Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest evening phase - Printable Version

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evening phase - Ivev - October 02, 2014

Whenever you're ready! @Vector

The bramble-hedged den that the rusted creature had pointed out to Ivev was sufficient enough. She was small and made quite a small little puff of white when she curled up, but occasionally she would forget that the den was shallow and roofed by springy twigs. When the female would wake up, occasionally she would feel the tug of branches digging into her winter coat. The canine would roll and scramble in quite a comic fashion, her jaws open wide to snap at whatever inert thing that had fastened itself into the small of her back. But as dusk fell for the third time, Ivev was appreciative to return or wake in a rather safe and secluded location, tucked deep away into the woods.

It was late in the evening, and Ivev had set out from the temporary den. There was no set sleeping cycle for adult wolves, who preferred different times of the day for different activities. As a lone, and slightly hungry, being, the female took to the night's cover to satisfy her needs. She would travel about, mostly looking for scraps, but also utilized the night to stop at the edge of the woods and gaze upwards, charting the progress of the moon across the glittering backdrop. It was ripe and full in the fragrant autumn night, and sometimes took on a burnt orange glow. Whatever turned it that color, Ivev had little clue besides the idea that perhaps it was the reflection of fall leaves upon the moon's spherical surface. For now, however, the pale creature wound between trunks and fallen logs, nose low to the ground. She had only managed to snag a frog beside the stream outside the den, and it hadn't made for a particularly fulfilling dinner.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 02, 2014

Quote: Thanks, Iv. I forgot. xD

It was upon the retreat of the red and yellow ball of fire in the sky, for the russian to emerge from his homely respite. Vector did a swift stretch, and silently yawned, shaking his crown to massacre the remaining drowsiness that had attempted to lull him back to the den. He wasn't the type of guy to sleep in late.

It was when he turned his searing forest gaze to the heavens, and witnessed the disappearance of a single poofy cloud, did he bother to recall the previous days events. That girl. The snow princess.
His brain automatically began turning wheels, whipping the slowed cogs and gears into action. Vector had pondered over if the lady had taken the offered den he instructed her to.
Only one way to find out.

The male didnt even put his snout to the ground where he left her, to notice how strong this females scent was. Either that, or he was solely focused, blocking all other scents from his own self.
A couple of minutes later, the man appeared at the doorway of the den, and peered inside. No sound. Was she even here?
Then he saw the pale graceful slim build on the side of the shallow cave.

"Privet", he greeted her, and dropped the hare he had brought for her at the base of her dainty white paws.

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 03, 2014

Ivev's lingering had left her close to her den, inspecting the surrounding wood and glancing at the murmering creek. It was rather silent for an autumn night, with only the occasional gurgle of an amphibian or rustling of leaves under her paws. Was it worth heading farther out of the forest to track prey down in the fields? Hardly. The wolf made for a terrible hunter, especially with her stark fur. She had traded the secrecy of night for food. The day was better for running about, where Ivev had at least a chance to blend in with streaks of light, or remain in open country. It had begun to pressure her to leave the safety of the abandoned den and continue west.

The wolf was about to turn tail and leave the periphery of the den when a scent reached her nostrils. Her white frame ducked farther away from the den, circling a tree as she inspected it. It was familiar- but it was accompanied by the perfume of others, registering him as a pack wolf. The large ember brute dislodged himself from the forest shadows and halted in front of the den. Ivev peered from 'round the elm's trunk, studying him. He seemed alone, and the night returned to it's quiet boding as he halted. Save the pack aroma on his plush coppery coat, the female was pleased to welcome him as a friendly visitor.

Hello again, Vector,
she called out, stepping out from beside the tree and picking her way down the side of the den. Her eyes immediately alighted on the prone body at his feet, and her nostrils twitched. It was a rather fat hare, something Ivev had been chasing many times through the forest with no avail.
You're a better hunter than I am, Ivev couldn't help but point out wrly from her own shortcomings, glancing up at his warm emerald orbs. It was probably easier for him to maintain his burly, well-muscled stature with such a skill.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 03, 2014

Grinning at the light yet heavy compliment, the russian only nodded.

"When survival is at stake, stake out for survival. "

He place his emerald irises upon the stunningly bright femalia and nudged the hare closer to her spot. Studying her demeanor, his brain swiftly spoke to him the possibility that she was hungry, which made him a bit more glad he had murdered the large rabbit.

