Wolf RPG
Sunset Valley Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Printable Version

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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Arashi - January 29, 2022

This will be Arashi's first interaction within Teekon Wilds. Anyone is welcome to join in, but I would request that the limit of joiners be 3. Thank you. ^-^

The scent markers weren't hard to locate. It didn't take a genius to know when someone had recently pissed on a bush. However, it certainly did take one deranged bastard to flatly go and cross them. What would "patiently" waiting on the sidelines do for him? If anything, it would make him appear feeble and naive. The aim is to learn and to judge. That can't be done if he's simply staring off into space, hoping someone will find him. No. He'll be the one to find them

The area was quite flat; easy to travel. The air was calm and quiet, the only downside being the abnormally frigid sensation. It hadn't often been this cold elsewhere, even during the wintertide.

Heavy paws trudged through what snow lined the earth. The frost tickled his pads, sinking deep beneath his claws. This would definitely take some getting used to.

With such a burdened view, it proved itself difficult to determine whether there were any alike him in the distance.. or even nearby. If this land had been claimed, surely someone was patrolling as their master bid them. Only time would tell.. and he was anxious. 

RE: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Diantha - January 29, 2022

She had picked up a few things from Tierra during their time together. One of the things was that men were gullible when you put on a cute face and acted nice to them. That was mostly how they'd gotten by, after all. It was certainly how Diantha had gotten by since she'd lost sight of Tierra. Maybe she should have been sad, but it wasn't like the two of them had pinky-promised to be together forever. If they ran into one another again, that would be fine, but Diantha didn't feel like they owed each other anything. Diantha didn't owe anybody.

Lo' and behold, there was her mark. Mimicking what she'd seen Tierra do a hundred times, Diantha straightened her posture and pouted her lips ever-so-slightly. Excuse me, sir? Sir, could you help me catch something to eat?

RE: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Arashi - January 29, 2022

A child had suddenly come upon him; her voice was a pitiful shrill, raking against the drums within his ears. Such an encounter had definitely not been what he expected, but he would make use of it nonetheless. Whether a blessing or curse, Arashi would have his share of entertainment.

Scoffing, the behemoth craned his neck, setting cold, seething eyes downward and upon the fledgling. Who do I look like to you? The man snarled, tail lashing. When I hunt, it is for my own belly's fill, not yours. With such a threaded accent, it could have been hard to understand him. Luckily for him, years of travel offered him a better understanding of the common tongue. If he knew only Japanese, he surely wouldn't survive in this society.

RE: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Diantha - January 29, 2022

Well, it couldn't work all of the time. She would have to find somebody else to beg from. Diantha gave him another forlorn, hungry look, then turned away. There was no use trying to beg from somebody who had nothing, which was what she had decided he was worth. The girl didn't bother to make any parting words; she simply walked away.

RE: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn - Arashi - January 29, 2022

Good. At least the child was smart, he decided.

A long moment had passed, eyes following after the puny critter. Arashi would be sure this was no hoax or ambush of sorts. 

Once she had gone and parted fully from view, the man would turn his own direction and continue on the course he'd set.