Wolf RPG
Firefly Glen Sukauto - Printable Version

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Sukauto - Shiranui - January 27, 2022

The fog had cleared as the morning stretched on. Grey clouds hung overhead. It looked like it would be another cold day.

Shiranui trotted across the glen toward the northern end of the territory. He wished to map the land so that he and Bartholomew could travel easier. The white wolf traced the outline of the rocky formations, the forests, and the spaces between those things. It looked like there was a good deal of diversity in the terrain.

Curiously, Shiranui turned his stare toward the mountains in the west. He did not know what was on the other side of them, but he believed that the decision to travel north had been a sound one. The white wolf sniffed at the snowy ground, considering turning back to the forest to find the preacher.

RE: Sukauto - Ashlyn - January 30, 2022

From the lake, Ashlyn had turned northeast, before turning back to swing southeast and it was not long before he found company in the form of another wolf with a white pelt and brilliantly red eyes. Ash dipped his head in greeting, then called out, "Hail, stranger. A good day to you." The sky above them was gray and laden with clouds - certainly not ideal weather, but given that it was midwinter, Ashlyn supposed it could be worse.

RE: Sukauto - Shiranui - January 30, 2022

A greeting was called into the chilly air.

Shiranui turned his head sharply toward the one who spoke. It was not the preacher, but another wolf who roamed the wilds. A few waves of his tail suggested that he would not cause harm to the stranger. A small whine from the back of his throat was proof enough that the white hunter would cause no harm.

Shiranui gazed at the ivory of the other man’s coat. They were almost gradients of each other. The white wolf was sharp and cold with the winter snow colors of his cloak. The other was touched by a washing of cream that covered every inch of him. His figure was a handsome size and shape. Shiranui wondered if he belonged to a pack.

RE: Sukauto - Ashlyn - January 31, 2022

The stranger did not speak, but instead responded with a whine and a few waves of his tail. Ashlyn smiled, his own tail waving languidly behind him. "Apologies for the intrusion - I am new to the area." He gestured northwest, over the mountains. "I've just come through from a lake to the northwest. I'm Ashlyn, or Ash for short." He smiled again. "Are you from around here?" He didn't quite know where he was going, but insight on the land would be nice regardless.

RE: Sukauto - Shiranui - February 01, 2022

The stranger was swift to offer a few words of apology – saying that had intruded in the area. Shiranui regarded them with a small curling of his dark lips, but he did not say anything. The lands they stood upon did not belong to the white wolf. Anyone could pass through them, even seek to claim them for their own. Shiranui was only a passerby, the same as the wolf called Ashlyn.

At the mention of the lake in the northwest territory, Shiranui turned his gaze in that direction, curious. The next words out of the other wolf’s mouth were a question. Ash wished to know if the white wolf was from around those parts.

Shiranui turned back to him with waved his tail in wider sweeps. No, he was not from those parts, but it did not mean that he couldn’t make them into a home. Curiously, he tilted his head in question to Ashlyn, wondering if the man had his own reasons for being there.

RE: Sukauto - Ashlyn - February 02, 2022

The stranger did not speak, and Ashlyn pondered whether he could. Before he could ask, however, the other male tilted his head, gazing at Ashlyn curiously. The large pale man frowned slightly as he thought, then answered, "I'm from a land far from here - the arctic, in the far north." A land of frozen tundra plains, with scarcely a tree in sight. "I am merely seeking company; I'm afraid I've been on my own for longer than my liking." Here, he would smile to the other man, then asked apologetically, "I'm sorry - d'you speak? If not, that's alright." He smiled awkwardly. He was trying to make the stranger more comfortable, and hoped he hadn't rubbed him the wrong way.

RE: Sukauto - Shiranui - February 03, 2022

Ash was from a place to the far north.

Shiranui turned his gaze toward that direction, as though he could see across the space that stretched from them to the man’s homeland. The white wolf had traveled across a great many lands, but he was certain that he had never seen the cold reaches of the north. One day, perhaps…

When Ashlyn mentioned that he was seeking companionship, Shiranui turned to face him again. The easy sway of his tail was sign enough that he would offer himself. The white wolf thought of @Bartholomew and whether the preacher would mind having another with them. He wondered then if Ashlyn would mind traveling with a duo like that.

Shiranui stepped toward the man and sniffed at his coat. When asked if he could speak, the white wolf yawned with a sharp whine.

RE: Sukauto - Ashlyn - February 04, 2022

The male moved to sniff Ash's coat, then gave his answer with a yawn and a whine, and Ashlyn nodded, saying, "That's alright, I'm sure I can talk enough for the both of us." He chuckled a bit. Then, he said, "I will accompany you for at least a short while - winter is never fun alone." Ash would give a warm smile, then gestured broadly. "Where to, friend?"

RE: Sukauto - Shiranui - February 17, 2022

Shiranui was pleased to hear that this man was untroubled by silence. He even claimed that he might speak enough for the both of them. The white wolf was amused enough to wag his tail. His ears swiveled atop his head before falling into a natural position.

The companion wanted to know where they would begin. Shiranui was uncertain.

Picking a direction at random, the hunter began their walk toward the southwest. His gait was easy, casual. The wolf was pleased to have found another who was friendly. The ruby of his eyes turned on the man with curiosity. What might he share with Shiranui?

RE: Sukauto - Ashlyn - March 17, 2022

So sorry for the wait! tags are for reference

As Ash followed the male, his gaze wandered over to the mountains that barred passage into the hinterlands. He still intended to explore them with @Eloise - he grinned at the thought of her. She was kind, and gentle, and if he were being honest with himself, quite beautiful. He enjoyed her company, but he also enjoyed the man he walked with. Catching the male's ruby gaze, Ash said, "I was travelling with another - a woman named Eloise - in the hinterlands. I intend to return there after tonight, but you're more than welcome to join us." Ash offered one of his easy grins.