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Midnight snack [mature content] - Printable Version

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Midnight snack [mature content] - Raissa - September 30, 2014

OOC: Can wolves talk to other animals? If not I will change it :3

Raissa stalked through the forest with her head held low, the full moon making her fur glow and her orange eyes blaze. She followed the scent trail of the coon through the undergrowth.

Her sharp eyes spotted the bandit ahead of her and she lightened her steps. It had taken her rabbit earlier today and now she was getting revenge. Raissa was no good at holding her dark side back and it begged to give this creature a good torturing before she finally killed it.

She crept up on the plump animal, which was busy devouring a bat, silent as a shadow. When she was just a couple feet away, she leaped.

Landing on the masked creature she pinned it too the mossy ground. The bat fell from its tiny claws and hit the ground with a satisfying sound.

"You, took my meal earlier. Now you are going to replace it." She hissed in the animals ear. It whimpered and shook below her. She reached out and nicked its ear deep with her teeth.

She sat up, keeping the creature pinned beneath her paws, and tried to think of something that would make it paw.

RE: Midnight snack - Bane - October 01, 2014

You posted the thread twice, but don't worry, I deleted the other one :)
About your question, I don't think they can... But it's ok because it's not like the kitty needed to know what Raissa said before ripping its head off... xD
Also Is she like inside BFW? because if she is, Bane will be like GTFO!

The life in Blackfeather was tranquil, its creepy vibe kept intruders away (most of the times), and the young savage didn't have to put up with many wolves because they still were few. He was now able to come out of the cave to take his guard turn at night, the time he like the most, the moon had been his only friend for a long time and he felt comfortable under her watch.

His trek took him to the edge of the forest and he trailed the borderline to make sure nothing came in -or out- during his watch. The silver youth had grown jealous over his new home, he felt comfortable in it and he wanted to keep it that way so every intruder was a threat to him. So when he spotted the figure in the distance -not too distant from his forest- his hackles bristled and his tail instantly raised above his head. She was unknown to the young savage, and she was eating some whateverthatshitwas from his land. He trotted until she was within earshot and growled to announce his presence. These are claimed lands, didn't your nose tell you?" he barked in a deep voice, trying not to be too aggressive.

RE: Midnight snack - Raissa - October 01, 2014

OOC: It doesn't have to be, whatever you want ;)

Raissa could here the guards footsteps before he spoke. She looked up from her meal, licking the blood off her muzzle.

"Yes, but what is that to me, wolf." She challenged with a smirk, her orange eyes filled with such intensity that they looked like they were glowing. She sized him up, he was powerful but she could probably beat him do to her speed and agility.

She took a stance that showed her power and that she wouldn't back down.

RE: Midnight snack - Bane - October 01, 2014

Alright, right outside it is ;)
also, for the ooc thing you can use this code
[ooc]and just write the message here :)[/ooc]

The woman didn't back down, and instead she challenged the young guard in his own territory. The downfall to it was that he wasn't entirely recovered and that in case of losing a possible fight there weren't many to call for backup, but he still reaffirmed his stance with a snarl that grew deeper as he took some more steps closer to the intruder. He wasn't gonna let the threat be unattended.

"What do you want, loner?" he barked, now letting a bit of his anger show, he didn't like to be challenged, and hated a threat over his lands. He would hear what the she-wolf had to say but her manners wouldn't be tolerated. He curled his lips and raised his tail even higher, if there was someone who wouldn't back down it would be him.

EDIT: putting the table :P

RE: Midnight snack - Raissa - October 01, 2014

OK thanks :) and I am at school so the posts suck :P

Raissa let out a taunting laugh at his courage. She dropped her tail and walked around him, rubbing her shoulder against his. Coming back around she faced him and batted her eyes.

"I only want to finish my meal." She said in a sad voice.

RE: Midnight snack - Bane - October 01, 2014

I'm at school too :P and I should be doing a calculus workshop... I feel bad for making such a short post and putting it in this awesome table... :(

There was a weakness in Bane, flattery bitches it was, so when Raissa walked around him rubbing herself against his body he watched every move without any further aggression. "I only want to finish my meal." she said trying to play with him, but it only got her another warning growl from the male.

