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Blackwater Islands Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - Printable Version

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Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - Arashi - February 10, 2022

Thus far, no task had been given. The days spent on the isles of Blackwater had been long. None had sought Arashi out specifically, other than Alduin and his desire for knowledge of success in the field of combat.

For a reason unknown, Fury had crossed the mind often. The wonder of her faring prodded him like a thorn. She hadn't come to see him. Did that mean the return to her former pack had led to forgetting of his existence? The question required an answer; thus, he would confront her.

@Fury. We need to talk. 

Arashi called unto the pale woman, an urgent and demanding tone lacing the sharp, heavy howl.

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - RIP Fury - February 10, 2022

Fury appearred from the depths of the main island, belly swelled further than it had been even mere days ago. Her pregnancy was noticeable by this point, but not entirely prominent. 

She looked to him with inquiry in her gaze, silent for now, allowing him the room to speak first.

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - Arashi - February 10, 2022

As she came, promptly as he had hoped, Arashi turned to face her. 

Scars littered his face; a heavy one beginning below the eye, reaching down to the corner of his lip. With any angle movement, more scars and bite marks become visible anywhere from the shoulder, forearm, neck, and flank. He appeared far different from when they had last parted, just as she did; womb swollen with growing life.

You requested that I come to the isles with you and I did. But I must know... am I to be forgotten and left to the demanding ways of your friends, or how else you choose to call them? Will "The Saints" ever truly begin to thrive, or will you throw it all away a second time because you feel you lack the support? 

He was harsh. A strange anger had welled within him. To know that he most likely sworn an oath to this stranger just for her to turn him from her sights did not sit well. There was also hurt, as odd as it may seem. In any normal occasion, such emotions would never have existed. Arashi had always been taught to ignore these feelings. But now, in this moment, how could he? The hound had this itch; this desire. He would do anything Fury asked of him..- even take a life, if it meant he could earn her admiration and trust.

I accepted the offer to join for you and only you. This place is not my home. These wolves have not earned my respect, yet they continue to demand it from me. I refuse to be some dog they think they can force unto submission. I won't tolerate it... not for much longer... Hell, he'd already been beaten half to death. What more did she expect from him?

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - RIP Fury - February 12, 2022

Fury listened with a strange understanding and calmness as Arashi threw his questions at her like spears. 
She could understand his confusion, his frustration and hurt. 

When the soldier finished his expressions, the Daywalker was silent for a brief moment before she spoke, exhaling a sigh. 

"I have made many enemies in these lands, Arashi. Acting with carelessness and impatience, and anger, has cursed me with many, many wolves who want me dead. This was one of the two reasons I told you, that you could seek a new purpose elsewhere if you desired. The second reason was because I am not the absolute power here with the Druids. It is safer, right now, to hide. At least for me. Also for the children that grow within me." Fury answers, hoping this might quench some of Arashi's ire.

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - Arashi - February 12, 2022

Eyes were still narrow set; cold and without sympathy or change of temperament. 

By choosing to follow you here, I have already crossed a boundary with them. Should I leave, they will consider me an enemy; especially so after my shared tooth with their "Executioner". He would leave out the part about Alduin requesting that Arashi teach him ways of combat, for now

I want an honest answer from you, Fury. Do you want me to stay? That's what it came down to, really. If the pale woman truly had no interest in his whereabouts at all, why stay in favor of her and the possibility that the Saints will later be a reality?

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - RIP Fury - February 13, 2022

The Wardog listened with continued calm, uncharacteristic for her, especially with those she wasn't close to, but turning another year older in the coming month or so would add to her ability to listen first, pick her fights, and so on.

"Yes. I do want you to stay. If not for me solely, then to help ensure the safety of my children, should I die before they are old enough to defend themselves." She spoke as if they were already born, but she knew they weren't earthside, not yet. She needed to stay alive at least long enough to get them here.

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - Arashi - February 14, 2022

The calmness in both her tone and gaze annoyed Arashi greatly. Despite how much he longed to spit in her face and announce to the world every sense of anger he held, it would do no good for either of them.

Yes. I want you to stay. 

That was good enough of an answer.

You wont die. There are many here who seek to shed blood, and they will gladly do so for their own. For you. As will I. It was another promise; one he intended to keep.

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - RIP Fury - February 15, 2022

His words relieved Fury to a degree. She held some doubt that all of Blackwater would defend her, but she wouldn't voice this now.

With a grateful smile, the Warmaiden would prowl past him, a silent invitation in her eyes for him to join her on a patrol. It seemed to her that they were done here, at least for now.

RE: Nobody puts Baby in a corner. - Arashi - February 15, 2022

Want to fade this into a new thread?

Fury seemed to be relieved, which left him with nothing further to say. Both were satisfied with what they'd been told.

The pale woman then invited him to follow, and so he would. 

Tail swaying behind him, Arashi lumbered behind to catch up, falling in step closely by her flank. 

She may be the former puppet master, but he would continue to be her shield all the same. He had promised to protect her, and so he would.