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Raven's Watch Watch Them All, Fall. - Printable Version

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Watch Them All, Fall. - RIP Fury - February 13, 2022

for @Virion only! Any other tags are for reference <3

She shouldn't be this far from the Islands. 
Fury knew this too well. 
There were too many enemies she had, it was too risky to travel, especially by herself. 

And yet she did anyway.
A brief murmur to @Alduin that she'd return soon. That was all. 
She just needed to stretch her legs and see new sights again...

Fury sighed.

Still healing from the lost war at the edges of  autumn, the Warmaiden grumbled to herself softly as she climbed the stones of the Watch, glancing occasionally at the ravens around as she prowled, sending a longing glance southward where her previous empire once reigned. Maybe it would again, or maybe, never. The thought saddened her, and with a slow exhale, she continued on, intent to go back to the Islands soon.

RE: Watch Them All, Fall. - Virion - February 13, 2022

There was a limp to every step, but confidence was still present.

Something was wanted by the beastly man, and whatever he wants, he will get.

On he walked, feeling as if miles had passed with each minute. None could yet be spotted, but a scent lingered. A woman. 

Eyes narrowed, Virion crept closer. Granted, there was little way to be quiet; however, what fun was it if the stranger was utterly unaware? If there was to be any interaction, entertainment was required.

RE: Watch Them All, Fall. - RIP Fury - February 13, 2022

The Warmaiden heard uneven, shuffling pawsteps. The alarmed caw of ravens added to the noise quickly confirmed this. 

Her hackles immediately rose, amber eyes searing hot, body planting firm in preparation to fight as she searched the stones with her gaze for the figure who now shared the Watch with her. 

She knew wolves occupied the mountains, thanks to Xynos before he betrayed her. 

Would this one add another tally to her enemies? Or perhaps her list of kills?

RE: Watch Them All, Fall. - Virion - February 16, 2022

Woman. Large. Defensive. Pregnant? All attributes quickly to be noted; the latter was more-so questionable. She held a rounder torso, but assumptions would only lead him to the inevitable beating, should he be incorrect.

A grin slid upon that stoic, menacing facade. Above anything else, Virion was a manipulator. If he wanted his way, he would surely get it. By the looks of the pale woman near, it shouldn't have been too hard to wiggle his way through the brain and pick the right locks.

Forcing a heavier limp, the man hobbled closer into view. Putting away the former grin, he now showed a face of gruesome pain. 

Once deemed close enough to put on his performance, the heavy body shrugged to the side, colliding with a thump against the snow covered ground. While the blood had dried by now, many wounds were still quite apparent. His chest heaved, each breath carrying a hoarse rumble of a purr afterwards.

A foot stuck out, waving in the woman's direction. A whimper then replaced a few raspy breaths. Brows furrowed in stricken agony. All were a plead for help. 

RE: Watch Them All, Fall. - RIP Fury - February 16, 2022

Fury watched with cold eyes as the man limped out, soon collapsing to the ground and giving one hell of a portrayal that he needed help. 

The Warmaiden stared at him without mercy. 
She remembered nothing of healing from her past. All she knew now was battle and blood.

Maybe in another life she would've been a better individual. 

But not this life.

With a low hum, Fury prowled forward, sniffing over the man and his fresh wounds. 
He smelled faintly of the canyon, red dust she never truly forgot. 
Nostalgia flooded her briefly before she tucked it away. 

She could kill him, but with some thought, perhaps it would be best not to...
With a decided growl, Fury would seek to grab his scruff, and if he didn't fight her, she would make the effort to haul him to his feet, where she would offer to support him with a hefty shoulder.

RE: Watch Them All, Fall. - Virion - February 23, 2022

The lump fought as the woman grazed him with a sniffing nose, then after to take hold of him. An instinct, merely.

He would gladly accept the invitation of assistance, however. As an added prop of his scene, Virion dramatized the inability to keep upon steady feet, bearing most of his weight upon her.

How smug he could have grinned, just then. He couldn't. No. It would ruin the show. 

Alas, a facade of discomfort and a manner of prostration remained. A few grunts and groans sounded as well; a fancied addition per the scrivener of the tale.

RE: Watch Them All, Fall. - RIP Fury - March 01, 2022

this thread is really out of the way for Fury's timeline LMAO idk what to do with this thread anymore ;w;

The Warmaiden grumbled at his willingness to use her to hoist his weight, though begrudgingly, she supposed she had invited it. 

Fury would walk slowly with him for a time, all the while racking her brain for any traces of medicinal knowledge she might have saved in the depths of her brain. 

The last time she'd used any medical knowledge was years ago in a marshland. She knew that much. 
But applying the knowledge then to the present would probably be tricky...

She grumbled to herself and started analyzing the flora in the area with some uncertainty.