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Blackwater Islands Night by night - Printable Version

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Night by night - Alduin - February 10, 2022

forward dated one day :)

Alduin seems to have a plentiful amount of energy even though he got fucked up severely a day or so prior. It matters not, for he needs exercise — he needs to keep moving, he needs to grit through the pain. It will make him stronger. 

So he looks for @Tulok. A spar is what Alduin needs. When he finds him he will meet eyes with a blood thirsty mischief in his own before lunging for him. Tulok would know it is just a spar, but the two communicate so often, words are hardly needed.

He would seek to grab at his legs and hocks with searching teeth.

RE: Night by night - Tulok - February 16, 2022

Tulok preferred these times with his brother, rather than worrying about what he might do or lecturing him on his decisions. When they were sparring, everything was just easier. 

So when Alduin showed up on his patrol with that look in his eyes, Tulok met him with a vicious grin. His sibling lunged for his legs but the speaker moved at the last second, jumping up to grab at Alduin's scruff before his brother's teeth could make contact with him. If he was successful, he would throw his weight into Alduin to try and knock him over.

RE: Night by night - Alduin - February 16, 2022

His brother meets his eyes with a devilish grin and Alduin almost mirrors his own with the slightest tending of his own lips before lunging. He just hardly misses his brother by a hair’s length. Alduin is much slower because of his wounds, especially the one on his leg from Arashi.

Alduin’s teeth would snap onto nothing as his brother hits him with his body. His jaws latch onto the looser skin of his scruff and Alduin looses his balance. Lip curling up at the pain in his arm, he falls to the ground from his brothers heavy weight. Immediately kicking up strong limbs into his chest and underbelly. All the while arching his head up to snap at his face and legs.

RE: Night by night - Tulok - March 09, 2022

A hard kick to his gut made the demon stagger back a few steps, his brother's teeth just missing his foreleg as he stumbled. His breath was stolen for a few minutes, but Tulok knew he could not waste time trying to recover. 

He pushed the pain away and lunged back towards his brother, teeth snapping at whatever he could find, if he could even get a successful attack in.

RE: Night by night - Alduin - March 16, 2022

Alduin gets his kicks in, but it merely staggers his brother. He’s strong and it shows, just like the rest of their family. That Saint spirit he and his father like to call it. Alduin though, while strong, is injured and slower than usual. And while his brother staggers he attempts to get up but the pain in his arm surprises him and he winced with teeth showing. 

He doesn’t have enough time to get up, for he’s stumbling again when his brother comes to attack. He has nothing else to do but roll on his back once more, only this time he curls to the side, flopping onto his ribs to try and grab at a back leg and maybe tug him down too, but the attack is mediocre at best.

RE: Night by night - Tulok - March 24, 2022

The demon saw instantly what his brother meant to do, and he stepped away from the attempt. Instead of being pulled down, he jumped on top of Alduin. If successful, he would pin him to the ground, his teeth held against his brother's throat. 

Care to yield, brother? he would ask, assuming he held Alduin to the ground.

RE: Night by night - Alduin - March 31, 2022

The pain in Alduin’s leg has allowed Tulok to best the hellhound. So when he’s being knocked back, his brother easily climbs above him. Asking if he yields or not, Alduin would scoff.

“Seems like I must.” He hums with a pained grunt. Though a touch of amusement reaches his bloody eyes and a huffs out a laugh. “You’re lucky I’m injured, brother.” He threatens comically.

RE: Night by night - Tulok - April 07, 2022

The demon released him, stepping back with a smug look on his face. Yes, we will attribute it to your injury, Tulok replied with a teasing lift of his eyebrow.

When you are feeling better, we will try again. I will still kick your ass, brother. This was said with a smirk. He knew Alduin wouldn't be able to resist a rematch.

RE: Night by night - Alduin - April 12, 2022

He already knows his brother is going to be smug about the victory — Alduin does the same thing — but he humors him. With a scoff Alduin shakes his head as he gets up. 

“We will see then, Tulok.” He hums mischievously.