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Flycatcher Downs close to my heart - Printable Version

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close to my heart - Experience - December 31, 2021

The mountains had risen up before him like a great wall, and he promptly turned tail from them. There was no enjoyment in killing himself by walking one-thousand steps, only to face the downward spiral on the other side. The smart thing was to go around, and that was what he sought to do.

In the shadow of one particularly intimidating mountain, the man attempted to make a path through the deep snow. He was not light enough on his feet to avoid crushing the newest layers, and found that his coat wasn't as thick as he always trusted it to be: it was his swaying belly that got in the way the most. The tarn's crossing was dire, and he made a sternly worded mental note not to return this way again, should the need arise.

Alas, the man was halfway along the downs when he thought to take a break... Huffing and puffing, caked with snow everywhere except his toes, which were lined with cold mud. Utterly wretched, this place. A fool's journey well under way. The only relief came when he saw the sky break, and a clean blue begin to seep beyond the clouds.

RE: close to my heart - Neon - January 04, 2022

the bodega finds herself towards one of the edges of the valley, somewhere different and new. her chat with alyx had been quite wonderful, and with a few words of wisdom from the local, the woman feels as if she has somewhat of a better picture of the wilds that she intends to call home.

for now, she stays bounding like the snow hare that blend in with the snow. in a way, the woman has somehow mastered how to stay above the snow without cracking it too much, despite her large size. she may look like an oddity moving the way she does, but it keeps her heart and lungs healthy, and her legs feeling spry. years of this bounding have finally paid off as she tired rarely.

though, as she continues her path, she can see that there is a soul not as lucky as her. a man spun of the sun's rays stays trudging through the snow, looking a bit pooped out if she was honest. she forces herself to not giggle as she calls out to him. "in a bit of a pickle, aren't ya?" her tone is light and a bit teasing, though the laugh that comes from her suggests that it is nothing more than a light jest as she bounds closer to him. 

"at least others can find you if you get stuck." she tries to reference his pretty coat, reminding her of alyx.