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Blacktail Deer Plateau capitalizing on your failures - Printable Version

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capitalizing on your failures - Sakhmet - December 29, 2021


No. She breathed soft into the cold air, snow bringing her bloodcoat to ashes.

You...you made it so far, but you failed. Again and again and again and again and again...

I know. Defeated, hunched forward as her tiny weight sunk her deeper into the untouched snow. No words could patch up the damage she had likely done. She displaced her family, she displaced those she cared for, she had cursed herself to know only chaos.

Who could she blame when the only thing that stayed the same was herself?

This was not the fault of any family blood she was so far removed from. This was not the great string of continuations of damaged childhood moments. This was, time and time again, her fault.

And she came here again, to accept these things, again.

She would not put herself on a pedestal before others. She would make no more promises. She would not be the shelter she wished to be when she failed to plant roots time and time again.

Perhaps that would be okay.

Perhaps it was best she was nothing as grand as the things she had seen in Blackfeather.

Thoughts that filled her mind uselessly as she stayed seated on the edge of the Plateau, overlooking and out into the snowy expanse of the flatlands.