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Deepwood Weald now I must return home - Printable Version

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now I must return home - RIP Xynos - January 03, 2022

This was the last place Nyra was seen, so I figured posting this here would make the most sense.

The mission given was complete. 

Once Xynos was sure he had escaped the watchful eye of Germanicus' assembly of followers, the dark man set off in search of the warmaiden he swore his allegiance. 

Just as he'd left her, it would have been expected she would have been in the spine with Moonglow. However, it had been found she was not. Along the way, Xynos was stopped by her scent elsewhere.

The scent wasn't too faint. She couldn't be far. He needed to find her, and soon. 

Lifting his voice high, the man called for @Nyra

I've returned to you, just as I promised. Guide me to you, or come to me.

The hopes were that she would hear him and respond. If not, perhaps @War would in her stead. The other maiden couldn't have been far. Wherever the Nyra went, so did War.

RE: now I must return home - RIP Fury - January 03, 2022

<3 we can date this immediately after War finds Nyra if that's alright with everyone? Also due to realism and my former godmodding surrounding his mission, let's avoid IC discussion of anything that wasnt shared by Germanicus or Xynos' IC findings in the mountains please and ty <3

Another howl came through the trees. Looking at @War with surprise, the Warmaiden rose from her place in the cold dirt and trotted quickly through the woods, hunting through the thick trunks inyo a familiar dark shadow stood before her. 

"Xynos." Nyra breathed. "How was your mission to the mountains? There is news we must both share." 

RE: now I must return home - RIP Xynos - January 04, 2022

I have no intention of godmodding any info. The only reason I mentioned his name in my opening post was because Xynos heard him be called such by another. Hopefully that wasn't a step too far. Also, sorry if my post is a bit short. Currently juggling a few different rps at once.

The sight of Nyra was like a breath of fresh air. He'd been away too long and he regretted every second of not being by her side.

I couldn't get all the way through the canyons. I was stopped by a group of strangers. One was called Germanicus by name, but I know no more than that. They forced me to turn away, so I came back to find you. I don't think there is any way to get through if we wanted to... those wolves back there really seemed intent on keeping outsiders away.

RE: now I must return home - RIP Fury - January 04, 2022

not at all too far mentioning Germanicus! It wasn't you who godmodded Wither, it was myself lol, I got nudged and striked for GodModding which is entirely my bad. I just don't want any of us to get nudged or given a strike, a second one in my case <3

"I know of Germanicus. I met him once in the Flatlands, he is, or was, a guest of Akashingo. By this information you've given...I think Akashingo is intent to keep us from returning. But this is not for certain...I...have been exiled from Moonglow for bedding with a man. It is a time currently that this would matter. Now, War and I will head to the Coast. Will you come?" Nyra replied in turn, golden gaze watching the shadow to see how he may respond to her words.

RE: now I must return home - RIP Xynos - January 04, 2022

Ah, I see. Thank you for the warning, then.

Much news had been shared between both parties.

Nyra knew of Germanicus. Though she knew little, it was in fact known where he had come from. This was better than knowing nothing at all. His intentions were clear, so it would be wiser to move elsewhere. To his surprise, Nyra and War had thought of this already.

I will follow where you walk. A simply answer with little else required. He had once made a vow to guard Nyra's path and he would continue to do so, no matter where they ended up.

RE: now I must return home - RIP Fury - January 04, 2022


His answer was pleasing to her ears. A keeper of his vows, a loyalist, this one. He reminded her in a way of Hemlocke.
Dear Hemlocke...
"Then the three of us will go." She confirmed. "We will rest for the night and make our way along the ocean come morning. Unless you and War think it best to begin travel sooner." 

RE: now I must return home - War - January 04, 2022

There was a lot of information to be had today. Nyra had rosen when Xynos called after explaining herself, War had barely any chance to process the information before they both left to find Xynos. 

War followed, as she always did. The red woman was always close to Nyra, and it was not far off to assume so either. She watched, listened and as Nyra mentioned laying with another man, there was no motion or emotion to trace on her face. War didn't understand nature's grip on male and female when they came in heat.

Likely because War's body had betrayed her time and time again and never given her the option. She didn't understand why Nyra had to lay with a man, but War could only assume there was a reason for it. War looked at Nyra when her name was mentioned and gave a nod in agreement. They would go indeed.

"Let us rest. Then leave." War understood not why laying with a man had meant they should leave Moonglow. As far as she was aware it was a natural thing, it was how puppies were made after all. So why did Moonglow wolves want them gone now? She decided it was better to now dwell on it or ask. They had left Moonglow, that was the end of it.

It never daunted on War that Nyra might carry children again, and jealousy was not an emotion she knew of either, she simply understood how she felt for Nyra. That was all she needed.

RE: now I must return home - RIP Xynos - January 04, 2022

The man looked between both Nyra and War momentarily, tail swaying in sincere thought.

Kukutux had sent her away, exiling her and demanding she never return. Though he knew little of the one known as Moonwoman, it could be understood why laying with a man without the blessing of her liege would be considered a crime. 

Now Nyra had both elder wounds to tend to and soon, possibly, a future of children ahead. They would need to be extra careful during the travels.

I agree with War. Rushing off isn't always the wisest decision... Besides, you left, just as Kukutux bid. She should have no reason to send anyone to pursue. Rest now, travel later.

Xynos spoke of rest, yes. That didn't mean he would, however. He hadn't for days, in fact. The reason as to why was unknown, but he wouldn't question it, nor bring it up to anyone else. If sleep was needed, it would come. Until then, he would spend his time awake keeping watch for the others.

RE: now I must return home - RIP Fury - January 05, 2022

War spoke of rest, to which it seemed Xynos agreed. 
With the will of her comrades made note, the behemoth nodded once. 
"Then we will rest before we leave." She agreed, beginning to walk through the dense trees to find a suitable resting place within vague sight of the northern edge of the Wield. 

Once a place was to be found, perhaps in a divit underneath a tree root or something, Nyra would dig around a little to widen the space before curling up to rest beside War, assuming the powerhouse would lie beside her and not keep guard with Xynos.