Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound Everyone who sees you falls in love - Printable Version

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Everyone who sees you falls in love - Alduin - January 20, 2022

Set sometime around midnight. Alduin’s looking for some trouble ;) 
Anyone can feel free to come meet a grumpy, edgy boi 

Alduin moves to the edge of the island — one of few. The moonlight reflects off of a silvery, course pelt, his muscles bunch up and relax as he walks languidly on the beach — a fire burns in his veins. His fur curls and waves because of the salty ocean water he seems to be constantly swimming through. All for good reason. The scent washes Blackwater from his pelt, it washes his pack mates off of his pelt. No one would know unless he disclosed said information. 

Tonight though, an acute bloodlust has a hold of him. Banesteppe’s presence is heavy on his right and urges him to find something or someone to sink his teeth into. So he does. 

With heavy paws sinking into the sand, head level with massive shoulders and a straight back he steps into the frigid, calming waves. He doesn’t even shudder, he’s done it many times by now. He descends into the darkness of water, head peaking out to paddle across the way towards Ankyra Sound.

When he gets to the other side he appears like a leviathan slithering from the abyss that is the ocean. It appears black in the low light and the hellhounds dark, brindled fur and bloody, red eyes don’t help. He rises from the deep and sloshes heavy limbs through the shallow tide. His coat is soaked through and clinging to him, showing the true extent of his bulk. Massive, deadly, and terrifying. He laps a deep purple tongue over scarred lips and sniffs at the ground and air, form hunched over the same way he left he moves forward once more. 

Searching, searching, searching. For what? He doesn’t know.

RE: Everyone who sees you falls in love - Tenebris - January 26, 2022

The blue-grey shape of the knight prowled slowly along the beach. Tenebris had found a path that carried down into a cozy seaside terrain. High stone protected it on both sides, the ocean to the north. The wayfarer could see the traces of wolves who had passed through that area. The scents that clung to the earth were faint, from another time.

If Tenebris had not been searching the shore, he would not have seen the dark shape that rose from the waters and slushed to shore. The gleam of red eyes was startling. The build of the young figure was imposing, muscular beyond reason for someone who appeared to be so young. The knight was uncertain about approaching. He had not found success with the others who had roamed the beach. Most of the wolves in the area had been irksome, at best.

Tenebris chuffed, though.

It was a show of his presence. He did not wish to surprise the dark-furred swimmer.

RE: Everyone who sees you falls in love - Alduin - January 26, 2022

The hellhound moves across the sand, water dripping from a soaked through pelt. Head low and prowling, sniffing as he goes. Perhaps he’s in search of food, perhaps he’s in search of another canid to sink his teeth into — those are usually much more satisfying. Prey animals are usually predictable, it’s the carnivorous kind that have become much more fun to go against for him. 

So onwards he moves, heavy weight being leg by strong limbs without a care in the world. Until he’s hearing a sound, a familiar one. A greeting used by many animals to signal their presence. Alduin would freeze in his spot, his head doesn’t lift, but his head turns and his eyes rake over the dark horizon. The moonlight bounces off of bloody orbs as he scouts for the source of the voice, only to find them a second later. 

Once spotted, those searching eyes never leave the strangers form. Rather, they move over every inch of them. From their large paws, up strong limbs, a hefty chest full of fur, and further up to their face. He stops on those glowing, golden eyes — how own unblinking. There’s something so very feral about Alduin’s body language — about his presence, the way he moves. He laps at dangerous fangs with a dark tongue and sizes up the other male. 

They don’t seem to want to fight, but does that mean Alduin doesn’t? He wouldn’t mind it. He’s curious though, so he makes the first step forward. It’s experimental, slow, one foot in front of the other until he’s moving prowling towards him at a languid pace. The closer he gets, the bigger he makes himself, raising his massive head and bulking up his shoulders in a classic show of dominance. His ears cup towards him, but when he gets closer he stops a fair ten or so feet away and levels him with an intense, dark, but curious gaze.

“Who are you?” It’s a question, but it comes out more like a rumbling, husky statement.

RE: Everyone who sees you falls in love - Tenebris - January 26, 2022

The titan of a wolf approached, walking in easy strides as he bulked his frame to increase his size. The knight stood and did not shift or quaver. He was impressed with the young man’s size, that was for certain. Tenebris had never seen a thing like it. Size had never concerned him. Swiftness would earn him some distance, if he needed it.

