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Phoenix Maplewood momentos - Printable Version

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momentos - Tulimaq - February 17, 2022

Tulimaq ranged from the Rise. He thought little of where he went, only that there were little signs of other wolves and a growing urgency to find some kind of justice; he imagined Kanuk in her last moments and grew hostile in the way he cavorted across the ice plain, finding his way to the maplewood within a number of hours.
Once within the forest Tulimaq thought he might find something - or someone. There were signs of game along the fringe, and the chattering of squirrels or songbirds around him. One young squirrel took the time to scream down at him and frisk its bushy rat tail, but was all talk.
He ignored it and moved on, until he was within the heart of the wood.

RE: momentos - Nakida - February 20, 2022

The patchwork lass slunk her frame through the trees, all of which were dreaded-looking and naked of their leaves from the overlooming presence of winter. Nakida had visited these lands and seen these trees before however -- this territory was once painted red with maple leaves. There was no telling how many times she'd actually returned to the Teekons after leaving so many times, nor would her stay in the present be a promised one again.
 Though the wolves she'd met here have been an interesting bunch, it would've been a shame to go packing again without giving things a chance.
Her mind flickered back to the likes of @Germanicus and his silvery freind -- how she'd left before actually experiencing what it might've been like to roam that red, dusty canyon they called home. Maybe if her feet willed her, Kida might've been curious enough to return and see for herself. That is, if they were even still there...
The man that lingered in the background was not Germ....Germem....however the fuck you pronounce his name -- but another she had not seen. Aged and distracted by his own journey, his destination not all too clear to the dame. Which made her all the more curious to find out.
"HEY!" Nakida called out, not at all being subtle with her presence as she approached his side with an ever curious grin.
"Hey old man, you headed somewhere?"

RE: momentos - Tulimaq - February 21, 2022

Tulimaq did not get far before the voice punched its way through the air, a volley meant to distract or to draw him from his intended work; and it was successful in at least pulling at his proverbial reins.
Old man? It was not offensive to be old, because to be old one had to be wise or very skilled with survival, so it was more of a compliment to him - to his people as well - that he might live so long. It came out of the gold of the wood, though.
A low rumble rose from his chest as he surveyed the path he had traveled, seeking the stranger; it wasn't until a second or two later he saw the tapered figure of a wolf.
Is that any way to speak to your esteemed elders? That was a joke, maybe, probably.

RE: momentos - Nakida - February 26, 2022

Perhaps some might've found offense in her words, perhaps not. Nakida had a pretty straightforward (and rather obnoxious) sense of humor that she did not feel she needed to sugarcoat or explain. To her, people could've taken it whichever way they wished and the girl would shrug it off -- she said what she said.
Luckily though, it seemed like the stranger she chose to mess with today matched some of her energy, and the patterned woman let out a chuckle in the knowledge that she might be able to have some fun with this guy. "Ohhh?" she challenged the man, raising a brow with a playful side smirk "Ya gonna creak in ya dusty 'ol bones if I keep on?" followed by a series of cackling sounds as she pranced in a circle around him -- almost as a form of teasing.
The young girl would halt just for a moment to step back infront of him, now getting a good view of his face from here. Yeah, the guy was sorta old like she assumed him to be -- but pretty intimidating in his own special sense. Enough to do damage if he wanted to, and Nakida wondered what he could've been capable if this approach went in the complete opposite direction.
Curiously. Excitedly.
Besides that -- "In all seriousness though, don't suppose it make much sense fer a bloke as yourself not to know your way around here. Thought I might ask you where we were." -- Nakida was lost as shit, and admittedly needed some help.

RE: momentos - Tulimaq - March 17, 2022

The woods. He answers the talkative creature with a blunt answer, a raised brow. The sweep of his gaze to the ruddy trees and thick-set maple trees that must have been many generations old. It was pretty obvious where they were according to Tulimaq.
She wanted to know where he was going. What did it serve the warrior, telling her that? He did not know her. She smelled of the wood, and of the wind, or perhaps the vegetal notes of a meadow -- not a pack. They were useless to him.