Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine buttcakes & bootyflakes - Printable Version

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buttcakes & bootyflakes - Viridian - December 30, 2021

viri had found the remains of caches stored all around the territory. offended by their presence, she had taken to pissing on each of them. she caught @Lazuline's scent while on the third, and decided to detour on the way to the fourth. she was certain her sister would enjoy taking part in the needless desecration.

RE: buttcakes & bootyflakes - Lazuline - December 30, 2021

It appeared the trio would be staying here for — god — she didn’t know long. Unfortunately her siblings didn’t share her urgency. So she figured she might as well get somewhat familiar with the place with a patrol.

It did not soothe her haste. Lazuline found many cache’s scattered about. Granted they were empty aside from the stray bone or two, but that combined with what was left of this assumed dispersed pack didn’t make the situation any better. 

The sound of Viridian made her jump. She scowled as soon as she saw her. 

Can’t you see I’m busy?

RE: buttcakes & bootyflakes - Viridian - January 04, 2022

god. why did lazuline have such a huge stick up her ass? what is your problem? viri snapped back, annoyed by the sight of her scowl. she was the one who got them into this situation, and now she was being a huge bitch about it. it was incredibly unfair.

RE: buttcakes & bootyflakes - Lazuline - January 07, 2022

My problem? The nerve of this girl! Lazuline rose her head. Laughed dryly to the heavens.

Have you scouted this place yet? I have. You know what I found? 

Without giving her a moment’s pause, she spat. Go on. Guess.