Wolf RPG
Barrow Fields As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Printable Version

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As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 01, 2022

Arashi would not stick to Fury's side like glue. This much should have been gathered when based solely upon their first encounter. 

No, he needed something to keep him busy.

Given that none other pledge of the woman had presented themselves, he was quick to assume that - thus far - he was the only. Thus, recruits would be required... and welcomed. Perhaps a little trek were an order; hopes set on locating lost souls who would take an interest in Fury's formation.

Would others even be interested? To hell if he knew. All of this was new to him. Many minds were left fresh and not yet gathered from the limbs of the trees upon which they were born and bathed often in the sun. 

Who would he have a run-in with today? Choices, choices... Oh, well.. since a decision couldn't be made, Arashi would simply need wait for whomever decided to pop their head from the brush first.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Valentine - February 02, 2022

This had been the second time Valentine had been sent to the shores of the east. Another job to do; same as the last and the one before that. So on so forth.
He enjoyed the field work and the quiet time that came with it. It’s much appreciated downtime from the chaos that was his home. Though admittedly the silence this time around was unnerving. He’d been sent with no marauders to fill the air with boisterous chatter. It was a bit strange to hear nothing but the ocean breeze and the sound of his own whistle for weeks on end.
But that period of being alone would come to an end that day. As Valentine walked through the desolate fields he came across a man; much much larger. Alone from what he could see, but he did not jump to conclusions just yet.
Ahoy there! Valentine stopped a ways away. Never thought I’d find someone out here.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 03, 2022

It hadn't been but a fair mile or so before a scent wafted near. Shortly after, a figure came to view. Pigmented of milky white and a brownish shade; more along the average stature, but compared to his own height, they appeared more minuscule than anything.

They chose to keep their distance. Smart. Arashi didn't like being approached unannounced. 

Come no closer. The behemoth commanded silently, shoulders rising and teeth flashing unto view.

No words were spoken just yet. The man waited for information; and introduction to learn more of this stranger and their intentions. Ankyra sound was not but a short distance off. If this boy had even the slightest will of harm upon the claim, Arashi would know and ensure they were sent away with scars to remember. 

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Valentine - February 03, 2022

Even from this distance Valentine could see the sun’s light glittering off a set of teeth. A warning unspoken, and a warning the man had no need to say twice. The stowaway did not move an inch closer.
Well I’m sure you could easily spread out my guts for miles, but you can save that energy for an actual threat. He smiled, swayed his tail a bit. The name’s Goosander. I’m a nomad passing through.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 03, 2022

That smile spread an unmistakable grimace, teeth slightly hidden by a curled lip. 

What was every wolf in this region so spirited for? It was becoming quite a vexing occurrence.

Goosander? Arashi thought, repeating the name silently. What sort of name was that?

A nomad, you say? He questioned sarcastically, passing a heavy grunt.

Pass on elsewhere. None are welcome to these lands unless you've an intent to join as an oath-holder of the claim. He did not fully know if this was true, but he spoke it confidently nonetheless. Whether Fury chose to welcome outsiders, he would not.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Valentine - February 03, 2022

It seems the man was not easily soothed by Valentine’s demeanor. A shame, but it was nothing new. There were just some wolves he could not charm. Yet even after that thought, he stayed were he was with muscles loose and a bright smile. He enjoyed a challenge, as foolish and meaningless as they may be. So long as the man wasn’t at his throat, he wished to know more.
Apologies. I’ve seemed to miss the ‘keep out’ sign. He laughed lightly.
So you rule these lands I assume? He clicked his tongue. A bit drab. I’m a forest man myself. But living by the sea makes everything better.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 03, 2022

Questions... and more questions. Oh how unpleasing they were. Not to mention the sly statement. If he were to have no control, he would have been at the boy's throat within a second's notice.

So you rule these lands, I assume? Goosander had asked. It almost made Arashi want to laugh; but, to do such a thing wasn't in his nature. Instead, the man gave a shake of his head, followed by another grunt.

@Fury is War-chief; and I, her Heitai. He did not expect the boy to understand his tongue, but only the importance of his role here. Arashi was the first Heitai and would always be, so long as Fury gave no reason for him to leave.

Drab? That's how he described it? Land is land, regardless of where it resides. We have resources to provide our needs and a province of shelter. What else is there to expect? Survival has no use for "wondrous sights". It is a matter of what is given and due; not what pleasures there are to be gained. Alike this one, others didn't seem to quite understand this concept. If his words were never regarded, they surely would be the least likely to survive the most dire of catastrophes. 

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Valentine - February 03, 2022

He hadn’t a clue what the latter title meant. But war chief now that he can deduce something of. This Fury didn’t have much of an eye for a good claim. Her acquaintance says otherwise. 
Valentine shrugged. Well I can agree with you somewhat, mate. So long as bellies are filled and there’s a place to keep your head dry in the rain — not much of the latter in a field though, is there? — the aesthetics don’t really matter eh? Another chuckle
Is it just you and your chief living out here?

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 03, 2022

For now. Was all the information he would give. This boy need not know more than what he was due.

And where is it you live? Alone, I assume? Much had been asked of Arashi, but little had been asked in return. Perhaps it was time he learned what he could.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Valentine - February 03, 2022

Two was far less than he would’ve expected. He felt his heart leap with an urge. He wondered, briefly, what spoils they hid within this field. Alas two against one was a difficult fight to win, and it was one he unfortunately had to pass up on.
You think I’m too insufferable to snag a roommate? Valentine teased with a lift of his brow. I suppose you could be right. I travel alone. And I don’t have any specific place to rest my paws at night.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 03, 2022

For what company I know of, your chattiness would drive any candidate away. Arashi spoke bitterly, tail curling upward.

A thought then came to him; a sudden change of heart. This boy had no home. No land to call his own. No purpose. He was scrawny, sure, but that didn't mean that the War-chief couldn't make some use of him. Perhaps this was the time to take advantage of what he was presented with.

You've no place to rest, eh? What of this land? War-chief seeks companions. It is my understanding that you find this area too dreary, but in the end, would abandoning it be worth losing the possibility of a higher chance of survival? She could make some use of you, and in return, you wouldn't be lacking of any necessities. What say you?

Arashi eyed him carefully, keeping watch for any change in manner; any form of outstanding reaction in general to let him know if he'd hit a curious nerve.

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Valentine - February 03, 2022

This man was no fan of him, it’s clear to see. Prodding at this bear amused him. That was part of the reason why Valentine hadn’t turned away from the start.
Now imagine his surprise when he was offered a place amongst their ranks.
I thought I was too chatty to bear? He chuckled lightly under his breath. As flattered as I am by your invitation I must decline. I’m nomadic by choice, you see. Pack life doesn’t suit me. He never really liked fields anyway. Too spacey for his tastes.
I should be on my way then. Things to do, sights to see, and all that. Valentine gave the man a nod before spinning away on his heels. Farewell!

RE: As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. - Arashi - February 03, 2022

I'll be archiving it here. Thanks for joining along! Really loved your man Valentine, aka "Goosander"!

Too chatty, yes.. He grumbled, pausing for a moment. ... but I would be willing to make that sacrifice if it means our numbers grow. So much commitment for a man himself who was unsure of whether this claim would remain his home.

Arashi listened to the formal dismissal of his offer, almost annoyed enough to say, "A simple no would have sufficed." It was too late to be snarky now.

If that's what you choose. He would just shrug, rather than saying anything else.

Until the boy had left and was well past the claims of the sound, Arashi would stand and wait.