a bow in the snow and stared at him expectantly.

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

asmodeus had become accustomed to the attention. his obsidian eyes watched carefully as a woman approached. she was small, wild. a wintertide mowgli. the man grinned. 

he knew this dance. you wanted to arrive before the big commencement. you wanted to be in place before it happened. asmodeus chuffed, breath rising in a plume. 

marble paws slapped the snow. he advanced with a playful growl.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

she was not threatened.

no, she was thrilled.

she spun in a snow-flinging circle as he approached on his large paws, only stopping when he got close. and when he was close? she aimed to snip her teeth towards the thick of fur on his chest and neck. only seeking to rile, not damage.

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

her teeth nicked at his chestfur. asmodeus let a ripple of growling interest erupt in his throat. he pranced proudly after her, muzzle snaking to nip her shoulder. the man came next for her hips, circling as he tested her receptivity.

it still was not time.

they had dance steps yet to complete.

the man's tongue snaked out to wet his muzzle.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

her shoulder, her hip.

she wiggled like a snake around him as he placed his teeth on her, brushed her fur against his as if they had been dance partners forever.

a soft growl of her own, spritely and playful, as she aimed to nip upwards at his own shoulder. a taunt as her tail whipped behind her.

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

the white serpent wound himself closer, pressing chest to her shoulders. he caught the brunt of her teeth and grinned again. 

he wanted her now.

he wanted to wait, energy and essence preserved for the trials he would soon put his body through.

asmodeus leapt after her, trying to catch her plume gently in his jaws.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

did she let herself be caught or was he a good catcher?

she would never tell, but it did not matter. she was enraptured by him entirely. enticed by his antics and riled by how he had, quite literally, captured her.

a songbird laugh escaped her as she tried to bend in a crescent moon shape to playfully click teeth towards his face.

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

her laughter spurred another low growl. asmodeus surged forward, seeking to push her smaller frame down into the snow. 

he would stand over her then, panting, possessive. the black eyes filled themselves with the sight of her body and her face and her mouth. asmodeus felt the wildness keening in him.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

and down she went, happily.

there was no need to wait, no need to tussle any longer. she had been momentarily tamed by the snowy, wild man.

we can either just close here or if he'd stick around for a bit can time skip! :)

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

asmodeus felt his appetite whetted.

afterward he rolled away from the woman, luxuriant against the snow. "what's your name?" the serpent asked. his black eyes were already restless. but she had commanded his attention this long. he knew he'd definitely be back for her.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

delighted, she stayed near his side. not seeking romance but still in the state of bliss enough that she wanted to linger in his closeness.

Jorunn, she hummed with a softly present accent. diluted sounds of a Norwegian heritage that had softened in her time away from home.

who will i call for if i want you again?

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

"a repeat customer?" his lightless gaze was glinting with intrigue. "i'm asmodeus, jorunn." was it easier to be anonymous? he hoped to find out. 

jorunn could have his name. once a year he gave it away. maybe more if he was able to have what he wanted. "i'm not a gentleman. but i'll feed you today. come on," he urged, gathering up from the snow.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

she laughed, rolling and fumbling up onto her paws. a wild look in her eyes as she bumped her shoulder into his.

i do not like gentlemen anyway. a soft shake of her head as she set to follow him wherever he wanted to go. they are boring and bland. no excitement, no taste of adventure!

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

"lucky for you i taste like a lot of things," asmodeus rejoined crassly.

he was off, sweeping over the taiga for something to eat other than the neverending caribou. but he could always find another of those caches, he decided. no one was here to guard them. and he wasn't trying to be chivalrous.

eventually he came across a brace of snowshoe hares and gave pursuit after one, long limbs carrying him swiftly.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

she liked this Asmodeus.

his humor was good, his actions were nice and now he saw it fit to feed her. it was all she could ask for out of a chance encounter. and although she might not have needed to give chase with him, she felt compelled to all the same.

the drive to hunt with him, the drive to stay close together.

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

it was easy to run with her. easy to catch with her. easy to break bread with her. 

asmodeus cut the head from the hare and let it sink into the snow. he licked blood from his lips and leaned over to clean her mouth of the same. "i'll be around," he assured, though with the devil in his eyes when he looked at her again. 

this had been worthwhile indeed.

RE: mouth [m] - Jorunn - December 29, 2021

i will find you again, asmodeus. she assured him with a mischievous glint in her own eyes.

there was no bitter sorrow as their time to part ways closed in. only bright, radiant excitement for the next time she might encounter him.

RE: mouth [m] - Asmodeus - December 29, 2021

he liked the idea of being sought.

asmodeus exhanged a final look with jorunn before he moved away, off in the direction of rivenwood and whatever diversions he could promise there to fulfill another day.

his body pleased, the man turned his mind to cunning for now.