"I don't care about your meal," he growled mimicking her voice, "and there is a whole pack back there that will agree with me..." he said flashing his shiny fangs once again.

RE: Midnight snack - Raissa - October 01, 2014

The silver coated male turned down her protests with a flash of his fangs. Time to try another method.

She lay down in front of him, her paws in front of her. The brown patched girl was considered very beautiful in her home land and many males had wanted her for their mate. She had, of course, turned them down. She wanted to see if that fact still held here. She was not very old, not even 2 yet and her coat held a luscious gleam, thick and bushy. Her bright orange eyes glowed like embers against the patched fur of her face. The full moon above illuminated the white patches of her, making her seem like she was only half there, the darker patches blending in with the night. She stared up at the male who glowed in the blueish moonlight, looking like a shard of ice. The earth felt cool beneath her as she let her eyes wander, analyzing every inch of him.

"Is there anything," she paused, "I can offer you?" Raissa asked in a voice made of pure, silky velvet.

RE: Midnight snack - Bane - October 02, 2014

The stubborn she-wolf didn't seem to understand that Bane wanted her away from his borders, and instead of leaving or taking his warning seriously she dropped herself in front of him like a callow pup who didn't know the meaning of flashing fangs. "Is there anything, I can offer you?" she asked in a subtle voice that to the raging youth came out as defiant and rude. She could be smokin' hot and all, but Bane didn't like to be played with.

"And what do you have to offer?" he asked as he took a step closer to her, mimicking her smirk, his cold glare piercing the female's orange eyes still holding her gaze.

RE: Midnight snack - Raissa - October 03, 2014

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The silver male glared into her eyes with a look of frozen steel, meeting her own of pure orange fire. She smirked darkly at him, a sparkle in her eyes.

”Hmm, well that depends on what you want from me. Leaving is not an option at the moment.” She purred softly.

If only she could get inside his head, he would definitely be a fun one to mess with, especially since he fucked up her meal. He had well defined muscles and soft, silvery fur. Their smirking eyes met in a battle of fire and ice, no idea which would come out victorious. She got to her feet with the grace of a cat almost. She walked out of the moonlight until she was fully in the shadows, only her glittering eyes shining out from the darkness.

”All I want is a little fun. You see, I have been traveling for a long time and I haven’t had any good company she whispered in a seductive voice. This trick always seemed to work but this time she wasn’t sure, this one was stubborn.

RE: Midnight snack - Bane - October 05, 2014

Bane watched with hungry eyes as the flattering she-wolf got up and walked into the shadows with the regal grace of a cat. He wouldn't deny that he felt attracted to her curvaceous shape and her sweet perfume, and he was the kind to take this kind of opportunity when it presented itself so willingly, but the way she tried to play with his head turned the male off to the point of not seeing Raissa with lusty eyes.

Oh, I see... he said charmingly as he took a step closer to Raissa, who's fiery orange eyes were the only visible thing in the shadows, Some say I'm good company he barked to continue the little game she was playing, but not feeling any other interest than to recruit the she-wolf into blackfether. It would be a win-win outcome for their meeting, the loner needed shelter during the cold seasons, and Blackfeather would find a new member pretty handy as they were a young pack in need of followers. Winter is coming... he barked softly in a more serious tone , casting an ethereal veil with his warm breath. I can offer you a place to stay, if you're willing to follow me back to Blackfeather... The silver male took then another step closer, hoping that Raissa would accept a gentle lick in her muzzle and his offering of a home.

RE: Midnight snack - Raissa - October 05, 2014

Raissa considered the offer of a home, it would be nice to have a place to call home but she would miss moving around and messing with wolves she met on the go.

The silver male stepped closer to her and went in for a lick on her muzzle. She let him think she was going to let him do it, but at the last second she turned her head and caught his tongue between her teeth. It was gentle so it shouldn't have hurt him. She touched the edge of her own tongue to his in a teasing manner before letting go. "You gotta do better than that if y'all want me to join ya." she drawled in her southern accent.

RE: Midnight snack - Bane - October 06, 2014

Torn between fuck you and I'd fuck you.

