Wolf RPG
Porcupine Ridge The kids are all wrong - Printable Version

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The kids are all wrong - ZC34 - September 30, 2014


The sun was dazzling overhead as Cthulhu continued her journey toward the unseen coast, following the edge of a mountain range in a wide, deep valley. It was a warm day that promised a bearably cool evening, which came as a relief to the coywolf. She'd spent many nights huddled into her own tail in hopes of staving off the shakes, but they came anyway. Those not produced by the cold came from her unreliable nervous system in the form of twitches and shivers that seemed out of place on even the chilliest night.

The side of the mountain she followed was a collection of jagged ridges and sheer drops whose base was honeycombed with open cave mouths. Though she occasionally pranced toward the caves as though curious about what lay within, Cthulhu always skittered back with murmurs about the dangers within. Monsters were no new story to her. They haunted her youngest memories with daggers for claws and swords for teeth and threatened to drag her down into their dread domain. Cthulhu had always blinked awake as a child, seeking the comfort of her mother, who only confirmed her fears rather than allaying them.

Alas, these memories plagued her even now, so that even the most adventurous streak in her was snuffed out when she drew too close to those dark maws. She danced back and forth as she travelled, always inching forward just to back-pedal. The slightest hint of persuasion could have sent her further, for Cthulhu knew to catch a demon or monster without being seen by it would result in the granting of a single wish, and she had many wishes she wanted to wish... but she couldn't persuade herself, no matter how hard she tried.

Fall Out Boy -- Centuries