Wolf RPG
Ravensblood Forest Escapee - Printable Version

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Escapee - Noir - January 20, 2022

set during the night, AW

Her mistress' escape from their old pack had lit a fire within Noir, and she knew - she had to find Violante. The fastest of the slaves and prisoners, Noir had already left her travelling companions, and had found the place where Violante's scent hung heavy in the air, along with others. Noir sung for Violante, her muzzle facing the sky. She was ready to serve again.

RE: Escapee - Violante - January 20, 2022

The Vicera was only just now returning; she'd been gone for several days. Whatever thoughts and things she had floating about her mind were instantly erased when she heard a howl - one she knew. "NOIR!" The Vicera shouted, causing birds to leave the trees around her in a frenzy.

She sprinted towards the girl, then practically bowled her over. There was a couple of excited yelps, and the two struggled for a moment to extricate themselves from the other. Breathless, Violante exclaimed, "I can't believe you're here! Is anyone else with you?"

RE: Escapee - Noir - January 22, 2022

Noir was knocked clean off her paws and she fell to her side, sprawled out in the snow. As she looked up to Violante, her tail drummed a steady rhythm. "Mistress," the girl greeted Violante, getting to her paws and rubbing the length of her body along Violante's. "I was with the others, but I travelled ahead to find you - they'll find you, too, should their wills be strong enough."

RE: Escapee - Violante - January 26, 2022

"It's good to have you back," Violante said, warmth creeping into her voice. She pulled away, then nodded to the forest behind her. "I'm claiming this forest, along with Avery. And... I'm hopefully carrying his pups." She smiled broadly, dark eyes lighting up. "Come on, I'll give you the tour and show you to the dens." There was no doubt that Noir would follow her, and the Vicera felt very thankful; Noir had been her personal servant in her natal pack, but they had been fast friends, and Violante had sworn to free her, one day. That day had finally come, and with Noir with her, the forest was truly beginning to feel like a home. Finally, she had her family.