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Ravensblood Forest Purpose - Printable Version

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Purpose - Azarov - January 14, 2022

This thread was made to count towards a trade, but all are welcome to join! ^-^

A purpose had been found, at last; one that was not under the dictatorship for a man who cared only to see death.

Odami soja sought only to live by means of self made choice. Now, this was possible.

With no instruction yet to be given, it would be taken upon thyself to make use of given time. Sacrarium was not yet built and its future sohzoda could not be left to stake the claim all on her own.

Since the time of their former departure, the shadow followed along the line of what had already been marked. It was unknown of what more was to be added on to the territory. Thus, instead of assist within that area, the newly named parastor would take time to patrol the lands. If those unwelcomed sprung upon them, Azarov would be the first to know and be able to alert Violante.

RE: Purpose - Violante - January 16, 2022

tagging @Avery Cruor for continuity.

She had made her decision; she would reach out to nearby packs, to find a tutor for Lorelai. She made her way towards the borders, and it was here than she ran into Azarov again. The Vicera dipped her head in greeting, then said, "Azarov - good. I've got a job for you once you're done here." Violante swung her head in the directions of the dens, telling him, "I'll be leaving soon, and we'll need someone to guard the dens. There is a pregnant female named Lorelai - she is ill. She will call for you if she needs you, but I must warn you, she is not of the soundest mind." She had been doing well lately, but Lorelai was known to break at any given moment.

RE: Purpose - Azarov - January 16, 2022

Along the drawn path, something bristled the fur. The shadow was not alone.

Swinging around a set of narrowed hues, a familiar sight befell them. Violante. Back so soon?

Odami soja listened as the sohzoda spoke, nodding once silence came from her lips.

Ears will be open for if she calls.

"I'll be leaving soon." A query followed this statement, but it was not yet known whether it should be asked. If she wanted her whereabouts to be known, surely they would be told.

Momentarily, it was decided. 

Safe journey. This was all the man would say. 

RE: Purpose - Vagabond - January 17, 2022

Growling to himself Avery followed his scent. It didn't matter to him that the male had already been accepted by his female, it still grated on his nerves to have a male near his family. Avery had been sulking, foolishly avoiding the male. Especially with Violante gone he knew he ought to introduce himself properly.

He followed the foreign scent until he came to a large dark wolf. Swallowing a growl Avery tried his best to speak in a friendly manner.

"My name is Avery. Violante is my mate, I will do anything to keep her, Lorelai, and our pups safe. Will you swear to assist in this?" Avery knew it didn't matter what the male said, ultimately Violante deemed him worthy to join them, but it would still make him feel better.

He cringed, straight down to business. Short and simple, if not crude. Avery shrugged off his insecurities, and stood stiffly, staring into the eyes of the other male, awaiting his answer.

RE: Purpose - Azarov - January 17, 2022

Shortly following Violante's departure, another scent wafted near. Not one of familiarity, this time.

There he came; a man uneased by the presence of another. Odami soja could sense the jealousy and longing to dismantle the shadow's limbs. This one once lived in solitary, with the company of only two females. And now, he was presented with the tolerance of another male. It was understandable, however, that did not mean misuse of dominance would be tolerated.

Turning, the shadow looked to he called Avery. Teeth and claws have been sworn. This promise will not be broken.... 

...unless another draws out the necessity. Eyes narrowed alongside this final statement. Such would be passed as a form of warning. Perhaps he was the Vicera's mate, but that would not give him the right to act so ascendant.

RE: Purpose - Vagabond - January 18, 2022

Avery felt oddly relieved at the male's response. Now that he had met him, even though they'd exchanged few words, he felt more at ease.

Avery bowed his head slightly to appease the other male. "Thank you." With that, he turned from away, intending to further explore his territory.

RE: Purpose - Azarov - January 21, 2022

This will be the close of the thread, then! I enjoyed getting to meet Avery for the first time. I really feel like these two will get along well.

A simple thanks and a dismissal all in one.

It was read that the Viscera's counterpart was not keen to be in this presence much longer. Nothing more than tension could be found, regardless if ease was attempted.

Without a wait for reply, the man had disappeared, lurking off further into the topiary.

Azarov would follow suite, though rather than walk further into the territory, the shadow crossed away from the border. He would not go far, but enough so that the borders could be patrolled from the outer rim.

There was much responsibility placed upon his back. Violante had left. It was only the two men left to guard such an expanse and he was not ready to have failed her yet.