Wolf RPG
Blackwater Islands sacrament - Printable Version

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sacrament - The Listener - January 01, 2022

three. three lives rested at the listener's feet. it was a sign, she knew; a crimson-slashed warning of what was to come. chaos descended.

the druids were not ready.

for many days, the listener sought guidance from the unnamed god. for many days, her god was silent. until a sign came to her.

the sky raged above blackwater, churning and malevolent until a single flash lit the sky. it seemed to turn red. a great rumble —

and then silence.

red. all red. the listener rose in a great flurry of sweeping robes and trembling movements. she bent over a small roughshod altar; the skyrock rested on the flat bed of a strange smooth stone wrought in dim blues and greens. all around it, weathered bones of creatures great and small. raven feathers were strewn among the bones.

the listener closed her eyes and began to murmur, praying. begging. send a messenger to me. send a wolf of sapphique.

red. waves against stone. the swish of a tail. red, all red. she saw wolves now, so many wolves. there. there.

the listener tilted her head back and howled.

come to me.

@Sobo for visibility