Wolf RPG
Otter Creek The last breath of autumn - Printable Version

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The last breath of autumn - ZC34 - September 30, 2014


A coyote hybrid was fighting her way across the wide plain against a high, brisk wind sweeping in from the east. Her head was bowed and her steps were quick and choppy. Gusts occasionally buffeted her off course but Cthulhu, despite being a creature of extremes, simply didn't know how to give up. She undertook no particular quest but something in her forced her to keep moving.

She followed a winding creek toward the base of the mountains, where surely she would find shelter. The wind howled in her bat-like ears and Cthulhu grit her teeth against it. If the sound of the wind had been removed, one might hear a soft whine with every breath as she struggled to find somewhere warmer and less exposed. The bitter bite of the wind was a reminder that winter was coming and that she was completely unprepared.

It wasn't the first winter Cthulhu would weather alone. She'd come from the north and was used to much colder conditions. However, she was more underfed now than she'd been last winter, and even though she made a valiant effort not to give in to distress over it—an admirable quality for so peculiar a creature as she—she knew she was hopeless if things didn't improve. Yet still she mustered the strength to fight on as though that cave in the mountains that would warm and protect her would motivate her to change her situation, even though it wouldn't.

RE: The last breath of autumn - Meldresi - October 02, 2014

The priestess shuddered slightly as the wind cut into her face. Winter, harsher than any deity she could ever serve, was coming. Her thick fur, some gift from an Arctic dwelling ancestor, would spare her from the deep cold that came later in the season, but winter still affected everyone.

The chill motivated her, like it did to many others, to find food and restock the caches of her pack. To locate herds that were close to her territory. She scouted the mountains, wondering if they could take anything from the mountain goats. Tricky creatures to hunt, but they could manage it.

Meldresi trotted over to the creek that winded past the mountains and lapped at its waters, flinching slightly at the crisp coolness. She drew her head back, wondering if the creek would freeze when winter came. She was distracted from her thoughts when she heard pawsteps nearby. The priestess turned her head towards the sound, her indigo eyes fixed on the scrawny figure pushing through the wind.

RE: The last breath of autumn - ZC34 - October 11, 2014

Every step she took laboured against the cutting gale, but still she didn't falter. She may have been a threadbare creature that wasn't much to look at, but she had an indomitable will sometimes. That was likely the only thing going for the scrawny hybrid, who had more problems than she had blessings.

At about the same time that Meldresi noticed her, Cthulhu noticed Meldresi. It was hard not to pick a black wolf out of the scenery, especially with eyes as sharps as hers were. Her tongue flicked across her lips as she stopped momentarily, staring across the distance... and then, as though Meldresi could somehow save her from the wind, she made a beeline for the Alpha.

She didn't know what she'd say when she got there. She didn't even know why she was going. She just felt that Meldresi would be able to help her, one way or another.