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Noctisardor Bypass have i lost a part of me? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Noctisardor Bypass have i lost a part of me? (/showthread.php?tid=49983)

have i lost a part of me? - Wylla - January 29, 2022

Of those who fought in defense of Rivenwood, Wylla was the least roughed up. There was a smarting cut upon her cheek, several nondescript wounds on her flank, and teeth marks in her leg where Stryx had harried her, but none of them was deep or serious. She suffered more from bruising thanks to Val's frenzied kicks than anything.

So, with Mahler out of commission, Laurel more severely injured than she, Alesund fled, and Sequoia and her brood reduced to useless lumps of skin in Wylla's estimation, it was up to her to ensure the borders were maintained. She spent the majority of her time there once spring loosed its maddening grip on her and padded along them even now, following the same trail she had worn into the snow with several other patrols, urinating wherever she had missed. Afternoon was giving way to evening, but she planned on at least one more circuit before retiring for the night.

RE: have i lost a part of me? - Sequoia - February 03, 2022

so... this is before druid comes home, and idk what the outcome of the laurel/mahler thread is gonna be, but whatever! i'll make it work. :)

With Mahler and Laurel on the mend, Sequioa thought it would be wise to find food. Not only for herself, but for them, too. @Witch was getting older, and she could likely hunt for herself at this point, but Sequoia knew those in hospice were unlikely to be doing a whole lot of moving around. In her usual fashion, Sequoia had done her best to avoid Wylla. Any effort she had tried to make to apologize had either fizzled out or hadn't felt right, so she'd let things fall to the wayside. It was unfortunate, really, but what could she do now? An apology now would feel even less sincere than nothing at all.

Unfortunately, the path she was taking back to Rivenwood had her on a collision course with Mahler's lady friend. Sequioa held a rabbit intended for Laurel in her mouth, but something told her it would be of better use as a peace offering here. Not that she suspected Wylla would be graciously thankful or anything, but it might help a little, right?

So Sequioa put on her best neutral face and marched perpendicular to the woman. If Wylla wanted to brush her off, Sequioa would be fine with that, but if she wanted to stop and try to sort things out, the Dritte was leaving the option on the table.

Wylla avoided her, and Sequoia respected her wish to do so. Perhaps they would get another chance to make amends, but it would not be today.