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Ouroboros Spine beached whale - Printable Version

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beached whale - Shikoba - February 05, 2022

a present dated thread for @Inutsuk when you're able!

almost halfway through her pregnancy and shikoba is already fed up with the process. nausea, bloating, changing hormones! is this what all females must truly endure in order to carry on the continuation of their species? 

god, the woman felt as if she was going to lose her marbles. how was she meant to endure this for another month when she could hardly handle the first as is? perhaps it's her older age, perhaps it's the fact that she is simply stir-crazy as she has tried to limit her vigorous outdoor time while she takes her brood into consideration. there's a lot of factors that are probably playing into this, but either way, the woman is tired of everything.

the pudgy woman sits on grandfather stone, pondering what to do with the day. the weather has been calm at least, today there is no snowfall but instead just overcast. it is chilly, but the wind has remained tame.

she sighs. not like she can do much when most of her tasks were taken on by her husband. now, she feels a bit useless for the moment. in a frustrated manner, she knocks a small pebble off of the rock towards the ground and watches it skip away.

RE: beached whale - Inutsuk - February 08, 2022

With the hour of late morn', Inutsuk searched for his mate. That protective urge had grown inside him, not only as a husband, but a future father. There was more that one life he must shield now. Being apart from her for too long drove him crazy. He needed to see her.

It didn't take long to spot her upon a grand rock. He was tempted to sneak behind and startle her with playful intent, but by the way her shoulders were hung low, the tawny man made the assumption that this was no time for play.

He carefully tread behind and drew his way along the stone to settle beside her. As always, Inutsuk reached close, embracing her with dearly affection.

Something troubling you, love? He crooned, resting his chin over her crown.

RE: beached whale - Shikoba - February 17, 2022

she is soon joined by the man she adores most, though his presence does little to change how she feels in the current moment. his questions cause the woman to shift uncomfortably with her large belly.

"yes, it's shikoba." she says with a frustrated sigh, looking over how her body has changed so much it seems like. less muscle, more fat, aches over her body and nausea that sometimes never leaves. "shikoba feels wrong, can't do anything with this," she says, motioning to her pudgy belly, "moonglow works and shikoba does nothing."

what type of sivullik was she? just sitting around and eating while the rest pull their weight fairly.

RE: beached whale - Inutsuk - February 17, 2022

"Yes, it's Shikoba."

It took a long moment for the man to understand. Did she mean she was the problem?

What his mate said next allowed him to better understand her words.

Shuffling closer, Inutsuk embraced her, sighing softly. You have done so much for Moonglow already. Don't feel as though you never have the right to take a break from your duties as sivullik. They will still be present when you are ready to return to them. Hopefully this assurance was enough to put her mind at ease.

As for now.. it is only yourself you need to worry for.

RE: beached whale - Shikoba - February 28, 2022

he was right, of course he was right. but she didn't want to believe him. for the first time she hoped that he was wrong. there has to be something else that she can do in her position, but truly there is nothing left for her to do except accept her new position as soon-to-be-mother. and while it is all exciting, it is also a bit... frustrating as one could imagine for the busy woman.

boredom eats away at her through the day, and with the extra weight, she feels slower. she sleeps more, eats, more, yet exercises less and does less for her home.

she sighs and leans into her husband. 'inutsuk right, shikonba just... wants more to do." it feels strange for her to not be doing anything at the moment. while it is important for the health of her brood for her to remain safe and free of stress, she can't deny the personal drawbacks she feels. "how does inutsuk stay busy?"

while his activities may be too strenuous for shikoba, she could at least try and do it at half of the intensity that one would normally do.

RE: beached whale - Inutsuk - March 08, 2022

As Shikoba leaned into him, he pressed closer, lowering his snout over her crown to give it a few affectionate licks.

I understand what you mean, love. But that's just it... you don't need more to do. This is a time for you to focus on yourself and be at ease. Your presence is enough. For the time being, you could be a shoulder of support for those who need it-.. just until you're back on your feet and can take up your old duties. Inutsuk worried inwardly, thinking that maybe his words weren't enough, or perhaps he was saying the wrong things. Did she understand what he was trying to say? Was it all wrong?

RE: beached whale - Shikoba - March 17, 2022

his answer remains laced with sugar and the woman can't help but appreciate him just a bit more. although she grows tired of being told to rest and stay put while the others worked, perhaps it is true if others are telling her so. "guess so." her response is quiet as she leans into him, returning a few of the affectionate licks he so lovingly offered her.

her growing belly is enough of a sign that the woman cannot work and run and hunt to the same degree as she did before. she simply can't wait until she gets back into shape and return to serving Moonglow. though, for now, she might as well grow comfortable with the idea of maternity leave.

"what does inutsuk hope for, boy or girl?" she asks him suddenly, looking towards him with curiosity. it was known for a bit back in her home where some couples would try and place bets on what the gender of the child would be. it was a way to create more excitement for the birth, afterall.

RE: beached whale - Inutsuk - May 28, 2022

He'd hoped all along that her worries would subside, and finally, they did.

The birthing process.. motherhood.. he knew nothing of it; but he did know she needed as much rest as she could get. And he intended to make sure she'd get it.

She leaned into Inutsuk and in response, he pressed even closer, wanting no space between them. It almost felt as if she was unsafe if he was not this close. Was it too clingy? Too coddling? Too unnecessary? He wouldn't think so unless she said this to him.

"What does Inutsuk hope for, boy or girl?"

An absurd question. What more could he hope for, other than a child in itself?

I have no placed hope for either. Knowing I will be a father, and you their mother, is enough for me, boy or girl. Do you have thought for one in particular? Despite his own thought on the matter, he was curious to know if Shikoba thought for one over the other.