"I have already eaten," and the light memory of a heap of rabbit corpses that she noticed he was emersed by, the day they met. "so, I brought you back a snack. If there is more you would like, there is a small hole filled with them, a bit close to here."

He examined her further, the green lazers scanning her appearance, and finding the top of her previously neat mane, now disheveled. The russian took the few silent steps it was to reach her, and in a surprisingly gentle manner, took out the small brambles that lay tangled in her soft fur.
Spitting out the last one, he stood only a second longer, then took a step back, only to place his fire touched lower half to the soft grassy ground.

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 03, 2014

Vector spoke, and Ivev was reminded of the saying he had spoken at their previous meeting.
Vyzhit', chtoby vyzhit', Ivev repeated to him, trying her best to catch the enunciation of his language. She wagged her tail sheepishly at his words, knowing full well that the small arctic creature wasn't faring too well on the 'staking out for survival' part. As a wandering spiritualist, the white wolf could often be caught staring at prey rather than chasing it. She ducked her head, overcome with a bout of shyness and stepped forward. Her teeth latched onto the rabbit carcass and dragged it forward. Tearing back the hide, Ivev ripped a portion of muscle off.

Thank you, she said gratefully after swallowing.

The male had edged closer, and Ivev glanced up, her ears tilting back at his proximity. But the motion was not one of assertiveness, and Ivev couldn't help but narrow her blue eyes in pleasure as the taller wolf groomed stray debris from her pelt. It was an action of trust, and the white female had already felt some inkling of it as the male showed up with a snack. Her body froze briefly, allowing the male to pick out sticks and twigs. Each tug was a gentle movement, finished with Vector spitting out the last piece. Ivev shifted closer, nudging underneath his throat with her shoulder. Her spine fitted well below his chin. She pressed her side into his chest and ran the length of fur down, expressing her thanks. Conjoined, their pelts exuded warm from their brief but smooth contact.

That felt good,
she grinned, watching Vector as he sat down. I guess there are some benefits to being taller? Ivev returned to bite off another chunk of rabbit, before pausing. No doubt the rustic, muscular wolf had caught these, but where?

You're in a pack now. They won't mind?

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 03, 2014

Quote: Gonna try a bit of secrecy. As a captive, he's not supposed to leave pack lands, but lets just pretend as though he snuck off, to come see Iv. xD Shadow's most likely gonna rip him apart for it, so yolo. Haha

His dark ears flicked forward at the girl's attempt to speak his home language. The words soothed him, moreso for an unknown reason, than anything he had ever known. It puzzled him, yet she had done pretty well at her first attempt at russian. With internal hesitation, the man bloomed an almost imperceptible smile at her words.

The ivory beauty had shown her gratitude by words, as she took no time to begin devouring the hare.
"Pozhaluysta." He responded, the deep accented tones dancing between them, only to waltz to her ears.

After he had finished carefully ridding her crown of twigs and debris, she had surprised him with a pleased smile upon her maw. The recon sat before her, and observed, a soft twinkle of amusement in his usual stone sharded emotionless emerald eyes.

"Being tall has only a few perks, among a few downfalls. Perhaps I was fated to have this height," he murmured, thoughtfully.
"Perhaps it is good that I remain tall."

A light chuckle emmited from within his chest, the deep rumble reverberated between the two lupines.

After she had mentioned his pack, his green irises flicked to her blues.
Taking a nanosecond to think of a response, his tongue fulfilled his wish.

"I am in a pack. Yet I am not one with them, yet. I have only just recently joined. I am a Captive of my Alpha, and was not permitted to leave those lands. Yet his absence has no other route. So I will do what I can, with the time that I have left with you, Ivev."

He spoke swiftly and softly, in paranoia of nearby or any potential ears that could set him to the task of running again. He did not wish to leave the new pack he had joined, but if it was for pure survival, he would.

"Ivev, if anyone asks you if you saw me,..." His eyes stayed trained in her own.
"deny it. Say you never saw me. Act as if you never knew of my existence. And if they threaten your life..call for me. I will be in your shadow."

The russian spoke his words with a sincere emotion, though his mind couldn't decifer which one it was. He had felt oddly protective of this snow fae, and if she accepted his protection, he would die defending her.

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 03, 2014

omg I hope not! no one has to know xP

Vector had spoken another word in his native tongue, and her ears flickered in response. Although they had been conversing in a common wolf tongue, her northern brethren had their own dialect.

