Wolf RPG
Sheepeater Cliff Squad F, for fuck's sake! Stop playing Bejeweled! - Printable Version

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Squad F, for fuck's sake! Stop playing Bejeweled! - Wickett - January 05, 2022

If u get my reference ily <3

fuck oFF!

With a screech, the eagle wheeled away from wildly snapping ivories, followed by malice filled eyes. The young wolfdog gave a few more snaps of his fangs, before settling back down over his hard won meal. It wasn’t even a full sheep, just a leg he’d managed to tear from a mangled carcass.

¡Pájaro tonto! ¡Déjame en paz!

Honestly. Wickett just wanted to eat his stupid meal, go fuck off somewhere away from dumb birds, and just be left alone. He ripped a shred away from the leg, chewing on it angrily.

RE: Squad F, for fuck's sake! Stop playing Bejeweled! - Neon - January 09, 2022

now this was a sight to behold.

a piebald wolfdog fighting off a golden eagle for a piece of flesh that looked to not even be worth the time for. no matter, neon was not a judgemental being and often leaves things to the imagination. thankfully, she had scarfed down a small snow hare earlier and wouldn't feel inclined to barge in on a meal that wasn't hers.

the sound of him screaming in a foreign language causes a giggle to escape her lips as she bounds over, just a little closer, after noticing the annoying bird has finally left her pending friend alone.

"boy, that bird really was giving you a hard time." she says towards him as she inches closer, just enough where (hopefully) wicket would not feel threatened by neon's presence. "you steal it from its nest or something?" a light jeer followed by a laugh, curious for the others' reaction.

RE: Squad F, for fuck's sake! Stop playing Bejeweled! - Wickett - January 12, 2022

Wickett had barely managed to dig into his meal before another person was interrupting him. Perhaps less annoying than the bird, but it didn’t make him want to bite them any less. The young man gave the woman a mulish look, chewing on a piece of meat from the sheep’s leg held beneath one leg.

…no. I didn’t. I just wanted this damn leg and the stupid fucking bird wanted it too. Wickett grouched, tearing off another strip of sheep to chew on angrily.