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Duskfire Glacier to heal our souls - Printable Version

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to heal our souls - Sikuliak - February 09, 2022

AW but @Veteran perhaps? <3

After several reassurances that he wouldn't wander too far, Sikuliak left his mother's side with a brush of his muzzle against the underside of her chin. 

The navy merle grew tense in spite of himself when he left his dam, not accustomed to being without her reassuring presence. His shoulders bunched up, head dipping as he cast wary whiskey eyes about him alertly. Though it seemed Makatza was long gone, he'd never forgotten what she'd done to him -- or what others had tried to do. 

The young spirit-speaker found himself wandering to the snow-covered plain atop the Glacier -- the place where he'd been named beneath the air inua of the nightlands and the dancing lights alike. 

The ribbons of borealis were missing at the moment, as Siqiqniq was still cresting along his zenith towards the horizon -- signaling that dusk was only a few hours off. Even so, the territory was beautiful in the sunlight. 

It glinted along the snow, which sparkled as if inlaid with endless facets of precious stone -- a reflection of the stars that would soon begin to appear in the cornflower expanse of blue above. 

RE: to heal our souls - Veteran - February 17, 2022

Lane had told Veteran that Sikuliak and Imaq were back, and yet it still took the young Duskfire a few moments to recognize his close childhood companion. In his memories, Siku was so small.

When he began his approach, he did so with the intent of confronting a stranger on Duskfire land. They might be moving soon, but that didn't mean any old person got to just wander through! Sometime between when he began his approach and when he stopped in front of Sikuliak, recognition dawned, and so when he drew within speaking distance his body language had transformed to playfulness and happy wiggles.   

Unsure of what to say, he dropped into a play-crouch, tail still whipping back and forth. He woofed a wordless invitation to Siku.

RE: to heal our souls - Sikuliak - February 21, 2022

Siku started gently, startled from his silent appreciation of the land that was supposed to be his home when he realized another had approached. The slight tinge of fear faded abruptly, however, when he recognized the dark shadow -- similarly surprised at how much the marbled boy of charcoal had grown. 

A wordless whine of joy escaped him, the youth launching to his feet and clumsily tackling his friend in his exuberance. Happy yaps and growls rumbled from his throat as he nipped at Veteran's ears and chin -- the two boys tumbling through the snow, likely on account of Sikuliak's damaged leg. 

"Veteran," he murmured when they had toppled to a stand still, finally able to pronounce the other Glacier child's name properly. "Siku miss you." 

RE: to heal our souls - Calida - February 21, 2022

Hope this is alright!

Calida had just returned from patrol, and she saw two boys - one of Lane's, and one of Rye's. She'd never spoken to Rye's kid before, but having just patrolled with him yesterday, she figured she would introduce herself. Veteran would know her by sight, and potentially by name, but she still offered them both a smile as she said, "Having fun, boys? I'm Calida - I'm friends with your parents," she added, tail wagging gently. Sure, she'd only just officially met Rye, but she could see them being friends easily.

RE: to heal our souls - Veteran - March 09, 2022

Much to Veteran's delight, Sikuliak accepted his invitation without hesitation. The boys tumbled around in their joyful reunion, and Veteran's excited yips echoed across the glacier. When they finally settled, Siku spoke. 

"I missed you too, Siku," Veteran answered. "What happened..?" He had been gone for so long. The last time Veteran saw him, Siku was still pronouncing his name "Wet-win". 

Their commotion had drawn in a bystander. Although Veteran was deeply curious to hear Sikuliak's story, he swallowed his impatience to greet Calida warmly. 

"Hi, Calida." He thought he remembered her from some errand his mom made him run with her, but it had been a while ago. "I'm Veteran," he reintroduced himself just in case-- "And this is Sikuliak. He just got back from being away for a long time." He would have explained who their parents were next, but it sounded like she already knew all of that.

RE: to heal our souls - Sikuliak - April 01, 2022

When the boys had untangled themselves from each other, Sikuliak straightened as best he could -- still a bit breathless and favoring his ruined leg. The easy mirth and the grin on his face dimmed at the question, adrenaline surging through him as the merle's heart began to pound. The pup licked his chops, gaze averted nervously as he prepared to answer, when a stranger approached them. 

The nerves turned to apprehension, the youth's ears pinning shyly as whiskey eyes darted up to meet the russet she-wolf's emeralds fleetingly. He remained silent as Veteran answered the woman's question and introduced them both, gaze darting between the two. 

He swallowed his nerves and attempted normalcy. "Siku went with Imaq, mother. Learn hunting, need learn with bad leg. Got lost, inua angry -- big storm. Imaq and Siku live alone. Imaq lose leg. Find way home." There was a careful omission of the man who'd attacked them -- who'd wanted Sikuliak for himself. 

RE: to heal our souls - Calida - April 09, 2022

Calida vaguely recalled her brief scouting mission with Veteran - she'd scouted only partway to their new home, having only wanted to plan out her own route, as well as see what the rest of the Teekons had to offer her; she'd not yet had any adventures, and she knew the upcoming move was her first chance. Either way, they were reintroduced, and Calida gave him a soft smile and nod of her head; he had been... better to travel with than expected. In all honesty, she had expected a child, but he seemed mature enough. The other boy with Veteran, however, was younger; Calida peered at him, curious, as he told Veteran why he'd been gone.

It was quite a tale - Calida's lips pursed, her brow furrowing slightly. Rye hadn't mentioned that, but she supposed it really wasn't her business. She'd definitely not share what she'd heard. Gently, she told Sikuliak, "It's very good to have you back. Your father told me how overjoyed he was for you and your mother."

RE: to heal our souls - Veteran - April 21, 2022

Veteran listened to Sikuliak's tale with rapt attention. It seemed quite a bit was lost in translation, or perhaps withheld. Veteran might have asked more questions, if Calida hadn't made her gently conclusive remark. Veteran could take a hint; he would let the subject drop, no matter how curious he was about this mysterious inua, not to mention the events surrounding Imaq's loss of limb... 

"Calida, do you want to come with us to the border?" Veteran asked. "I want to show Siku my favorite stargazing rock. It's at the edge of the icefield." One of Veteran's clearest memories of Sikuliak was the time he had slept over with Sikuliak's family and they had stayed up late, looking at the stars. Maybe Siku stilled liked to gaze at the night sky. 

If everyone was in agreement, Veteran would lead the way across the icefield.

RE: to heal our souls - Sikuliak - April 22, 2022

just a quick note: Siku is only about a month younger than Veteran. :) His speech is jilted because English is not his first language.

Siku smiled shyly at Calida -- grateful for her words though he still felt a bit misplaced. Both in the tribe and with his father. Still, it was good to know that the feeling was only in his head and Imaq had been right in saying that this was home, this was family. 

His expression brightened greatly upon hearing Veteran's suggestion, his tail picking up a slight wag as he glanced from his friend to the red she-wolf curiously -- clearly agreeable with this plan and eager to see the spot in question.

RE: to heal our souls - Calida - April 23, 2022

Ah, my bad! I hope it's okay Calida still assumes he is younger! Also this is the last from me :)

A trip to the border with two younger wolves sounded just like the job for Calida, so she nodded and told the younger guardian, "Of course, I'd love to." She would then follow the younger males, but she wouldn't stay with them long — she had a feeling they had a lot of catching up to do. So, after a short time, Calida bid the two boys farewell and headed back towards the caverns.