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Blacktail Deer Plateau Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Printable Version

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Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Dante RIP - October 01, 2014

For anyone from the Plateau! Perhaps someone Dante hasn't interacted a ton with? Though really even if he has, feel free to join XD

I'm assuming they weren't told why Perry and them left, if I am wrong let me know ^^

Blue Willow had departed to bring her news to Peregrine, a conversation that Dante wondered about. He was sure he would hear about it, and he did not expect that Peregrine would have any issues. After all, he had heard that he had supported the idea before. It was Fox's reaction he'd like to know. He didn't mind her departure, for he was more than capable of holding down the fort, at least for a while.

It wasn't like much was happening anyway. Just hurried preparations for the impending winter. Currently Dante was taking a break, resting in the shade of a large oak, paws crossed and head resting upon them. He watched a wasp, one of the later survivors, busily buzzing about the roots a ways away, wondering if they had a hive nearby. He'd steer clear of that, for sure, but so long as he didn't bother it, he doubted it would bother him. The insect was undustriously searching for something, what the large male did not know. What did wasps eat anyway? He didn't think they frequented flowers as bees did... or did they? It was a puzzle he considered idly, but not one that he would actively seek an answer to. He was not really much into the naturalist way of life, though it was fun to think about now and again.

The sun was sinking down, and as it slid towards the horizon, the bug apparently decided whatever it sought wasn't important, for it zipped away. The silver male watched it go, then sighed contentedly. He, unlike the busy creature, wasn't going anywhere fast at the moment.

RE: Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Amberr - November 03, 2014

|[size=xx-small] You don't mind if I throw my character in?[/size]

Amber trots through the quiet forest, studying her surroundings (like always). The last rays of sunlight shimmer through the orange and yellow leaves of the trees. A pretty sight indeed. She loved the way autumn looked. So vibrant and colorful, not as colorful as the wildflowers in spring, but just as beautiful. The leaves rustled back and forth as the wind surged through them. Soon winter would come, and she wouldn't admit it, but it was oddly one of her favorite seasons. Despite the coldness, she loved the snow and loved hunting everyday. Being i the pack would give her a chance to hunt 'till her heart's contempt.

She's sees Dante in the distance, staring off somewhere. She walks closer to her Alpha and greets him with a friendly 'Hello'. She thinks about the incident with Junior as well. She hadn't really liked her that much and when she spoke of Dante's name, she began to act a bit smug. She shakes her head trying to forget.

RE: Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Dante RIP - November 03, 2014

Not at all! Updated my previous post to bring it more up to date :)

Dante's idle mental wanderings dissipated as he heard an approacher. While not likely, there had been enough times that such encounters had been trespassers that he immediately turned to appraise them. It turned out to be Amber, one of the newer recruits he had welcomed. "Amber! Hello!" This was good, he'd been meaning to check in.

Without standing, he turned himself to face her. "How are things? Settling in ok?" It was good to check on their newest, for the transition could be hard at times. If there were issues or doubts it was best to take care of them early before they got too serious.

RE: Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Amberr - November 04, 2014

Amber nodded her head. "Yep. It's lovely here. I met quite a few wolves." She didn't intend to tell him about the little lone wolf Runt, and the encounter with Junior. Again she thought of Runt. Wonder where she's camping? Hopefully, no one else would find her, and she wouldn't blurt out the deal. She would not be very happy too see her being chased out. It made her want to see Runt again just thinking about her. You'll get to see her again soon. "So, how's life?" she asked, trying to forget her thoughts.

RE: Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Dante RIP - November 11, 2014

"Good, very good." He responded with some enthusiasm, genuinely pleased. He'd not done quite so well when he joined, for it had taken him a long time to meet many of the Plateau's wolves. In fact, there were a couple he still wasn't acquainted with, something that he found a bit inexcusable. He needed to remedy this fact, for it showed that he was slacking in his role.

"Life is... life." He shrugged, smiling. "But relatively good. Hopeful that our next hunt will be a success. We could use a bit more to store away." So far they'd had ok luck but he'd like to up their success rate. "You've had the chance to familiarize yourself with the territory?"

RE: Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Amberr - November 22, 2014

The girl nodded her head briefly, "It took a few days to really get into studying, but I did it." She had went around the Plateau several times to memorize every sent, every lake, every bush, to make a full map in her head. The first time she came, she didn't notice how big the territory was, but now it seems huge to her. "Also met a few of the Plateau wolves as well." And Runt. The thought of her made her want to race into the woods and talk to the little peppy wolf again, but she had to lie low. Perhaps she could sneak over to her tomorrow night. She had caught a few traces of her scent before, but quickly covered it with mud, so it would be a bit hard to track her down again. She thought of Junior once more. If she finds out, she won't take mercy. Junior wasn't to fond to see her from the get-go, but, then again, neither was Amber. A few roots from her past still clung onto her like fresh dew on grass. The feeling of untrust. But luckily that feeling was melting away as she met more of her packmates.

RE: Sunset lovin in a parking lot - Dante RIP - December 01, 2014

Dante nodded approvingly that she had done so already, for it was an important thing in his opinion. A wolf who did not know their territory could hardly be expected to defend it adequately. He was also pleasantly surprised that she had already met some of her packmates. Sometimes it took a while for a new member to get into the social aspect... He knew it had for him.

"Oh? And that went well?" He liked to know where they stood with one another. He trusted the pack to treat new wolves with kindness, but sometimes friction couldn't be avoided.

He wished he could spend more time shooting the breeze, but the borders wouldn't mark themselves and he feared letting them to too long. They had enough intruders to last the season, thank you very much. "Well, let me know if you need anything, and I am glad things are going well." With that he dismissed himself, heading off to continue his night briefly before turning in.