Děkuji, she spoke in response, waving her tail once. The hare at her paws was mostly finished now after Ivev had hungrily ravaged it's corpse, and now her tongue was lapping at the outside of her jaw. Small flecks of blood had stained her opal coat.

When the brute began to speak of the pack he had recently joined, Ivev's own eyes instinctively followed his own to the surrounding trees. She hoped no one had followed him here, as she had done a fairly good job of staying hidden. Ivev had stuck to a certain portion of forest, squirreling her bright white coat out from the light of day.

He had risked the wrath of his Alpha to make a trip out into Blackfoot Forest, and for that the naturalist was a little abashed of. For the kindness and trust Vector had showed her, Ivev would rend herself apart if the brute was harmed in anyway.

You don't have to risk anything for me,
she responded, flattening her ears upon her head. If anything, I should be the one to face whatever happens if you get caught- I have a debt to you now. Her blue eyes flashed to the rabbit at her toes. The gesture Vector had endowed upon the arctic flightling made her feel protective of their small bond. She looked stoically into his bright emerald pools, their colors reassuring in the autumn night.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 03, 2014

Quote: Our dirty little secret, Vect sneaking about. Lmao. xD

Vector nodded his head, and responded with a "You're welcome" to her Czech. He had encountered the language briefly on a many of his recon missions, and only picked up on common phrases, and a few terms. 'Thank you', being one of the few.
He felt at ease knowing a bit more about her.

Watching her reaction to his words of warning, made him wish to shield the girl from any possible threats that could arise. The russian typically didn't know feelings of protection could arise within him, but his brain had reassured him of such things.

"I will protect you, with my life, Ivev. I actually am in debt to you,.."

Vector had such a feeling go against his usual instinct of trusting no one, but the female gave him hope of such a delicate relationship between the two of them.

"..you have actually shown me what it meant to have a friend. That is a thing that does not exist in Mother Russia. That is dear to me, Ivev. And I will not rest until any and everything that goes to harm or hurt you, has perished. That is my oath to you."

The flare pelted man dipped his craninium to the dainty blizzard storm girl.
Surely she did not think he would allow her to wander with no protection over such dangerous lands.

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 03, 2014

Why do you feel that you're in debt to me?
she responded in a half-exasperated manner, only wishing to convince Vector that she was only surviving on his terms- he had told her where to hide, brought her food... showed her an ounce of humanity in a dangerous time for him. But now the brute was showing fealty, and her eyes smoldered with confusion, but also a measure of trust. For the white female had never heard someone to entrust their life to her. He seemed capable and resound in his promise, and her pleading gaze lessoned into one of resolve. The handsome Russian male did not seem one to waver in his decisions.

After a moment of cautious silence, Ivev stepped forward and placed her nose on the crown of his bent skull. It means a lot that you consider me a friend, she spoke. When they had first met in that meadow, Vector had reminded her of a seaside stone- stoically unmoving against the crash of the waves. And now he showed the same amount of invincibility.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 03, 2014

At the light touch of her nares upon his head, Vector felt a strong sense of promise. Finally, he felt a bit of peace. The turmoil that had attempted to brew with his mind, had ceased, all because of her words. She held a power over him, that she had yet to realise.

He sent her a brisk nod her way, his confirmation at the pact that they now shared.
He now had a privilege he didn't mind having.

He studied the female. The ivory princess had a tough touch to her, a damsel still, but a strong sense of being to her. She had a bout of innocent aura, a trait the man wished he had, but him and his own blood stained past couldn't deny the things he had done.

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 04, 2014

His presence was enough for the snowbird to slip an easy smile onto her lips in return for the nod. She sat down next to him, pressing her shoulder to his briefly before leaning away to look upwards. The black night was visible through the breaks in the trees, and several wide spaces were left for light to filter down to the den and the surrounding forest floor.

Look, Ivev murmured, as if loud voices would scare the heavens. Directly above them was a particularly bright star, winking occasionally from the atomospheric effect. If Ivev didn't find some subtle way to repay the male, she would do her best to depart all of her knowledge and skills to his well-being. Vector's motto had been all about survival, after all, and she would do her best to fit his expectations. Ivev felt humbled to have the Russian knight in her presence after the years of her strange drifting in and out of packs.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 04, 2014

At her touch, the fiery russians skin tingled, a sensation quite unlike lust, something more solid and substantial. Something more meaningful. Paired with a radiant smile, the female was Flawless. He was almost entranced.