When the dark figure spoke, his tone was rough. He asked for a name.

Tenebris, the knight answered, drawing his gaze up to rest just beneath the brute’s stare. The thickness of the figure’s chest was noticed. Tenebris knew that there was a great deal of weight behind the dark wolf’s frame. He would not be a fool. Curiosity burned through him when a scent was noted on the stranger’s wet cloak. Sea water, brine, but there was something else.

The knight wondered if there were other giants roaming the shores.

RE: Everyone who sees you falls in love - Alduin - January 28, 2022

As Alduin makes himself out to be bigger, he’s surprised by the slate coated male’s actions. He expected a fight at his display of dominance, rather he gets a name and enough submission to placate the hellhounds lust for blood. It doesn’t make him relax completely because one can never trust a stranger, but his head lowers some and his chest deflates.

Alduin’s spotted ears flick back momentarily as he just stares at him, repeating his name in his head a few times in an attempt to remember if he knows this man. Since it seems he has a hard time remembering anyone else he’s met when he got back. Nothing comes up in his minds eye, but it’s happened before.

So he hums low in his chest, a sound of acknowledgment to the others name. Followed by him testing it on his own tongue.

“Tenebris,” He says back absentmindedly. “Do I know you?” Comes his drab, emotionless voice once more.

He would attempt to circle him if the other allowed it. Moving to the males left at a fair distance and sauntering around his back, before appearing on the right. His head is lowered once more, bloody eyes rake up and down his form in a scrutinizing manner. 

Would he be a tasty sacrifice? Would the fight be rewarding? Or would the Shadow prefer a living victim— or maybe a recruit?

The hellhound would stop at his place near the man’s right shoulder and lean forward to sniff him experimentally. If allowed of course, his nose would almost touch him in his attempt to get a good scent. All the while Alduin watches his face, looking for any signs that he may attack.

RE: Everyone who sees you falls in love - Tenebris - February 12, 2022

Not likely, the knight answers back with a small frown.

Tenebris was certain he would remember a wolf of this size and shape. The stranger across from him would be a difficult one to forget. The drab way in which he spoke was equally impressionable. If they had ever crossed paths before that day, the knight would be certain to have remembered it. It was likely that he would avoid any such encounters in his near future, if it could be helped. The uneasy feeling in his stomach did not sit well with the gruff wolf.

I’m not from these parts, Tenebris then offered with a small shrug of his shoulders. He hoped that this might relieve some of the tension that existed between them. He could not help but feel that the unpredictable air about the large young wolf was enough to give anyone pause.

Tenebris sniffed again at the dark coat of the bulky wolf. There must have been other giants in the nearby vicinity. He wondered if they were hiding in the rocky outcroppings near the waters. The large stranger seemed to have been a talented enough swimmer.

What are you called? A good a place as any to start.

RE: Everyone who sees you falls in love - Alduin - February 13, 2022

When Alduin asks if he knows him, he answers with a low Not likely. Alduin takes his word for it. Just because his memory is shit, doesn’t mean the other man’s is. Most of his lack of said memory’s are from trauma blocking. How helpful of his mind. And by helpful, he means how fucking annoying.

His annoyance at his own useless mind only shows in the form of white brows furrowing.

Still, the male shrugs casually, mentioning that he’s not from around the area. Which makes more sense to the hellhound. He’s never smelt him before and even then it seems like he wouldn’t remember. 

So as Alduin walks around him and practically presses his snout to his shoulder to take a sniff, Tenebris still seems fairly calm. He would expect the man to start bristling at Alduin’s closeness. Surprisingly, he stays relatively neutral. That’s good. It doesn’t make Alduin want to challenge him as much as he first did when he caught his gaze earlier. 

Eventually, the hellhound pulls away, a question falls from the stranger’s lips then,

What are you called?

He steps away from him and circles back around to meet his gaze once more. 

“The Executioner.” He says dangerously. The smokey rumble of his voice is low and gruff as he speaks the title. He continues on though. “Do you have a home in these wilds yet?” The man seems level headed. Perhaps Blackwater could use him. Plus, if Alduin brought back another Acolyte for the Listener, then he would gain her favor.