Wolf RPG
Hushed Willows Will you bleed me out? - Printable Version

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Will you bleed me out? - Alduin - February 24, 2022

Set at night time around 10:00 pm :D
For @Yakone
Other tags just for reference <3

The ever restless hellhound moves south from his beautiful, rugged islands and onto mainland. Washing the stench of pack off his coat as he goes. He usually only prefers to travel when it rains to cover his scent, but he is eager to move. He never sleeps and his desire to do just about anything keeps him wandering. Even if it’s just seething in his own pointless anger while strolling under the cloudy night sky. 

That’s what he’s currently doing right now. Slinking through a forest of weeping willows. Their long, billowing vine like appendages whip softly with the wind. The moon hardly strikes through except for when the clouds make space for it. When they do, the ground, as well as his brindled pelt, are soaked in a sickly blue light. Shadows move about the ground and the trees and for some reason it has Alduin on high alert. Not like he always isn’t already on high alert, it just makes his blood hot with the urge for battle. 

So he saunters through, massive head level with bulking shoulders. His wounds are healing better from his scuffle with @Arashi so he doesn’t limp as much now, but still the phantom pain is there. His face is set into a light, somewhat relaxed scowl. Those bloody eyes of his make him look like a demon sent trait from hell in the dark of night and his pelt allows him to blend in almost seamlessly as well. Brindle has always been good camouflage, especially when it’s black, but it only helps him in the dark of night. Perhaps, it may even help him hunt something… or someone… tonight.

RE: Will you bleed me out? - Yakone - February 24, 2022

the blue cast of moonlight set the pale wolf aglow as she trekked through the willows, avoiding the shadowy places and clinging to the rippling slivers of light. nose to the ground, she snuffled through the varied forest floor foliage and debris without true purpose. merely taking note of the scents, the faint traces of wolf and other woodland creatures.

the crunch and shuffle of footsteps brought her idle nosing to a sudden stop. yakone went still, head lifting with ears upright atop her pale crown. she searched one direction carefully, then the other. as her gaze drifted back across the landscape, the source of the sound revealed itself. a wolf; towering, dark-coated, and striped in brilliant nightgleam where slivers of moonlight reflected off his coat.

she woofed softly, tail wagging uncertainly behind her. hello? her voice seemed to question; a tentative initiation to an unexpected encounter.

RE: Will you bleed me out? - Alduin - February 24, 2022

He walks and as he does he notices how silent and eerie this place is in the dead of night. He can hear every creak, every snap of nature, every small gust of wind, every rustle of leaves. Then all of a sudden he’s hearing a questioning bark. It’s a stark contrast to the background noise of nature and he’s stilling in his spot instantly. Looking around him until he spots the bright, pale shape of another wolf. 

His eyes narrow when he sees them, distinctly feminine looking and when he sniffs experimentally that too is distinctly feminine. He lifts his head some, ears cupping forward as the blood red of his eyes meets her own pale ones. His eyes roam her body next. In a calculatingly wild and suspicious manner. He sees the hesitant wag of her tail and he wonders why she wags it. Does she know him? And if she did, he’s definitely not worth wagging for. Hardly anyone would be happy to see such a grump as him, but perhaps she doesn’t know any better or simply desires company. He’s not quite sure if he wants to be that company. 

Yet, he is already here. So he tilts his chin up to her in a silent greeting despite the permanent scowl on his mug. Head lowering back down to shoulder level when he deems her not a threat. As if anything could threaten him. As if he is scared of anything but his own demons. 

It’s then he begins moving towards her. His movements are slow but casual. If she allows, he would move to circle her, nostrils flaring to get a better scent of her. He wants to know if she’s in a pack. He doesn’t smell one on her so he assumes she’s not. He wonders what she would do if he snatcher her up by the scuff and gave her a nice little thrashing, but he doesn’t do it, not yet at least, but the unhealthy thoughts of death are ever present in his mind no matter what he does. 

So he would crane his neck closer to practically press his nose into her fur. Eyes still watching her face to make sure she won’t snap back at him. He even bravely gives her a nip to her shoulder before pulling back some. Though his movements aren’t playful, he’s testing her. She might or might not think the same.

RE: Will you bleed me out? - Yakone - February 24, 2022

the wolf turned to her, scarlet eyes gleaming through the night like a bad omen. it seemed an eternity passed in that moment. theirs was a classic and timeless scene. two wolves, starkly still and vigilant as they studied one another from a distance; utter strangers connected by a single second of awareness.

then the dark wolf moved, head bobbing in acknowledgement, and the spell broke. yakone shuffled in place as the other canine approached, his scent floating toward her on the cool night breeze. young. male. healthy. but was he a threat?

the distance between them dwindled to nothing in a blink. the dark male's proximity startled her, but yakone only wiggled and yipped quietly in response to his nosing and prodding. she dropped into a play bow when he nipped her, tail stiff but still swaying slowly, and darted forward to nip him back before whirling and flitting away like a feather on the wind. she put several feet between them and turned back with another short woof, posture lingering in a tenuous balance between defensive and playful. she would not be seen as weak or afraid, but neither would she instigate a conflict.

RE: Will you bleed me out? - Alduin - February 24, 2022

She watches him the entire way over. That’s fine, he would definitely be suspicious of himself too — if he weren’t himself of course. Still, she hardly seems to have a problem with it because she’s wiggling her body and making soft yipping sounds. He takes them in — she’s not threatening at all, but he’s surprised by her almost naive attitude towards such a brute as him. 

And when he nips her, she’s bowing her soft, elegant body into a play bow which makes Alduin do a double take. He follows the line of her from her eyes to her wagging tail and one of his brows cock in surprise. She’s trying to play with him? Does he look cute or something to her? He’s supposed to be intimidating. Obviously she couldn’t care less even if his first intentions were to kill her.

Still, she plays! She even jolts forward to nip him and dance away with mirth. He doesn’t flinch as she does it and he follows her with his eyes and head as she goes. He will admit that he doesn’t quite know what to do. He’s never met a stranger that doesn’t find him intimidating or a threat in some time. He doesn’t usually play, he trains — trains to kill and maim. Sure he’s been know be in a decent mood and tease whoever he’s sparing with, but it’s not quite the same here. He has intent there in training. Here…there is no goal.

But perhaps he could indulge, maybe for a bit.

So just as wordlessly as she, he turns to face her. A light air of amusement catching in his usually emotionless eyes. He widens his stance, bloody orbs zeroing in on her, and tilts his chin up in challenge. Obviously not a serious challenge, but her type of challenge.

He would bound towards her, swooping past her and biting at her hocks and tail. Even trying to get a good tug on the plume of the appendage. Nothing too hard of course. A playful growl rumbles in his throat as he goes and he’s spinning back to face her afterwards.