Wolf RPG
They don't call me big for nothing - Printable Version

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They don't call me big for nothing - Bane - October 02, 2014

@Esperanza sorry for the delay, school and volleyball practice leave little time for me to post :(
But hopefully I'll have more time next week :D

There wasn't much that the silver savage could do to improve his condition, that was mostly in the priestess' hands, but Bane still had to regain the strength he had one day, so he had been busy lately. The main thing was patrolling the borders because, aside from himself and the Alpha, there were only two wolves that he rarely ever saw, so it was up to him to keep the lands safe from intruders.

And tonight was not different. He came out of the glowing caves when the half moon was up, and trotted to the northern borders to do his duty. The young Lambda hadn't earned his warden title yet, but he was working towards it, a strange feeling was growing within him, a feeling of loyalty that attached him to the dark priestess. He didn't fully understand Meldresi's adoration towards The Webspinner, but he believed she accepted him and cared for him, and that wasn't usual.

RE: They don't call me big for nothing - Esperanza - October 02, 2014

The ebony woman had walked into the land. Her large form and her thick coat bounced together while she bounded through the landscape. Her emerald optics shimmering with delight as she ran, her salmon tongue hanging to the side as she ran. Her legs extended as she did long strides, a smile on her face as her tail swayed from side to side as she ran. The sounds of songbirds could be heard, ears erect, sometimes twitching when she could hear their little whistles. She had been alone for a while and hoped she could have someone to talk to for a little while.

That, was soon when she could smell the scent of a male, another pack wolf. She used to be a pack wolf, but due to unfortunate events, that was no longer to be.

RE: They don't call me big for nothing - Bane - October 05, 2014

Sorry! my life gets wild at times :P

Bane ran past the dark borderline of Blackfeather and kept on going until it faded in the background. The young savage enjoyed running under the moonlight, it was one of the few things in the world that managed to soothe him, and tonight has one of those nights in which the Dark forest seemed to close up around him.

He found a little creek from which he drank a few glups to lower his teperature, and then dropped his body to the cold ground to watch the stars. The life for MoonBane wasn't an easy one, and he sometimes felt the need to relax and clear his mind.