The moment Raissa caught Bane's tongue with her teeth was so quick that the young savage couldn't do anything to avoid it. When she let go, he took two steps back and bit his lower lip while looking at her with a frowned expression. It was so weird, but at the same time it made his heart race and his face burn, the woman was so flattering that it was hard for the male to resist her. So he didn't. He went in for another lick and ignored the last comment Raissa made, if she didn't finally join Blackfeather Bane didn't care anymore, he wanted her now.

The savage yearling lunged at the orange eyed beauty in an attempt to gently tackle her to the ground. Her silky coat and her perfume felt like heaven. Bane was naughty by nature, and wild by choice, and so far it seemed like they were both on the same page. If Raissa would let him, the savage yearling would rock her world.

RE: Midnight snack [mature content] - Raissa - October 06, 2014

I have never written wolf sex, so I don't really know what I'm doing xD hope its okay!

He lost control. Raissa was glad because she wanted him for real now. It had been a while since she had had a really good time. He licked her again and this time she let him, also allowing the strong silver male to tackle her to the ground. She lay underneath him, her body still as stone. Suddenly she reached up and nipped his ear in a seductively teasing way. When she was done licking and nipping his ear she moved to his cheek where she licked it slowly while running her tail up and down his stomach and lower body. Her tail brushed his dick(?) lightly before going back up again. She pushed her muzzle into his neck fur and licked slowly down to his chest.

RE: Midnight snack [mature content] - Bane - October 07, 2014

Let's not be too explicit with this...

He had indeed lost control. The moment Raissa started nipping his ear his blood stream was about to blow up. She moved down over his chest with her muzzle, and then started rubbing his manhood with her soft tail. That's when he took his turn to seduce her, he dipped his muzzle underneath her chin, making her lift her snout, and with his tongue he slowly touched every inch of her neck until he reached her breast. But he didn't stop there, his face continued going down until it got right between her thighs, and there he started licking again, down on her.

RE: Midnight snack [mature content] - Raissa - October 07, 2014

Ok, I will try my best lol

Bane's tongue slid across her entrance, leaving a trail of hot pleasure. Raissa let out a moan of pleasure as he continued, licking every part of her now wet core. She wanted, no she needed more. She hooked her legs around his neck to try and get him where she needed him most. Her insides were throbbing with want and the only way to satisfy it was him.

RE: Midnight snack [mature content] - Bane - October 08, 2014

btw, is she joining BFW after this? xD

Raissa moaned in pleasure, and a grin of satisfaction lined the savage's face. It was time. Bane got up and placed his paws on both sides of Raissa's face and reached the bitch's neck with his tongue again, this time wildly licking the the jawline and tracing down to her throat, and then up again to find her mouth, his warm breath casting a veil of white. His body never stopped touching hers, tightly grinding on her, letting her feel his strength. With a last lick on her chin, the silver savage paused the wildness to nudge at Raissa's flank, gesturing for her to turn around. It was time for her to enjoy the main attraction, and they were both ready. He wanted her now, his body was screaming for it.

RE: Midnight snack [mature content] - Raissa - October 08, 2014

Hmm, I don't know. I think so just maybe not directly after this xD

Bane nudged her, motioning for her to turn over. She started to do it but then she changed direction and slid down so her face was directly below him. It was her time to tease. Even though her body was screaming, ready for action she held back. Her hot breath fanned over his man-hood and she ever so slowly licked around it but never actually touched it. She circled around it a couple times before she let her teeth gently nip at the skin where her tongue had just been, still not touching the part he needed most. Finally she let her tongue flit across the tip of him but nothing more before she went back to the teasing nips and licks.

RE: Midnight snack [mature content] - Bane - October 17, 2014

So... I'm editing this to archive since Raissa is inactive...

The young savage's intentions to give the girl what she wanted were turned to a different, but not worse situation nonetheless. Raissa slid down below the male's body to take her turn for the oral play. She licked and bit, a naughty one for sure, and that's how the silver youth liked it without a doubt, but it was time for her to take him, and with a more aggressive push, not intended to damage but to put her in position, he turned the female's body around, and slid down so that his head was right above Raissa's. He slowly put himself in place to begin the action while nibbling the female's ears in a passionate kiss-like way, and started pressing his hips against her, ending the night the best possible way he could imagine.