She had pointed her slim pale muzzle up to the sky's underbelly, showing the man a bright object in the atmosphere. The ronly inference he made was that her family. Judging by its size, Vector turned to the pale girl, and with an at easy twist, he smiled at Ivev.

"Is that your Mat', Ivev?

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 04, 2014

My mother? the white wolf translated. Her smile was wary at that, hinting at a different past. Lowering her head, Ivev gave a little shrug. It's the star of Mut, or the 'mother of all'. But not mine, no, she explained. Ivev was flattered that the male was at least intrigued by the separate world of stars that resided above their heads.

She rises in the North and sets in the south,
Ivev explained with a swish of her tail, batting against his warm one. The night had finally come to life, and they were surrounded by a steady but quiet cacophony of crickets and nightjars.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 04, 2014

Vector saw the sublte hint of shyness come about her delicate features at the mention of a family member, and through his own experiences with the thoughts, he gave her a slice of sympathy on the matter.
He knew issues with past events.

"I understand now. Just as my homeland is Mother to all of her inhabitants. "

The man considered wrapping his tail around hers, at the light touch of the cloud sheathed thing. So pale. As pale as the snow that he wished to feel under his pads again.

"I feel as though," he started, tearing his gaze away from hers just to look at the darkened sky.
"that you are bright enough to be a daughter of Hers."

Pointing his snout to the sky, he turned his almost luminescent orbs back to her frozen ones.

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 04, 2014

She was glad to hear he had drawn a parallel between her beliefs and his; describing a 'mother' of his homeland.

Exactly. How else was land created, if not through the cycle of birth and death? Everything began with some sort of mother, even the clouds. Ivev had noticed how vast sheets of powdery snow would blow up clouds of white. Perhaps those were the children of the clouds, and adults would float through the air. And then they would give 'birth' through rain or snow, depending on the temperature.

Her blue eyes crinkled at his green ones at his comment. I don't think you know how that means to me, she responded with a happy perk of her ears. The male had made her feel welcome and open about her life, and Ivev itched to feel his warm pelt on hers again in a motion of comfortableness.Legend says that all great spiritualists are descended from Mut. Did you have shamans in your home?

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 04, 2014

The russian lightly placed a warm snout to her pale shoulder, the comparison of fire to her ice.
Sitting back, he pondered over her question. His home. His family. His brain analyzed the question, shredded it, and took in detail every word, processing its meaning, one word at a time. Within seconds, his answer emerged.

"My home had no such things dealing with magic. Sorcery. We we're bound by logic. Logic, fearlessness, and destruction. There was no time for such roles, in our land. Beliefs of such, were massacred, along with the believer."

His heart drooped at the ruthlessness of his life, his upbringing, but he was also grateful to it, for it had served him well, keeping him alive when he needed it most.
Vector lowered his voice, it becoming a murmur. 

"What about you?"

RE: evening phase - Ivev - October 05, 2014

Fade and then resume somewhere else? perhaps ivev could bump into another NB member, like shadow? :P

His nose on her shoulder sent a small twinge down her spine, and the female scooted closer so that their scapulars were pressing. Ivev didn't mind the cold; having been born in it, she was still drawn to the fact that such a creature as Vector radiated warmth. It was like having a personal sun in the cool night. Although his answer was harsh, his voice was not.

Different beliefs, different measures... she mused. Although someone always sees something as right when others don't. But I'm okay with not harming anyone. The stars were still glittering when Ivev looked back up on them, leaning slightly on Vector for support.

Shamanism was the center of our beliefs- interpreting nature, receiving dreams from our spirits and ancestors... learning how to heal a wolf through bloodletting. Her voice faded slightly as memories resurfaced of her adolescence.

RE: evening phase - Vector - October 05, 2014

Quote: Yea sure. :)

Vector nodded, mainly paying attention to the musical lilts of her voice, rather than what she was saying. A delicate voice, though reinforced by sheer knowledge.

"We are indeed different, Ivev. Different, yet very much so the same. "

With that, the fire pelted male stood, and turnee in the direction of his home.

"I will leave you to catch up on your rest. Much has to be done, to ensure reinforcement for your safety."

He sent a charming whimsical grin her way, and headed out into the darkness, back to Noctisardor Bypass.